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In search of Ferdinand Magellan.

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Several of us where interested in the Ferdinand Magellan challenge to cercomnavigate the globe by sea. Could the original poster please bring this back? I'm planning to Live stream my journey (hopefully this weekend). Not much of the original rules can be remembered; but as it stands, I am following these self guidlines:

1. I will be starting, and finishing at the Kerbal space center.

2. I will be taking the longer, more complete rout to cut across the northern land bridge.

3. I have abandoned the idea of flying over the land portion, for two reasons: Fuel to speed ratio to get the boat in the air across the land was not optimal, and

I have grown fond of the idea of keeping the max altitude as low as possible. This is a sea venture, after all. Keep it terrestrial.

4. The entire vessel will remain intact.

5. I have checkpoints for refueling along the way.

I say again, my hopes (if anyone is interested in checking in) is to live stream this trip on TwitchTv. I'll keep an eye on this thread for feedback from the OP or from anyone else that wants to chime in.

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I've been working on this challenge as well, probably won't start until maybe Tuesday though. I'll update you all when I do it, and I'll also probably make a time lapse from the stream =3 I'm gonna aim for a no-refueling run, but I think I should probably have a docking port just in case I need to refuel lol. My last "stage" can get me more than 1/4 (maybe even close to 1/3) of the way around the world XD

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Yes, I have fuel buoys positioned all around the globe. Sorry for not getting back to this sooner, I slept in. How about this, I will plan on going live at 1pm PST. And I will post the Twitch link here. Ekku, glad you found this. I'm determaned to beat you to it though. >:) But you're doing something write if you can make that distance. With my design I'm moving at about 130-140 m/s but I can only run for about an hour, then I have to stop for fuel.

Edit: ok, due to technical difficulties I've been pushed back 9:00 am Sunday. sorry guys. I will Link the channel here before starting. If anyone saw the first attemt.... I feel your pain.

Edited by Kerbies_are_my_Minions
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I'm sure you will beat me to it, since I'm fairly certain I won't be starting such a terribly long journey tomorrow when I'm already losing sleep to get up for work, going out to look at cars, and talking to my girlfriend on Skype XD I'm quite booked tomorrow lol. Exactly why I'm aiming for Tuesday instead. I'm confident that I'll be able to go the distance, but I'll have to run the math and make sure. I'm probably going to be averaging about 135-140 m/s, and that's with quite a lot of fuel, enough to go the whole distance. I'd be hitting close to 160 m/s when certain "stages" run low on fuel as well. Not sure what my starting speed will be though, I haven't put the whole boat in the water yet. I've mainly been putting buoys/miniature lighthouses at the major points of land I need to turn at to keep the straightest path. I figured I might as well do the closer-to-equatorial route since I know I'd only do a circumnavigation once, and I might as well do the whole shebang.

What happened on your first attempt? XD

Also, I just realized a flaw in my design... I should have used Mk3 Fuselage fuel tanks, they weigh less empty than the Mk1 tanks, AND carry more fuel =P herpaderp... I thought you would have had these things balanced, Squad! *rages slightly on the inside*

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Yeah you're right about the mass ratio for those, I noticed that too when I looked on the wiki. Also I just did the calculations for travel time vs average speed, calculated ~7.9 hours, and the fuel consumption rate of my engines at full throttle meant my former design was short about .4 hours. So, I added some tanks, and I should be able to make it all the way! I have 48 tanks, and I believe somebody in the old thread calculated something like 45 tanks @ something like ~115 m/s average (with only one engine) would make the complete circumnavigation. I'm using two engines, plus 2 more until I drop the first 20 tanks. I added a bit of leeway in case of a slightly lower average speed at full throttle (I might throttle down at higher speeds if I deem that my average speed will be too low to make the trip half way through)

Now all I have to hope for is that my boat with a full load will actually float and handle high speeds like the slimmed down version XD just to note, the fuel tanks are all separated by small decouplers and the fuel is pumped from the outside in, to keep the weight distributed properly.

Here's the beast itself, named the Sendousha, or Instigator in Japanese:


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Heh, I'm glad noone was watching the first attemp. Everything that could have gone wrong did. Not with my craft, fortunatly though. I'll not make any changes. I guess I was fortunate enough to realize early on about the mk2 tanks. my original design had mk1s, but I switched over to the mk2s when I realized the lighter weight vs more fuel, however, the tanks are almost twice as large. but not quite. So if size matters to you, you get more fuel with two mk1s than with 1 mk2 for about the same size. Routing the fuel is something I descovered too. not only for weight distribution, but for equal fuel to all my engines. Thats a nice system you have.

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Alright, so here's the update. I am on the last leg of our journey. Currantly the Dig Two and it's two brave Kerben are resting at checkpoint 9. What does this mean? It means that all we have to do now is travel from checkpoint 9 back to ksc! This evening at around 7pm pst, I will be brodcasting the end of my trip. hope to see you there.

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I will start my first leg of my trip just under two hours from now. 9pm Eastern, 8pm Central, 6pm Pacific Time. www.livestream.com/thealliancegarage in the meantime I will be streaming some small preparation for the journey, as well as a quick game of Killing Floor before I start. My friends will be on a skype call with me =3

I wasn't able to start earlier, because I had to completely redesign my boat. It's faster and can go much further now. I present, the Sendousha 7:


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I saw this thread before the rollback, and I have been preparing for my trip. I had no idea people were still trying at this... Anyway, my first attempt will begin tomorrow (Wednesday, April 24) around 2 pm Eastern time. I will be streaming it at twitch.tv/theriss

I have set up navigational buoys around the planet along the path I will take, and I have three refueling stations along the way. Hopefully I'll have enough fuel to get to them. My boat is not covered in fuel tanks, but I believe it can make it pretty far with what it has. Here is the ship I plan to make the trip with.


I really thought nobody was trying this, so I was really excited to be the first... heh.

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Well, perhaps you might be the third XD perhaps second if you're lucky lol. I was hoping the be first too, but oh well, I will be the first to do the whole trip without refueling though!

EDIT: I started my journey! www.livestream.com/thealliancegarage come and watch if you feel like it =3

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