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Rover problems :(

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After spending a few evenings getting a rover up on the mun I managed it tonight. But there is a problem. The rover wheels turn, but they do not accelerate. The status says it is optimal and I cant spot any damage.

Screenie: http://imgur.com/hW0eOUn

The brakes are on in the screenshot, when I take them off the rover rolls down the incline and I have no way to decelerate/accelerate it.

Any idea what the problem might be?

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My bad. I didn't even saw that image. It should have plenty juice to run.

Looking at it now I see, well actually I do not see, the problem: No control node. You rover is lacking a pod/probe core.

There isn't one visible you're right!

@kristinnes Do you have a command probe attached to the rover?

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It seems he has one somewhere, else he wouldn't be able to see the status of the wheels. He also says the wheels turn.

I'm thinking the rover is too light for that gravity, and those wheels aren't pressing into the ground enough to get traction. Should have used the small wheels for a rover that size.

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I also suspect that problem is traction. A heavier vehicle and/or wider layout helps press the wheels against the surface. However, an additional complication is that whatever control part you have is currently oriented to consider straight up to be "forward" as far as the controls are concerned. This is going to make steering and control whonky.

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I think Vanamonde is on the right track. It could be that the rover wheels are to close together and its losing traction. Might also need to change key mapping for rover controls. I also would like to test the .craft just out of curiosity.

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