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lol what?

BTW any one got thoughts on the kerbal, had a go at making a more.....realistic?? kerbal. or featured might be a better word for it.

do people prefer the traditional faces or is it worth me continuing this with the kerbals

I think the original faces look better, but that's just my opinion. :wink:

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Should I PM you instead of post here?

umm i think you requested that after i closed requests, so if you want to replace your plane powered by SRBS with this or not?

edit: nope your fine you requested it in time,

Edited by Rareden
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I'd like your version of the faces, but the expression for some reason makes him look constipated. :(

originally i had it planed to look like this, but it would have looked weird because they have mittens on not gloves


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SPOILER: This is how he does it:

He creates objects in the background for the 1st step in blender,3ds max,or any 3d modelling program,he models the craft into blender (Or screenshots)

And then does a bit of touching up,TADA!

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SPOILER: This is how he does it:

He creates objects in the background for the 1st step in blender,3ds max,or any 3d modelling program,he models the craft into blender (Or screenshots)

And then does a bit of touching up,TADA!

lol ok then, do feel special now you have screamed for attention? too bad you're wrong though

btw how dare you mention blender here, terrible program

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I for one really dislike lens flares, and love the clean look of these pictures. Huge lens flares really really detract from something for me, so +1 rareden for not going down that road!

Edited by NovaSilisko
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sorry for the criticisim but jool looks a bit green compared to the other two.

well one takes place in side an atmosphere ,but the recent one is in space were there is nothing to diffuse ,scatter ,or blur the color of the planet kinda like the moon in day on earth.

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