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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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  Alex1166 said:
What's wrong with SABRE M engine? It doesn't work. No exhaust and no power. Just consuming resources.

I am also having this problem. I have version I dragged and dropped gamedata on to gamedata and merged them.


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Could we get a rundown of what each plugin that came with this pack does? Or are they each a separate forum thread? One last thing to be sure; are we supposed to copy/move over the /Source/ files as well, perhaps to create a source file folder in the KSP root directory?

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I'm pretty sure its caused by a conflict between exsurgent engineering and module manager youll probably notice with the exsurgent dll loaded all your MM edits are not working either I have to remove MM to use the jets but then all my comsats don't work so I'm not useing the sabers atm and leaving the exsurgent dll out

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  smarky55 said:
The S2 issue is due to the parts being named 'cargo hold' instead of 'cargo bay' FARchecks for the latter and will ignore the first. If you change the 'title' line in the .cfg's to replace hold with bay they should work. :)

Thanks, now they're shielding parts properly :) Opening the doors doesn't unshield them, which used to happen I think, but maybe that's due to their animation functionality being changed to one that FAR's not used to.

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Found a small issue: When placing F119 Sideways, it's moving parts still move up and down.

A bit of playing really showed some interesting things. The D-30F compensates it's efficiency with actually being less powerful than the stock turbojet at most heights, while the F119 is actually extremly powerful at every height until 18k, and otherwise has a slightly better thrust to weight ratio than the other jets, additional to vastly improving your agility. I think their thrust pretty much cuts off about 909m/s or am i doing something wrong?

And all of this just at the point, where i thought choosing the right engine would be easy... Really, nice spin on engine variety.

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  toril said:
I'm pretty sure its caused by a conflict between exsurgent engineering and module manager youll probably notice with the exsurgent dll loaded all your MM edits are not working either I have to remove MM to use the jets but then all my comsats don't work so I'm not useing the sabers atm and leaving the exsurgent dll out

Good find. Removing the modulemanager.dll fixes it

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I'm sure you've all seen the large shuttle I've been using that I've built with mostly B9 parts.


After 24 missions into Orbit, and successful glide landings at KSC, it's time to unveil his little brother currently in development thanks to B9 R3




The Air Intakes are only eye-candy to make the landing gear look not so out of place. It'll reach orbit the same way as the large Orbiter, on the back of a shuttle, and it'll glide back to KSC. So Far I've only taken off from the runway, shot up and turned around to test its gliding capability, which is much better than the big bulky Saborian Shuttle. If you took the Wings and vertical stabilizer off, it would fit in the cargo bay of the larger Orbiter. There's very little to it right now, but it'll have a place and a use in my Shuttle Fleet

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Is anyone else having the issue where the 4x4 reinforced plates won't attatch to the plate adapters? It's somewhat annoying.

An example -


I'm having this problem with the 8x8 plates too, hope to see a fix!

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  toril said:
I'm pretty sure its caused by a conflict between exsurgent engineering and module manager youll probably notice with the exsurgent dll loaded all your MM edits are not working either I have to remove MM to use the jets but then all my comsats don't work so I'm not useing the sabers atm and leaving the exsurgent dll out

Confirmed. ModuleManager's loading system is incompatible with the Exsurgent SABRE's engine-swapping trick. While ModuleManager is causing the problem, due to the way ModuleManager currently has to work the best way to fix it is in the Exsurgent code. Luckily, I can write a forked version of Exsurgent's code which will fix the problem, and submit it to the authors.

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I don't know if it has been shared already but the Sabre Precoolers have an error in the Model M.cfg that causes the S to get bugged.

If you open M.cfg and go to the very first line it should read..... " name = B9_Engine_SABRE_M_Body " not " name = B9_Engine_SABRE_S_Body "

Also it seems like the nodes are off on a handful of things like the pre-coolers and intakes for the Sabre engines. I haven't investigated all of the parts yet.

Thank you BAC9 for this update. My game is much faster now. Looking forward to the minor bug fixes. Well, I'm off the build a Flying BedStead for Jeb to kill himself with. Too bad for him, all I have to do is restart flight and his nightmare begins all over again.

Edited by Payload
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  Payload said:
I don't know if it has been shared already but the Sabre Precoolers have an error in the Model M.cfg that causes the S to get bugged.

If you open M.cfg and go to the very first line it should read..... " name = B9_Engine_SABRE_M_Body " not " name = B9_Engine_SABRE_S_Body "

Also it seems like the nodes are off on a handful of things like the pre-coolers and intakes for the Sabre engines. I haven't investigated all of the parts yet.

Thank you BAC9 for this update. My game is much faster now. Looking forward to the minor bug fixes. Well, I'm off the build a Flying BedStead for Jeb to kill himself with. Too bad for him, all I have to do is restart flight and his nightmare begins all over again.

You are using old version of the mod, download R3.0c from spaceport. )

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  ialdabaoth said:
Confirmed. ModuleManager's loading system is incompatible with the Exsurgent SABRE's engine-swapping trick. While ModuleManager is causing the problem, due to the way ModuleManager currently has to work the best way to fix it is in the Exsurgent code. Luckily, I can write a forked version of Exsurgent's code which will fix the problem, and submit it to the authors.

Can you post back here when you have a working solution. :)

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So i have a little problem. I am missing lots of parts. I installed this mod from spaceport (duh) and when it installed, i exported the parts, props, resources, spaces (B9 aerospace folder in gamedata) into the KSP_win gamedata folder. Then i added all the plugins including ResGen.dll to the plugins folder. Then I merged the 2 ships folders together. I cant load any of the stock planes. I am missing a ton of stuff from the structural panel and more. I don't know whats wrong. Please help. Thank you :(

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Does anyone have a flight plan for any of the SSTO demonstrators? I tried to get one into orbit with Mechjeb 2's help (because the normal ASAS keep going nose down) but only made it to about 25km before I ran out of air, and then the oxidizer only lasted me to 40km.

Also, are there any more plans to make more rocket parts? I love the original B9 cockpit but it seems like no one really uses it, even the creator. I'd love to see some demo craft with that cockpit. Space planes are nice, but I'm more of a rocket guy. Screw gravity.

Edited by Bigred2989
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Amazing pack, I've already designed a massive interplanetary ship and a Laythe lander with it, which look amazing compared to my old stock Duna ship. One disappointing thing though, seems some S2 parts (cockpit, crewtank, wide-body bay, fueltanks) have those nifty thermal tiles painted, while some (widebody and engine adapters, from what I saw) do not. Did I install something wrong, or is that how the parts are? If it is, are there any plans to fix it? Would be much appreciated, I realize that it's a bit of work for a small nitpick.

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Can somebody help me please. I am missing a ton of parts. I installed the gamedata folder in the KSP-win -> gamedata folder and added the ships folder to KSP_win. I am missing lots of parts, mostly structural parts.

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