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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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Almost in orbit, just need to add 2 more mk1 fuselage droptanks and i will have enough fuel to circularize on the next flight.

However now it turns out that each time I load the game(which i saved before reaching apo), that my engines just detach themselves from the wings, because on load the wings move about 1m and then warp back in place - like Taverio said they will.

Is this going to be completely fixed in 2.6? I can't see a way to design a craft with these wings and not use them for engine placement.

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Can someone post a .craft file for a plane that uses the HW21 wings and FAR? Try as I might, I can't build a plane that can use those wings. I'm trying to build a nice, simple, low-part plane for Duna but I've yet to get anything off the runway. They just shake themselves apart.

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  smunisto said:

However now it turns out that each time I load the game(which i saved before reaching apo), that my engines just detach themselves from the wings, because on load the wings move about 1m and then warp back in place - like Taverio said they will.

Try opening the part.cfg file for the wings and deleting the "CoMOffset = -4, 0, 0" line; it seems to fix that.

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  moxzot said:
love the wings and parts in this pack but having to strut the wings together cause they are floppy is a pain you guys should try to fix that

They are trying to fix that. There are limitations to what they can do with the parts because of unity and the physics. bac9 and Taverius have previously said that the wings thing is being looked into.

Side note: A little grammar couldn't hurt in the future please. It took a few re-reads to make that post understandable in my head. Commas and periods do wonders!

In the event you are a non-native English speaker than I am sorry for my above comment and I hope I don't come off as hostile or offensive because that was not my intent.

Below is a hedgehog in a sombrero as a peace offering:


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  smunisto said:
I can't do this anymore, it really drives me crazy.

After 1 week and numerous iterations of the same basic hull and wings(HW21), i still cannot get the damn thing to space.

The idea:

A heavy cargo craft, carrying DEMV 4 Rat DROP pod(or any other payload up to 20t).

The problems I am having:

I am using Taverio's revised jet engines, which means they are less powerful.

Now I managed to get the required amount of engines for the altitude i want for transition - 12 engines, with intake ratio 4:1.

If I tilt the wings 5 degrees up, to get more lift - at high altitudes the SSTO becomes unstable and eventually does a backward/forward roll.

The latest version allowed me to have a stable climb to 23 000 m, speed of around 1100 m/s and then the craft stops climbing. If i pitch up more than 30 degrees I can't bring the nose back down and it rolls.

I tried transitioning at 23 000 m - it just pitched down and made a roll - this may be due to the fact the winglets in the front are tilted 5 deg down, to stabilise the ascent.

Please help me, i have no idea how to get this thing to space.

I am sharing some pics and the craft file, but since i make heavy use of mods - it may be hard to test for the visitors in this thread.

In any case - mods used are:

1. B9 obviously;

2. KW Rocketry;

3. Taverio's Pizza and Aerospace

4. TAC Fuel Balancer

5. MechJeb

6. DEMV Mk 4 -RAT with DROP pod

7. KAS - Kerbal Attachment System

8. Aviation lights

Here are the screens:





Craft file:


I do have successfully bring in orbit such a plane. (25tons) using mechjeb b9 and stock parts. PM me if you want to have the latest craft file. is a perfect spaceplane but you can't go warp because the wing will explode.

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  a.g. said:
Try opening the part.cfg file for the wings and deleting the "CoMOffset = -4, 0, 0" line; it seems to fix that.

Thanks, I will try this.

In the mean time after slapping some drop-tanks and additional fuel + engines i managed to break the bonds of the kerbin atmosphere -

SSTO Space

  pinolallo said:
I do have successfully bring in orbit such a plane. (25tons) using mechjeb b9 and stock parts. PM me if you want to have the latest craft file. is a perfect spaceplane but you can't go warp because the wing will explode.

Thanks, I managed to get my own in orbit too.

You are using the default turbojet engines too, Taverio's mod replaces them with much less powerful ones, which are more realistic.

Even if i get it, it will never lift for me with just 4 engines :) Thanks though :)

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I was very inspired today and made 2 shuttles :)

First of all, inspired by the Eagle from WhiteOwl : Freedom




And the second one : Discover



Considering what I usually design, I'm quite happy with those 2 :) The only things I miss are a docking port for HL and a cargobay and a docking port for S2. But it's still a great pack :P

Edited by Netris
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Taverius or bac9 could one of you enlighten us and tell what will be specifics of SABRE engine i terms of thrust, Isp (vac., atmo.), probably no thrust vectoring, ratio if it will have it? Will it be like real one with atmospheric Isp 3600s, vacuum Isp 460s? Thrust 200-300kN? and what would be ETA? :) I would like to start calculating my designs :)

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SO hey i have a question for you guys! and i'm not sure if itsthe right place to do so! but i'm using thesepartsfrom this mod so any how ibuild a sucessful glidign shuttle with a bay door ect and i got it to launch vertically and it flys well with the Solide boosters andbig fuel tank ( Space shuttle config) but as soon as i sep the Solid boosters the thign pitches foward in a foward spin... Any 1 know how to fix this? Moove the tank up so there more weight at the front while upside down to counter the trust? Gumble engines??? if so how? Any how sugestions wellcomed.!

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I don't know what you've been smoking but can I have some too please?

No seriously Dermeister. Your message barely makes any sense at all. Using some punctuations would make it a LOT clearer to read and understand.

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  loppnessmonsta said:
Yes. And that's exactly what's happening in your description. The CoM can shift while you're in flight.

Makes sence sicne as soon as i Jettison the Solidbooster BAM! Spin occures.

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  Dermeister said:
Makes sence sicne as soon as i Jettison the Solidbooster BAM! Spin occures.

Try using Damned Robotics. There's a hinge in the pack and you can gimbal your engine as you want and when you want.

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Yea i just got that mod only thign is all the Hinges are Huge and the engins i got don't really fit... humm cause my mai nthrust engine has 1200 KTU andi cant replicate that its a pretty big shuttle... like huge..SO if you guys know of a good Gimbal mod that is not all huge and clonky andcan fit 1 big engine on it, it sounds like it's what i need :)

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