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KIDI- Kerbal Interplanetary Defence Initiative

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20 parts make up the 4 xenon fuel packs. Those are attached via docking ports, so they can be removed and added. I may have also added more than enough batteries and RTG's. It comes in at 180 tons full so I have a ways to go before I can launch this from the ground .. lol

also I need you to test a possible fatal design flaw in the XC-305. Get her into orbit and turn off SAS and let it sit for 10 minutes. Ive been experiencing an odd spin that increases speed until the ship loses structural integrity. I tested the 700 last night and it suffers no such flaw. Ive lost 2 305's and their crews to this.

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I expereince many ships starting spin - you can see it on control display on pitch and yaw indicators... Quicksave and load helps...

When would be 700 aviable for buyers? I would like to have at least one above Laythe if anything... Arming it with torpedoes would ad 56 parts.

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I expereince many ships starting spin - you can see it on control display on pitch and yaw indicators... Quicksave and load helps...

When would be 700 aviable for buyers? I would like to have at least one above Laythe if anything... Arming it with torpedoes would ad 56 parts.

I will try and have something for everyone tonight. May create a spacestation/starbase for supporting these.. Or I will start on the XF's Experimental Frigate. Or.. getting the XC's to 7000+ Dv if possible

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Well, station is a nice idea, but to be realistic - bringing XC-305 or 700 to a station would cause horrible lag and you still have to supply the station, so placing XC on orbit and flying multiple sorties of supply ship is much more efficient and doable in my opinion...

I launch XC-305 and it takes me 2 more launches to get in fighting shape - one for fuel and one for armament.

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We feel the prototypes for the XC-700 are far along enough to provide our customers (Babylon) with test hulls so we can get feedback on their future needs. Recognizing that not all customers have the resources to field a fully equipped 700 in support trim we are providing 2 hulls. The XC-701 and the XC-701B. As these are prototypes no launch system will be provided until final delivery. Download

The XC-701 is fully equipped and ready to fly into any arena. The final part count has clocked in at 336 parts. What we are most proud of is the Delta-V gain from the 700, the final Dv number is 7029 m/s with a total burn time of 34 minutes in a vacuum accelerating at 1/3 of a G.



The XC-701B uses the 701 frame but stripped of optional features. While still a potent cruiser, the 701B will not support xenon space fighter refueling out of the box. Power generation is also down from the 701 as well as power storage capacity. It will support refueling of SSTO's however as we feel this was a capability that was not worth losing given the 701B's range capabilities. All of these changes have reduced the part count to a slim 285 parts, final Dv is 6708 m/s in vacuum and a burn time of 30 minutes 31 seconds.



Download Here

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Ok, I just brought online first operational MCLEC Essex (XC-305 series) which I did minor modifications such as removing most of the solar panels, some batteries and lights, but I added 2 xenon containers. I armed it with 8 torpedoes (since I forgot it has 12 hardpoints - I need to do another launch and redesign my ammo carrier to carry 12 pieces).

I´ll begun trials of XC-700 (propably B variant again with minor tweaks by myself) on sunday.

How should I name it´s class for needs of Project BABYLON? I´ve decided that I will suspend XC-305 series launches because XC-700 series seems to be superior in every aspect and I don´t want to wais effort arming fleet of XC-305 series of ship and then rendering them obsolete.

But MCLEC Essex will stay in oribt for now, since it is armed and fueled.

Few pics of my MCLEC Essex re-arming in space:

In orbit - note lack of solar pannels and 2 xenon tanks on nose:


Quick response ammo carrier on way!



Astrodroid hard at work!



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Word of advice with the X-700 series.. The asymmetrical fuel tank on the bottom side of the ship should NOT be connected to the other fuel tanks. It is the counter balance for the asymmetrical bridge. Empty it at your own peril or have a lot of rcs to counter the shift in the center of mass.

Oops the one i removed by mistake.. thats the one you dont remove.. lol

Redownload the XC-700 it has been updated to counter the imbalance that exists in the first upload.

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Hey! I've got a new one, fresh from the inauguration of my military thread:

UKSN Tortuga

A way smaller frigate, It is an evolution of my earlier, unarmored ones, exposed on here, but with room for docking only two auxiliary SSTO fighters. A bigger complement of missiles, though, and a couple of sensor/spy satellites. A good workhorse to send on long-range missions. Comes with launch vehicle.






The full list of Mods, in my brand new thread (They are absolutely non-essential).

Rune. Imagine a world without copy-paste, and shiver in fear.

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I have 2 Cruisers 1 light and one medium.

The first is the the first one i made for project Babylon and is currently under development for a launch stage(its really heavy)

It has 8 smart missiles and around 6700 DeltaV. Part count is in the 530-550 range and its nimble for its size.

All pictures were taken in space thanks to hyper-edit



The Light Cruiser has 4 Smart missles and was made just for a break from devolping the larger one. Part count is in the 300-350 range but still weighs the same as its larger cousin.Also very nimble when rcs turned on.




I love this ship Brobel

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The Leviathan!


-re-loadable missile racks

-short & medium range proximity missiles (LAZOR missiles)



Launching Missile salvo!


WOW note to self do not be in the blast radius of multiple anti-ship missiles xD

its soo awesome seeing the blast wave go through my ship destroying major joints one by one.


the crew survived though.....MORE TO COME!

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23278: Reminds me of Imperial cruiser from star wars! Magnificent job!

The crazy thing is, despite it weighing 300 tons and being six Jumbo-64 tanks long, it was the easiest out of all my ships to get into orbit. Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to do with over 8000dv, lol.

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Unlike my early succeses i seem to be heavily lagging behind donlokiman here. :L Ok back to the drawing board. Might try to go back to smaller ships and work bigger. And the armour is definately ruining the part counts.

Hmmm i feel an idea coming on, or maybe a mental breakdown...... can never tell......

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And all seems to be going well, I´m awaiting first operational X-701B and then I can propably proclaim myself as Overlord of Kerbol system :D

X-305 is pretty capable, but X-700 series is new kind of a beast :) And XF-100 will also be a game changer I think :)

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Donlokiman: Any chance of a download for the XF-100 or is it still classified tech? :D

I must admit my ship currently in development is heavily based on stolen tech. No idea if its gonna be a success though

Edit: Ok maybe i'm just being blonde here but i can't finf the XC-305 download either. Its not in with the 306, 402 and 500.

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