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Good launch vehicles?


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I await seeing the fruits of AmpsterMan's labors.
I am keen to see the hard work that you have put into creating your rockets :)
I would like to see them.

Wow didn't expect people to really care XD. Please note, whereas for some time now I have been avoiding the traditional asparagus Launch Vehicles, it is only until recently that I have made an attempt to get rid of crossfeeding entirely. Still, I kinda like my Delta and Falcon like vehicles so I placed them in my album for comparative purposes. Also, it isn't until earlier this week that finally made a Saturn type launcher that I truly enjoyed. It was mainly designed with getting to the moons in mind. I do however have plans for an uprated Saturn vehicle in my mind. I have also experimented with some Angara rockets and those were nice as well. Still, not enough play testing was done to ensure their stay in my fleet so they were not included.

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Edit: The tanks at the top are to showcase what the vehicles can get to LKO. I don't really do precise measurements so I measure mass to LKO in fuel tanks :P

Edited by AmpsterMan
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