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Sea Sickness Cure - walking on floating vessels


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Sea Sickness Cure


Current Version: 0.3

Release date: 2013-04-23

Download: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/sea-sickness-cure/

This mod allows you to eva and walk around on ships that float in the water (or in the air using hooligans airships mod).

Please use this thread to write any comments / suggestions you have about this mod. If you are experiencing problems with it please upload the vessel you have tried it on (remove all non-stock parts besides my one first) so I can test it myself and improve the mod.


Version 0.3:

  • Added support for the Airships mod by Hooligan Labs (walking + mid-air saving)
  • Nudge feature can be disabled via gui
  • Fixed vector calculations for nudge feature
  • Fixed "Jesus Bug" (walking on water)

Version 0.2:

  • you no longer need to turn the part off/on manually
  • kerbals who fall over will get a small bump to bring them back to their feet.

Version 0.1:

  • initial release

Edited by dukeofhell
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I have updated the mod directory structure, tidied the code (no functional changes needed) and created a new model.

Download here.

I didn't attempt to look through the thread for bugs to fix - the original author will probably come back and fix any problems.

Otherwise leave me a message and with the problem and I'll take a look. :D

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I have updated the mod directory structure, tidied the code (no functional changes needed) and created a new model.

Download here.

I didn't attempt to look through the thread for bugs to fix - the original author will probably come back and fix any problems.

Otherwise leave me a message and with the problem and I'll take a look. :D

You still made the part a lil party hat right?? Kerbals need their party hats!!! Even on boats...

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