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Sea Sickness Cure - walking on floating vessels


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I made it into a surface-attachable lifesaver, should I bring back the cone with a bandaid? :D

How would one switch that model to something else? I'm grateful for the cleanup work, but that lifesaver is too big to fit on most of my ships, and it seems like a good excuse for me to learn a new way to break my KSP install. :wink:

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Wanted to thank you for this. Planning a Boat Launch/Refueling base on Laythe, where the middle is walkable. This made it possible (after grabbing that updated version). You should update the version in the Spaceport. I was still using that.

Again, thank you. :D

Edited by Benie
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  • 1 month later...

I have been using this mod for a while without problems (used Razcheks update). Now i have encountered a very strange bug:

For a very specific and otherwise stock craft i made, adding the lifesaver-part anywhere screws up the orbit path calculation in map mode. I cannot reproduce the bug on a simple ship. When i launch the ship without the lifesafer part, everything is fine. Adding it screws up the orbit everytime i switch to map mode - no orbital path is drawn, and the apoapsis can be seen rising to infinity within the first second. "Disable nudge" does not change anything.

To reproduce: Download this craft, add a lifesafer/seasickcure-part, launch it and switch to map mode

@Razchek or dukeofhell: It would be great if you could take a look at this

Edited by SirJodelstein
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  • 2 months later...

Well, it used to work great in previous game versions, but right now it murders any vessel after loading it. My test boat(the lightest, smallest part, to be precise...) ended up on Kerbol escape trajectory, blazing through Kerbin's atmosphere at 20km/s :D

I have no experience dealing with plugins, and don't really know how this one is coded, but maybe one way to avoid this would be by checking if a vessel to be saved is floating, and if yes, save it to persistent/quicksave back as "splashed"? To be switched back to "landed" after loading it again. This would enable walking just fine, like on landed ships, and wouldn't cause any problems with loading.

Right now the only safe method that works for me is grappling to the seabed using a modified KAS cable with a claw on the end, but it takes a looong time to activate and can bug out anyways...

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  • 4 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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