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Boxed version of the final game


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I don't know how many "old school gamers" are playing Kerbal, but this game is so good that I would like to have a boxed copy of it when it leaves the Alpha stage. It's nice to have internet distribution, but nothing beats a physical copy of the game which I than could add to my shelf collection. I really wouldn't mind to buy the game a second time, just to get a boxed version. Is there any chance there will be such a thing or will the developers aim for a 100% digital distribution?

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I don't know how many "old school gamers" are playing Kerbal, but this game is so good that I would like to have a boxed copy of it when it leaves the Alpha stage. It's nice to have internet distribution, but nothing beats a physical copy of the game which I than could add to my shelf collection. I really wouldn't mind to buy the game a second time, just to get a boxed version. Is there any chance there will be such a thing or will the developers aim for a 100% digital distribution?

Squad avoid the publishing nightmare by keeping it digitally distributed. If you want a hard copy then I suggest burning a copy to a CD. Use photoshop to make a cool looking cover, and then sticking that on the box.

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Squad avoid the publishing nightmare by keeping it digitally distributed. If you want a hard copy then I suggest burning a copy to a CD. Use photoshop to make a cool looking cover, and then sticking that on the box.
That's not quite the real deal. It might not matter to a lot of people, but as a collector I'd like to have something original.
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Yeah, physical copies require a large "lump sum" to get started, so it's not likely we'll ever see it. But make your own out of printed card, like 90's PC games in huge boxes. Then post it on here so we can gawp at it.

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I don't see a point in a boxed copy. That's a thing of the past. Boxes just take space and gather dust. I cleaned out a bunch of boxes a while ago. Only one I kept was Sam & Max Hit the Road.

You don't need a boxed copy to have merchandise, like Kerbal Figurines... or a cloth delta-V map with a Kraken illustration on it.

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Boxed copy or not I would like a Kerbal figurine. I usually hate it when games do that sort of merch but something about that is strangely appealing. I think the community should pitch in the 3 cents each and we'll send one to one of these private space firms with the request they take it along on a flight and send us a photo :)

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Yeah, I think the era of physical game media is on it's way out. Increasing bandwidth and storage density have kind of made it obsolete. I have a feeling KSP will remain frequently updated once it leaves alpha, and even beta, like Minecraft. Especially with the recently announced update schedule and DLC statement. A physical copy is not very useful if it will be out of date soon after it's released. You don't see a box copy of Minecraft, right?

I do agree merch is a good idea though! :D Real-life scale model rocket building set, anyone?

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Squad avoid the publishing nightmare by keeping it digitally distributed. If you want a hard copy then I suggest burning a copy to a CD. Use photoshop to make a cool looking cover, and then sticking that on the box.

I would like to do this. But, I don't have any blank CD covers.

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Yeah, physical copies require a large "lump sum" to get started, so it's not likely we'll ever see it. But make your own out of printed card, like 90's PC games in huge boxes. Then post it on here so we can gawp at it.

Well, you never know, maybe it will be a surprise super-hit and sell millions, and then they would release a boxed version.

I guess that's not too likely though, the average gamer probably doesn't have the patience for KSP.

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I don't see a point in a boxed copy. That's a thing of the past. Boxes just take space and gather dust. I cleaned out a bunch of boxes a while ago. Only one I kept was Sam & Max Hit the Road.

You don't need a boxed copy to have merchandise, like Kerbal Figurines... or a cloth delta-V map with a Kraken illustration on it.

And some of us still want this. I have a dedicated room in my home given over to the amount of video game memorabilia collected over nearly 2 decades of gaming; digital distribution has been the death of my hobby!

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I like the idea of merch.

Imagine a physical set of rocket parts, that can be snapped together magnetically.

Magnets would go where attachment nodes are, or on the side that likes to attach radially.

Decouplers could have clasps and springs.

Build your fave rocket, and sit it on your desk!

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I think this is technically an indie game which means they won't have the money to ship hard copies around the world like big publishers. Digital distrubution is their best bet and the most convenient for everyone.

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I wouldnt buy a box these days. I used to love getting boxed copies in the 80s/90s though, when you got a lovely large box plus manual and keyboard chart etc. Best ever boxed copies I remember getting were of flight sims like Tornado and EF2000 where you got lovely manuals and keycharts, and I remember Frontier Elite, in which you got a novel as well as a manual and a wallchart of the universe. And even Hearts of Iron 2 more recently was quite good in that you got a proper manual and a medal! The last time I got a proper paper manual (and research/unit wall chart!) was with Civilisation 4.

But things are done so cheaply these days in comparison. With the small DVD boxes now in which all you get is a disk, getting a boxed copy is pointless, when you can download a copy and not have anything to collect dust/take up storage in your house.

You have to question the value of some games these days in which you get a download or disk only for £35-45 whereas before you used to get a great big box, full colour manual, wallchart, keyboard chart etc for a lot less money as well. Why do things have to get more expensive and yet be of lower quality? It seems you have to pay the earth for anything of quality these days that you could take for granted 30 years ago. Strange world it is now .... greed rules now it seems where everything is done as cheaply as possible ... the world now seems to lack the pride of doing something of high quality compared to years ago.

Edited by nats
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lets go, who will make the best cover for ksp.

This should match a normal game cover


When i have some free time, i will try it on the weekend.

It's not actually a bad idea for some sort of contest :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Could be fun. I don't see why a lil contest can't be organised - the best bit is we'd get multiple covers so if you don't like the winning design, you can print out one of the other entrants :D

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I miss boxed games :( Where i live only has interent about half the time and when it does have it its only a few kb a second so downloading games is a nightmare.

At least KSP doesn't require interent to play :) unlike lots of other games these days and the rumors of the consoles :(

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I miss boxed games :( Where i live only has interent about half the time and when it does have it its only a few kb a second so downloading games is a nightmare.

At least KSP doesn't require interent to play :) unlike lots of other games these days and the rumors of the consoles :(

Well your location says "Under the sea". I'm surprised you get internet at all!

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