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[AnyOS] KSP Mod Admin v2 - Mod install with a few clicks


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Hi Pondafarr,

the problem with the "cl_large_observationModule" part is its first line of its part.cfg file.

My part parser didn't recognize the begining of the part definition because there is a missing whitespace between "part" and "{".

(ok, ok the parser was just a quick hack like almost everthing in KSP MA ;))

I have fixed the bug, but till i release the new KSP MA PR7 version, you have to change the part.cfg file by hand to avoid the problem.

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KSP MA v1.4.0 PR7

The new version of KSP MA will require the .net 4.5 framework!

If you doesn't already use the .net 4.5 framework, you have to download the installer from Microsoft (here) and install it.

New / Fixes:

  • .Net framework update to 4.5.
  • Collision detection added.
    Check if two or more mods have the same destination for a file. If a collision is detected the "Collision solving" dialog will pop up, where you can chose if the installed files should be kept or if another mod should install the files.
  • Update check for KSP Forum mods added (KSP MA checks the Edit date of the first post of the thread to determine if a mod was updated or not). NOTE: Auto Update is NOT available for KSP Forum mods yet -> update those mods manually by removing the old mod and downloading the new one.
  • Saving of column size of ModSelection TreeListView added.
  • SharpCompress.dll update to v0.10.3.
  • Bug "Part parsing - Missing whitespace between part and {" fixed. -> Thanks to Pondafarr

Update check for KSP Forum mods:

To enable the update check for KSP Forum mods, you have to enter a valid KSP Forum URL to the ModInfos and check the checkbox next to the TextBox. KSP MA compares the Edit date of the first post with the created date of the modinfos.

Thanks for the inspiration to Llorx with his new Mod Manager project.

Edited by MacTee
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New Issue:

MA 1.4.0 refuses to recognize MechJeb AR202 as a valid part (completely fresh install on both, MJ 2.2.1 release version, and the .240 dev doesn't work either) Part.cfg looks correct.

How do you suggest I troubleshoot this?

Also, The collision detector is tough to understand, it tells you there IS a collision, but isn't clear how to determine which file it's colliding with, or a way to see which is more current.

Workaround: renamed all my mod archives with a priority prefix:

1-System (eg: ActiveTexture, pre-built configs)

2-DLL (MechJeb, Firespitter, Toolbar)

3-Parts (Novapunch, B-9, Kethane)


This forces the mods to load in the order I perceive is best, and helps determine if a part mod tries to backload firespitter, I'll know its already been done, so I can override the collision easier.

Edited by Pondafarr
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  Pondafarr said:
New Issue:

MA 1.4.0 refuses to recognize MechJeb AR202 as a valid part (completely fresh install on both, MJ 2.2.1 release version, and the .240 dev doesn't work either) Part.cfg looks correct.

How do you suggest I troubleshoot this?

The problem here is that there are multiple parts in one file. KSP MA expects just one part in a part.cfg file =(

  Pondafarr said:
Also, The collision detector is tough to understand, it tells you there IS a collision, but isn't clear how to determine which file it's colliding with, or a way to see which is more current.

Workaround: renamed all my mod archives with a priority prefix:

1-System (eg: ActiveTexture, pre-built configs)

2-DLL (MechJeb, Firespitter, Toolbar)

3-Parts (Novapunch, B-9, Kethane)


This forces the mods to load in the order I perceive is best, and helps determine if a part mod tries to backload firespitter, I'll know its already been done, so I can override the collision easier.

I would recommend to install the Toobar or Firespitter mod (or mods like them) from the original author (ignore versions that come with other mods).

If you install them that way you can always click on "keep installed files" and keep the files from the original installation.

About detailed infos of a collision:

Most of the time it would be irrelevant which file collides cause if you install the mods from the original author its almoste guaranteed that this will be the "up to date" version (don't forget to enable the version controll via Spaceport or KSPForum). If this is the case you will always know which modfiles you want to keep.

Do you agree?

You don't have to rename your mods, use the Note filed and sort the Mods with that column ... KSP MA proceeds the mods in sort order.

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Exactly, just worded differently. If I can force the original archive to load first, then any subsequent archives are able to be identified and skipped. I'll definitely look at getting all the forum/spaceport links updated.

And I'll dig into the Mechjeb parts some more; the MechJeb Pod is read correctly, it's the basic AR202 that is acting up.

I would recommend to install the Toobar or Firespitter mod (or mods like them) from the original author (ignore versions that come with other mods).

If you install them that way you can always click on "keep installed files" and keep the files from the original installation.

You don't have to rename your mods, use the Note filed and sort the Mods with that column ... KSP MA proceeds the mods in sort order.

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I seem to have the same issues Pondafarr mentioned.

I notice that with the parts, KSP MA finds only "MechJeb Features-Rendezvous_Docking", that is the part going with the part name "mumech_MJ2_AR202_features4". The part.cfg from MechJeb2/Parts/MechJeb2_AR202" has 5 different "PARTS {" defined, and the one going by "features4" is the LAST of those.

With any of the ships that have the MJ2_AR202, the part listed is named "mumech.MJ2.AR202", that is the name with the FIRST of the "PARTS {" defined in the parts.cfg.

From the above, my guess is that KSP MA parses each of the *.cfg files for parts, but each time it finds a "PART {" definition, it uses the LAST one found, instead of keeping them all. To correct the issue, KSP MA should parse all the definitions (some *.cfg files effectively hold more parts), though in the case of the AR202 it would work just keeping the FIRST part found.

About collision detection, I too am having some issues with 1.4PR7. Struggling to find a way to deal with the already installed mods (multiple collisions detected), up to now the only way out I found is to uninstall any conflicting mod and reinstall without the conflicting files. THat is so annoying (having to reenter all info about mods) that I am rather keeping mods as they are.

Anyway, the conflict works perfectly well for customisation files, I just have to let KSP MA know about those and their destination, and it marks correctly what other files from a mod are superseded by them :).

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  diomedea said:
I seem to have the same issues Pondafarr mentioned.

I notice that with the parts, KSP MA finds only "MechJeb Features-Rendezvous_Docking", that is the part going with the part name "mumech_MJ2_AR202_features4". The part.cfg from MechJeb2/Parts/MechJeb2_AR202" has 5 different "PARTS {" defined, and the one going by "features4" is the LAST of those.

With any of the ships that have the MJ2_AR202, the part listed is named "mumech.MJ2.AR202", that is the name with the FIRST of the "PARTS {" defined in the parts.cfg.

From the above, my guess is that KSP MA parses each of the *.cfg files for parts, but each time it finds a "PART {" definition, it uses the LAST one found, instead of keeping them all. To correct the issue, KSP MA should parse all the definitions (some *.cfg files effectively hold more parts), though in the case of the AR202 it would work just keeping the FIRST part found.

This problem ist fixed with the next version. PR8 is coming soon (just a few more hours to wait ;))

  diomedea said:

About collision detection, I too am having some issues with 1.4PR7. Struggling to find a way to deal with the already installed mods (multiple collisions detected), up to now the only way out I found is to uninstall any conflicting mod and reinstall without the conflicting files. THat is so annoying (having to reenter all info about mods) that I am rather keeping mods as they are.

Anyway, the conflict works perfectly well for customisation files, I just have to let KSP MA know about those and their destination, and it marks correctly what other files from a mod are superseded by them :).

I'm sorry that there are problems with the conflic detection. i must confess that i don't understand what the problem is.

Is it just confusing or is the auto solving broke? Maybe a .cfg file would help me so i can see the problems by myself ;)

With PR8 there will be a "Show collision files" button in the collision solving dialog. It shows a list of conflicting files. This should help to determine which mod should keep the files.

EDIT: Could it be that the problem is that when the mods with the conflicts are already installed and you start KSP MA you get the conflicts but there is no button / dialog popup to solve the conflicts?

i have totally forgot to add this =(

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Here the kspmodadmin.cfg from my main install (quite a number of mods installed). With 1.4PR6 all installed mods are shown green (some are not installed: black - and some files are there just for the record: grey). With 1.4PR7 a number of mods are in orange, opening them it shows at least one orange element that is conflicting with another mod (Toolbar mostly, but others as well).

I try to selectively deselect or uninstall the conflicting files manually, but no change.

Button to autosolve conflicts with existing mods...would be nice :).

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KSP MA v1.4.0 PR8

The new version of KSP MA will require the .net 4.5 framework!

If you doesn't already use the .net 4.5 framework, you have to download the installer from Microsoft (here) and install it.

New / Fixes:

  • .Net framework update to 4.5.
  • Kerbal CurseForge and KSP Forum support:
    • Version checking for both added.
    • Direct download via add dialog & ModBrowser from those sites added.
    • Auto update install added.

    [*]Behavior of add button on ModSelection changed:

    Button will now open the add mod dialog. Here you can enter (or paste) a path, a Spaceport URL, CurseForge URL or a KSP Forum URL to a mod. KSP MA will then download the mod (if necessary) and adds it to the ModSelection.

    [*]ModBrowser "Add mod" button added. (Gets ModInfos, downloads and adds the mod from current website).

    [*]Collision detection added.

    Check if two or more mods have the same destination for a file. If a collision is detected the "Collision solving" dialog will pop up, where you can chose if the installed files should be kept or if another mod should install the files.

    • "Show conflicts" button added.
    • "Solve conflicts" button added to the ModSelection context menu.

    [*]BUG "ModSelection don't clear when last mod was removed" fixed.

    [*]BUG "Part parsing - Multiple Parts in one part.cfg" fixed. -> Thanks to Pondafarr

    [*]New Icons

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It's getting way better with any new pre-release (you should really be thinking at an official new release, actually) :).

With 1.4 PR8, confirm the parts are all listed, the issue with MJ2_AR202 is gone and therefore no ship is "in the red".

The conflict solver is helping a lot, already corrected a number of issues with it, though it appears to have something to improve yet:

- same files (path/file_name) from different mods are marked as conflicts, and that is correct. But are marked as conflict also same folders (path/folder_name), even if the actual folder contents are totally different. Some mod authors use the same folder name for different mods (e.g. blizzy, Talisar, Taranis_Elsu (ThunderAerospace), Trigger_Au (TriggerTech), rbray (BoulderCo)). Would recommend to keep conflict logic only for files, remove for folders.

- some confusion may arise in particular cases, and the solver shows mod names incorrectly (here a dialog showing a conflict, but with a custom submod listed twice, instead of the other mod involved (Kerbal Engineer Redux); the issue occurs with the cfg I sent before). The solver wasn't able in the end to sort what were the files I wanted to keep, I had to reinstall them by hand. At the moment I have unclear what could cause that.

Very nice all the other improvements!

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Yes, just some minor bugfixes and tweaks then i'll make make the 1.4 release =)

The conflict solving thing is a little tricky...

My first attempt was files only but then the solver leaves the conflicting folder(s) installed in the conflicting mods and it(they) will get checked and show up in green (like installed). To get ride of that i had to add the conflicting folders too.

I'll dive into it during the weekend. Thanks for the info which mods causes the problems! =)

I have noticed a bug when you download a mod via ModBrowser the conflict check failds. :(

Stay tuned for a fix ...

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Just a quick note to add to the previous comment on mods with same folder paths, an example which just bit me with 1.4. PR7 (that I may or may not have sorted somewhat with update to PR8 and some manual TLC) was Environmental Visual Enhancements, Better Atmospheres, and Active Texture Management - critically the EVE and ATM mods both using BoulderCo folder - the only option I was getting on PR7 was for either EVE or ATM to 'own' the BoulderCo folder, so whichever one I chose nuked the other's subdirectories.

Hope this is of help as a specific-ish example case to test.


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KSP MA v1.4.0 PR9

The new version of KSP MA will require the .net 4.5 framework!

If you doesn't already use the .net 4.5 framework, you have to download the installer from Microsoft (here) and install it.

New / Fixes:

  • Export/Import of ModPacks added (to make bug hunting more easy to me ;)) -> inspired by KSPMM.
  • Option Tab:
    • Auto backup options moved to Options tab.
    • Conflict detection On/Off option added.
    • Show conflict solver dialog option added.
      Default is off cause its a little buggy ;) If you want to test it just check the option on the Options / Misc tab.
    • Node colorization can now be customized.

    [*]BUG "Version control not set properly when download via ModBrowser" fixed.

    [*]BUG "ModSelection and ModRegister don't clear properly when a mod was removed" fixed.

    [*]BUG "LinkSelection Window closes immediately" fixed.

    Now the KSP Forum link selection should work properly!


Thanks for the additional details.

The Conflict solvin dialog is still buggy, i'll have a look on that in the next days.

Could you send me a ModPack (without Mods) of the conflicting mods?

EDIT: Sry, now the download link works =)

Edited by MacTee
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I wanted to say how glad I am to see that this tool is being progressed. It is an essential part of my KSP setup.

I haven't had too much luck with the V1.4.0.9 version in a number of areas, but I do realise it is still under development. In particular, the tool has not been able to download from forum sites.

The closest to success that I have managed was this morning when I tried to download the Science Library. The tool asked "Please select on(sic) of the following links where the mod could be downloaded", but only presented an option for "(Collection)". When I selected "(Collection)", I received the error message "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List'1[system.String]' to type 'System.String'"

I hope that helps you in getting this great tool closer to release.

Many thanks, and keep up the good work

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Hi cpottinger,

in the case of the Science Librrary mod i would recomand to use the spaceport link in the "Add mod" dialog, cause there is noch direct download on the KSP Forum site.

But your right with the bug of the select link dialog. i have fixed it already but i have found another one that i have to fix befor i release the PR10.

Thanks for the error report!


Fixed so far:

  • BUG "KSP forum site parsing and RegEx matching" fixed.
    When KSP MA dont finds a download link on a KSP Forum site, a new browser will open, where you can browse to the download link, and start the downlod. KSP MA will notice the file download and copys the url.
  • BUG "Outdated marked mods won't get unmarked on AddDate/CreationDate change" fixed.
    When you change the AddDate or Changed date the Outdate state of the mod will now be updated.
  • BUG "Mismatching default node colors" fixed.
    Defaults are now "Zip archiv missing" = red and "No destination detected" = gray

Now some more bug hunting ... =)

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Glad to help. As I said, this tool is essential: I use it everyday, whether I end up having a KSP session that day or not.

Can I throw in one small request? One thing that always bothers me is that when I click on the Backup saves button to initiate a backup, there is no indication in the status box at the bottom that the backup has started or is in progress. Since I backup to a NAS device over a wireless connection it can take a few minutes. Sometimes it is hard to tell whether I actually started a backup or not. I would like to request a "backup started..." message to confirm that the action is in progress.

Again, thanks so much for this tool.

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KSP MA v1.4.0 PR10

The new version of KSP MA will require the .net 4.5 framework!

If you doesn't already use the .net 4.5 framework, you have to download the installer from Microsoft (here) and install it.

New / Fixes:

  • URL TextBox added to ModBrowser.
  • BUG "KSP forum site parsing and RegEx matching" fixed.
    When KSP MA don't finds a download link on a KSP Forum site, a new browser will open, where you can browse to the download link, and start the download. KSP MA will notice the file download and copies the URL.
    There are still some problems with mediafire links =(.
  • BUG "KSP Forum download filename parsing problems" fixed.
    Now downloads from DropBox and KSP Spaceport or other sources is possible (from the link selection browser dialog).
    There are still some problems with mediafire links =(.
  • BUG "Outdated marked mods won't get unmarked on AddDate/CreationDate change" fixed.
    When you change the AddDate or Changed date the outdated state of the mod will now be updated.
  • BUG "Mismatching default node colors" fixed.
    Defaults are now "Zip archive missing" = red and "No destination detected" = gray again.
  • BUG "GameData conflicts after sorting" fixed.
    The gameData should no longer be a conflicting folder.
  • BUG "Missing 'Backup started' message on 'Backup saves' button click" fixed.
    Backup is now asynchrony.

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I have the Microsoft net4.5 thingy, i downloaded the mod manager and extracted it, launched "KSPModAdmin.exe" in the folder with the same name.

No reaction, and I have in my ctrl+shift+esc window an application named KSPModAdmin.exe which uses exactly 48K of memory, and can't be stopped unless I restart the computer.

Where could it have gone wrong?

PS: Using the "Updater" doesn't change anything, it only makes an application with a name a little bit different.

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