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Rune's Slightly Used Vehicles


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Ok, I went at it again, and though I was able to get it to orbit at least once, the thing was indeed a bit temperamental. But I've strutted it a bit firmer, and conducted a couple of successful launches in a row. No need to turn gimbals off, but I still recommend throttling down a notch after you get to 100m/s and during 1st and 2nd stage burns. It is indeed more than possible now, and waypoint station is growing:


Rune. Also a couple minor mods too, it was a bit rushed. ^^'

i was useing mecjeb, how would i put it at 5% thrust?

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Oh, mechjeb... I have never used it, so I wouldn't know really. You could brave it at full throttle, I have strutted this thing to hell and back (but IDK if it'll work, since this has the longest upper stage stage burn you can imagine and I've heard unusual burns make mechjeb confused), or try launching this manually. Here's a control trick I use which has helped me immensely: I keep ASAS on all the time, and when I want to make corrections in one direction, I press the appropriate control key + F to temporarily disable it, and as soon as I've moved and it's going fast, I just stop pressing stuff. Let it settle tapping F every now and then to reset the ASAS in the current heading, rinse and repeat. That way you can control surprisingly wobbly messes, as long as you have control authority. Oh, and I assume you mean 95% thrust.

Rune. But mechjeb must have an option to let you control thrust. It has everything, right?

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Nice mods. I've found that mechjeb works well for the main space station just set it to not go over 15ms. But for the expansion it's a no go for mechjeb as the globe seems to be upside down (brown side showing) and it just wants to dive into the ground :). Still it makes me fly it myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Nice mods. I've found that mechjeb works well for the main space station just set it to not go over 15ms. But for the expansion it's a no go for mechjeb as the globe seems to be upside down (brown side showing) and it just wants to dive into the ground :). Still it makes me fly it myself.

Oh, that issue. The thing is, the game refuses to acknowledge that this should be an unmanned launch and puts one upside-down cupola as the command pod. Just sneak a peek inside the shroud with clever camera moves, and select "control form here" on an appropriate facing docking port/command pod. In olden times, it would switch back when you stage, but I think that is fixed now. No mods on the thing, though... :S

Rune. Perhaps 0.21 and the crew handling changes will let us solve those issues?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Oh hey, here you are

I've been looking around for where you set up shop after the crash :P

Hey! Glad to see you too. Yup, and inmy sig I also have a thread for mod/militaristic stuff. Now to see how 0.21 screws all the designs :P

New stuff too, the "Queen Kerman" class luxury cruise ship.

Rune. The perils of playing alpha.

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New stuff! The Pike, and I sexied up the imgur links. A thinning out of the herd will happen in 0.21, I think. Will you look at that wall of images. :blush:

Rune. Wasting people's bandwidth since '13.

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Your space station kit is brilliant!

Thanks! I am getting ready a surface base pack to go with it. But I'm afraid of 0.21... and so far, the boosters for it are not up to my standards. Will have to seriously compliment Temstar when I finally release it, his assembly method is brilliantly easy.

Rune. Plagiarizing Getting inspired is what the spaceraft exchange is all about.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New stuff! The Heinlein SSTO family. Also, I have been testing old designs, and I can attest with 95% probability that most stuff still works on 0.21. The Razor, Pike, Gladius and Plus Ultra, at least, do, and they are the best-sellers. Expect all vertically-launched stuff to work too. I will do some spring cleaning as I test them, and perhaps some ship will go to make room. But don't despair! If you have grown very attached to some old R-SUV product, we still guarantee support for it, just request it and we will try to provide updated schematics by PM.

Rune. Taking care of the clients.

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I like your ships a lot! They are amazing!

Thanks! :blush:

Uhh.. The "Queen Kerman Class Cruiser" Says it needs cl.large.highpowerengine or something like that. what is this part?

Well, boop. That is the old Atlas from KSPX again rearing its ugly head. You know, the one that eventually made it into the game by changing the name to Skipper. Should be fixed now, thanks for the feedback!

Rune. You guys make the best testers.

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New stuff! The surface base kit is finally ready for the market, and it's been added to the bottom of the main thread. Enjoy colonizing places!

Rune. Boots on the ground? We put houses on the ground.

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the new base modules look nice, i'll be right back with some feedback on them! (and the eagle too!)

edit 1: uhh... do i put them in the VAB or The SPH? i'll just put them in both and remove as needed.

edit 2: found some non-stock parts (in the shuttle and the comm) (warning: i can not detect ALL mod parts, i use mods too!) Asasmodule1-2 toggle (probably toggle asas) and engineer7500 (kerbal engineer i think)

edit 3: all others work, but i can't test them without the shuttle. :( i will work on it later.

eagle edit 1: loads fine, no mods needed (i think)

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the new base modules look nice, i'll be right back with some feedback on them! (and the eagle too!)

edit 1: uhh... do i put them in the VAB or The SPH? i'll just put them in both and remove as needed.

edit 2: found some non-stock parts (in the shuttle and the comm) (warning: i can not detect ALL mod parts, i use mods too!) Asasmodule1-2 toggle (probably toggle asas) and engineer7500 (kerbal engineer i think)

edit 3: all others work, but i can't test them without the shuttle. :( i will work on it later.

eagle edit 1:

I know! :blush: It should be fixed now, with the same link and everything. On the Eagle front, you might want to wait a bit, and check the thread of the base. I think we think along the same lines...

Rune. Alpha Centauri is one of the few games in the franchise I haven't played ^^'

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ok, im working on them now, this stuff is great! :)

Edit 4: Yep! they load now! :)

Edit 5: Got into orbit with the comm, but i gtg and wont be back till tonight...

Edit 6: going to the mun with the comm now.

Edit 7: Landed with the comm, then noticed it had a rover ._. next: shuttle?

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Edit 7: Landed with the comm, then noticed it had a rover ._. next: shuttle?

The Comm module is the node for the base, so it carries the construction rover. From then on, it's whatever you want, and you pick it with the rover and attach it in the configuration you desire. A nice tip is that, unless you are a superb pilot, it's best to dock the shuttle by moving the modules to it and not the other way around (though I've done that on Minmus). The fuel dump makes an excellent mobile fuel truck to top off visiting Shuttles with the rover underneath, and I usually leave at least one docked as a kind of emergency return vehicle.

Rune. Is glad you enjoy it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Um, I have found several problems with the Crys. It looks fine, it takes off fine, but the center engine flames out for no reason a small bit after leaving the runway. Second, the action groups are non-functional, at least the action group to raise the landing wheels. Third, the shuttle appears to have a toggle-able ASAS that causes the vehicle to be non-stock. I have not seen this problem with any of the other Crys vehicles.

EDIT: Problems 1 and 2 stem from me pressing 4 and 5 rather than 6 while attempting to pull up landing gear.

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Um, I have found several problems with the Crys. It looks fine, it takes off fine, but the center engine flames out for no reason a small bit after leaving the runway. Second, the action groups are non-functional, at least the action group to raise the landing wheels. Third, the shuttle appears to have a toggle-able ASAS that causes the vehicle to be non-stock. I have not seen this problem with any of the other Crys vehicles.

EDIT: Problems 1 and 2 stem from me pressing 4 and 5 rather than 6 while attempting to pull up landing gear.

Yeah, I seriously recommend checking out the action groups thoroughly before flying my ships, I have my own quirks in that front (there is no good reason I always put the wheeled landing gear on six, and always six, but that doesn't stop me from sticking to it, for example).

And I'll take a look at that non-stock issue, the truth is that it's been a couple of versions since I stopped using the original version of the Crys, and I've been known to accidentally leave some non-stock parts in my ships. Tell you what, I will finish the Crys 2.0, post it, and make sure it's free of mods this time. (And as a one-time bonus, because yesterday was a good day and a better night, check your inbox, and see if you like what's inside.)

Edit: I went ahead and changed the ASAS just in case, the download should work just the same.

Rune. That is, if my upcoming exams let me play enough.

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