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Frustration with update timings


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Ok, so I've been an avid fan of KSP for more then a year now. This means I completely understand the way the timings work for each update. They do not even attempt to estimate the times between each update. I am on this forum every morning (I'm in Australia, so morning seems the best time for up-to-date news), eagerly awaiting ANY sort of news regarding a new update because I have absolutely no idea when it will be out. I agree that Squad is an incredible game developer in the sense that they refuse to be swayed by other, large, gaming corporations, but I wish that they would give us some sort of estimated timing for the next update. The times between each update seemed to be consistent up until 0.18 where, until then, there had been a 2 month wait between updates. After 0.18 there was a FOUR month wait for 0.19, from hence they announced smaller times betweens updates. It's been over 1 month now, almost 2 months, since 0.19 has been released and no sign of an update. They say they're still working on things but they don't even seem to be nearing a release. No mention of resources has been made since the GFC (Great Forum Crash) and they have kept us, disappointingly, in the dark. I know I said they're good because they aren't influenced by big game devs, however, I believe they could take a leaf out of their books and give an estimate of timings for the next update. Even if they say "it is still weeks, if not months, away" I would be happy. I could then not wake up eagerly anticipating a new post saying "0.20 IS OUT!" and getting really excited. I could think, "it's still a while away, there's no sense me getting too excited over this, I'll check in a couple of weeks". I understand they don't want to get our hopes up and I agree with that, however, some sort of vague time frame would be greatly appreciated. I do love this game to bits and I believe there are SO many directions in which it could head but I just wish the devs would release a bit more information regarding the next updates. I'm not sure if that's a selfish request but I think there are many people in the same boat as me and that we deserve a touch more information, given that we have supported the game with our own, hard earned, cash (many of us, multiple times).

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I suppose if they gave weekly % progress reports on the next features to be released, it would give us an idea of an upcoming release... rather than just 'in progress'.

But I'm a software developer, and it is notoriously difficult to give estimates.. you could be at what you consider 90% but then hit a bug that makes the last 10% take as long as the first 90%.. meaning you were really only 50% in time..

Maybe you should get involved in an add-on, give you something to explore / test / code while KSP is progressing?

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I see where you're coming from, it would be nice to have a more detailed schedule of update releases. However, I'm guessing the Great Forum Crash took a lot of their resources away from developing the game to fixing the problem. I'm assuming that they're putting a lot of work into the 0.20 release, as if it was something minor, then they could just release it in a 0.19.x format. I'm looking forward to the resources, flag planting, and UI magic by Romfarer, as well as some of the new parts they were hinting at before the GFC.

However, the game itself is absolutely fantastic as is. There are finished games out there that you can do less in than KSP right now. The fact that we are only at update 0.20, and the game is looking this good is amazing; I cannot wait to see the finished product!

When I feel like the waiting is unbearable, I focus on doing something I haven't before in the game. For example, I am currently working on a mega expedition to Duna, with Kerbonauts, rovers, and more; this really stresses my engineering abilities, making sure all the parts work together in unison. I've sent small missions to other planets, but nothing of this scale before.

And if you feel like you want new parts, just go out and download a modpack. The new B9 aerospace looks great, I'm loving the cargo containers and other cool parts.

And maybe one morning, you'll wake up and BOOM, there will 0.20 be, with all of its fancy resource glory!

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When I feel like the waiting is unbearable, I focus on doing something I haven't before in the game...

Good suggestion! :)

I've been trying to re-build my space ships so they have a small profile, so that when re-entry heat damage comes in, I should only have to add a heatshield to the end & viola!

Although centre of gravity may be an issue... Still.. it's all valuable science :)

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I suppose if they gave weekly % progress reports on the next features to be released, it would give us an idea of an upcoming release... rather than just 'in progress'.

But I'm a software developer, and it is notoriously difficult to give estimates.. you could be at what you consider 90% but then hit a bug that makes the last 10% take as long as the first 90%.. meaning you were really only 50% in time..

Agree with this 100%.

The worst bugs are the teeny tiny ones that when fixed reveal hug bugs in another part of the system. I managed to find a small bug in an IBM mainframe OS when I was beta testing. That little bug put back the release by about 6 months IIRC. Trying to locate bugs is more art than science at times. When I was in my prime I could find a bug and close my eyes and backtrack the bug back to the location in a million line program. Now, I have problems finding bugs in a 10 line program lol. This is my brain on drugs.

Forced estimates and release dates is what has led to incomplete games being released and fixed after launch. It's all about the cash flow. In the past the developers could put the release back as many times as required to get the game completed. There were still ones that were bug ridden but that was because the development was probably flawed. Todays mentality is "Let the users beta test the code but don't let them know it's a beta." Microshaft started this with Windows 98 I think. First edition was a nightmare. Then they charged us for Win98 Second Edition which was pretty much just a bugstomped version of the original Win98 with a few extras.

Then they did the same thing with Xbox games on the 360. Games are now patched day 1 BECAUSE THEY STILL WEREN'T FINISHED WHEN THEY WENT GOLD. Too many devs are being rushed to get the code out the door before it's ready.

So while I am eager to see new stuff, I would rather it was in working order (or as close to working order) rather than rushing it out before it is ready.

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Yeah, signs of boredom are all around the forum. I'm a bit bored too - even started to play with big mod packs, which i avoided so far. My game is unstable enough as it is. Hopefully we'll get 0.20 before summer.

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I got spoilt by the consistent and frequent updates of Klei's Don't Starve, so yes, I've got to admit that I agree with the author of the thread. I understand that Don't Starve is probably a much simpler game under the bonnet but the knowledge when another update is coming out is very, very satisfying, and it keeps me warmed up for what's to come. Would be nice if we could have something like that in the KSP.

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All my favorite developers use the "Its done when its done" policy:



Blizzard (used to be worth the wait)

I prefer it over the EA method "push it out by an arbitrary deadline and fix all the bugs in a day 0 update." In squad's release model its really just a better policy to make sure the updates have the right amount of content and don't break horribly through testing.

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The reason they stopped giving delivery dates was that people gave them a hard time about if a deadline was missed or an announced feature was postponed. And really, I'd rather they just put their energy into making the game than hand-feeding impatient players a piece of candy now and then. Let the features come out when they're finished and ready.

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The thing I hate most about modern games is how deadlines force a release. As a result you get a completely broken game. Prime example Assassins Creed 3... I HATE SO MUCH

If squad wants to take their sweet ass time in order to release a fully functional game, do it!!!

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I have to admit I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum. I picked-up the game on STEAM and am just coming up on a one month anniversary. I've been slogging through the learning curve of orbital mechanics, interplanetary transfers, docking and other challenges that need mastering in this great game. I'm hoping to get to the point of being able to take advantage of resource mining when it first becomes available. I have to thank all the old-timers that while boredom of stock only features might be setting in, your posts, tutorials, and encouragement have enabled me to get this far. Am immensely enjoying KSP.

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I also am not too worried about the updates. They'll happen when they're ready, and more often than not, they're pretty solid when they do come out. I'm more interested in having stuff that works, rather than just getting new shiny bobbles for the sake of having new shiny bobbles.

That and the updates have also been quicker than I can get around to assimilating into my vids anyways. I haven't even touched rovers yet.

And as for the silence from the Dev team, frankly between the technical difficulties of the forum for the last couple weeks, and the petulant tempter tantrums of the community before, during, and after....I wouldn't want to talk to us much either. So if it was that simple...I'd say, give'em their space to suck back and reload.

However, the real real reason I tend to like it when the Dev's are silent...is that I've noticed two things about KSP updates...1. The previews, news, and streams about upcoming features tend to slow down or stop shortly before a release...and 2. there tends to be a holiday nearby.

So given that there's been no stream for a couple weeks, I'm having mixed feelings about the upcoming cinco de mayo. Do I really want to start work on another project if I'm just going to have to update half-way through? And on the other hand...it's not something that I'd bet real money on either.

In any case...best unsolicited advice I can offer to everyone: Patience.

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I'm at a bit of a loss to see how the devs have been silent. The blogs have recent (as in the past couple of days) updates regarding map filtering, flags, database optimisations and their impact on game performance, etc. And let's not forget the little forum implosion they had to sort out.

Besides, I'm still figuring out rovers, refining my spacecraft designs, and lots of other things that I am sure will keep me occupied until the next update and beyond.

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I don't mind that Squad is taking their time making sure that they make the best updates to their game possible, but is it really too much to ask to be kept in the loop on what they are up to and the progress of the development? It's not like we're going to dog them to hurry up or anything, but we'd just like to see what's up. :(

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I see lots of emotions ("frustrated", "stressed") over not knowing when a video game release will be. WOW! There is so much to do in the current version, plus TONS of mods, bug count is low, a list of future features coming on the wiki. Simma, down, now . Dont worry, be happy.

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It's not like we're going to dog them to hurry up or anything,
That is exactly what used to happen, and why they stopped announcing dates in the first place, and don't assume it has stopped. There are two threads in 'general' right now complaining about wanting release dates. What kind of furore is likely to come up if they announced one and didn't meet it? And what would knowing a projected release date gain anyone anyway? It will get where when it gets here. And we're not exactly languishing in ignorance. There are dev blogs and live events, announcements of planned features, and so on. I will say it a third time; they used to announce release dates, and nagging like this is exactly why they stopped. Can't we just let the guys work on the game instead of demanding that they waste time telling us that they're working on the game?
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I got this game like 3 weeks ago on steam and have yet to make a succesful landing on another planet/moon. All I have done is orbit Minmus once by total fluke and have not been able to do it again so I still have lots of practice and lots of things to do. Like making a space station, launching a satelite and doing docking for the first time. I've been busy with school but since I've only got one exam left I will be able to dive into this game soon. So essentially it's still a new game for me. I feel for those who have done everything and have already mastered the game though.

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I don't like having to make deadlines myself, I am happy for them to take a when it's ready approach.

A better end project is worth the wait.

I imagine Yoda saying "Patience" when I feel impatient. Or I go look at the Dev blogs and see what's in progress.

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You can tell that people are getting bored when theres only 19 people watching ksp on twitch. They need to push the next update asap.

Remember a lot of people went bye-bye when the forums went kaboooooooooooooom. And it's not getting bored when they aren't watching twitch, it's probably because they are playing the game rather than watching other people playing it.

I'm busy working on my hardware project for KSP. I've got to make a couple of bits of hardware to make the hardware for KSP at the moment. I needed a precision drilling system and I can't afford a CNC machine just yet so I'm mounting a webcam with a crosshair underneath a perspex drilling platform and a pillar drill. That's why I'm not playing KSP as much.

I'm also working on another project to record the exploits of my Kerbonauts... It's looking quite nice too.

So bored with KSP... HELL NO!

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