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How long should the next Screenshot montage be?  

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  1. 1. How long should the next Screenshot montage be?

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I\'ve played enough KSP to know where this is going...

Yeah, it\'s going to make a BOOM 8). There\'s a lot of BOOMs in this thread -- but I somehow managed to make a screenshot a split second before.

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So Jeb and the boys back in the engineering shack were sitting around the junkyard one day when they decided that the FL-T1600 was a mighty fine LF tank ... so if one is good, three of them must be even better right?

Presenting the, 'It\'ll Do Mk.2' rocket:


Initial testings of the new It\'ll Do rocket demonstrated significant wobble at the stage 1 -> stage 2 couplers. So when those boys back in the Engineering Shack put down their Coronas they decided to slap on more struts to help reduce wobble.


Unfortunately the 16 LF engines provided too much torque and ripped the first stage apart. But look at that one strut hold on till the bitter end!


We quickly jettisoned stages 1 and 2 in hopes of a salvageable recovery (heck, we just put new seats in the command pod!)


We managed to deploy the main recovery chute but unfortunately the command pod was already too low in altitude.

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Just wondering... Can any modders out there make a MAC station for me? I put here because I\'ve asked this a couple of times and all the threads died without any views......



I want one so I can orbit it, and make sure I am prepared when the inevitable Kerpitalist forces invade Kerfrica.

If anyone wants to know what a MAC is, in short, imagine supersized Rods of God.

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Just wondering... Can any modders out there make a MAC station for me? I put here because I\'ve asked this a couple of times and all the threads died without any views......



I want one so I can orbit it, and make sure I am prepared when the inevitable Kerpitalist forces invade Kerfrica.

If anyone wants to know what a MAC is, in short, imagine supersized Rods of God.

Imagine what it would take to get that thing into orbit!

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No, no, it\'s not orbiting. The thing was horrible to launch. Brought my little system to a standstill of <1fps, so, like, I wasn\'t in a hurry to modify my rocket and try again. Space was good enough just for some photos for this one for something I had in mind.

Let\'s see. It\'s mostly NovaSilisko\'s parts..

Lunar Lander Parts v1.1

Probodobdyne Construction Kit v0.3

KSP - Silisko Edition

The core section at the back (and motor) is from a W.I.P pack posted by caeppersi - Soyuz.

..I think that\'s all..

I\'ll add the .craft here I guess.. (it should be the right one) If it\'s missing parts from the list above, someone let me know..

e: Having a retard moment with the links.

Some of those parts (the long solar panels and the radial RCS tanks) are from Silisko Edition.

You\'re right. Thanks. I thought they were all part of the lander packs. Updated links.

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..I think that\'s all..

I\'ll add the .craft here I guess.. (it should be the right one) If it\'s missing parts from the list above, someone let me know..

Some of those parts (the long solar panels and the radial RCS tanks) are from Silisko Edition.

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