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[0.16] KW Rocketry v0.5


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Anyone else having trouble with engine wobble? Any of the engines in this pack wobble quite badly for me while the rocket is sitting on the pad and if I don\'t launch they eventually tear the rocket apart. :(

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Anyone else having trouble with engine wobble? Any of the engines in this pack wobble quite badly for me while the rocket is sitting on the pad and if I don\'t launch they eventually tear the rocket apart. :(

It\'s a problem that can\'t really be helped, but the heavy struts pretty much fix the super flying death engine wobble.

Minimal wobble still remains but will dissapear half a second after launch.

I can generally hold most things on the pad for a minute before they topple due to the wobble.

Also, A progress report: we\'re just trying to get new RCS\'s rolling now.

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We could whip one up. Got any designs in mind?

versions of your 1-2-3 meter engines would be very nice?

The most used engines in the 1.75 are Novasilisko\'s 3 bertha engines I think. Something along those stats, but with your own design?

Also, a small request ( heh )

As soon as it came out, I was enthralled by this mini liquid engine.


It\'s basically the normal kerbal engine downsized to 0.25 or so diameter (?)

I have modded this:

Mass = 0.5

maxthrust = 40

fuelconsumption = 1

( compare this to the normal engine of 8 consumption and a thrust of 200 )

This makes it my favorite engine of all time; it works like a beauty for a service module engine. It is the last engine on all my rockets, allowing for fine orbital manouvres for quite a while without being too overpowered.

Perhaps a smaller / shrunk version of your single-nozzle engines ment for high orbits with these parameters or close to it would be a worthwhile addition? The wildcat V? As said, I absolutely love it, and shrinking an engine down is pretty easy. Thrust could be around 30 or so without a problem, while still making it more of a real 'engine', for example compared to your Vixen II - Look at the proposed Orion service module engine - that has quite a kick.

attached is my default upper stage.


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We could whip one up. Got any designs in mind?

Nothing in particular. I just know that 1.75m tanks are relatively common compared to 2m tanks, and all the decouplers and fairings are in place for the 1.75m size class.

For me, modding is more about shiny numbers than models. My models and textures are terrible. :P You guys do really great work.

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This is why heavy struts were created, to solve this problem that only occurs on the landing pad.

Heavy Struts bypass the problem for the most part, I\'ve been able to hold cataclysmic amounts of weight on the landing pad for a long time.


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Its not just the pad issues, the weight is troublesome in many ways - the forces needed to maneuver and control the rockets are obscene, and the way the physics engine treat the scaled up masses tends to overwhelm it - going on and off of rails during time warp causes jerks because even small rounding inaccuracies are noticeable with so much weight.

I took a 3x3 and 3x6 tank and a Hercules engine and divided all of their stats by 3 - it kept the same balance you had going, but it was much better to use - I created an external tank/booster for a Shuttle (built with C7 parts)

It still was a challenge (as it should be) but the parts play nice with everything else

I\'m just not sure what is gained by the upscaled mass - it doesn\'t so much make it harder, just more annoying.

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My tank pack also suffers from the weight issue, but I just turn up the breaking force for the connections and deal with it. In order to be realistic, I must have those weight values -- I consider it to be an engineering problem to overcome on the rocket construction side of things, rather than an incompatibility with the game.

When you want to carry seventy thousand kilograms of fuel, the forces to maneuver your rocket ARE going to be obscene. I haven\'t tested my pack with time warp yet, unfortunately, and I\'ll have to check that out for my pack.

The game is in alpha, and I anticipate that many of these issues will either be solved by the developer (such as the time warp issues; the feature is less than a month old, after all) or the mod community (heavy rockets got you down? Try new MegaRCS -- the RCS that passes the test!). Atmospheric control of heavy rockets is already pretty easy if you use C7\'s controllable canards as fins -- those things have a lot of lift and a lot of maneuvering power as a result.

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But that is just it, you don\'t need the weight values, you aren\'t gaining any more realism than if you divide all the numbers by half or a third - its the ratios of thrust and weight and such that creates your balance.

All the extra weight does is expose the limitations of the connection system in the engine, and that is hardly a realistic 'engineering problem' to be solved.

At this point, its a sim of rocket-shaped skyscrapers (without any increased drag, mind)

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There are two easyish ways to what you\'re implying.

1. Change all the parts relative to each other which unbalances them with all other KSP parts\mods

2. Scaling down the weights as it scales up, which presents the problem of 1m engines being relativistically more powerful than their 3m/2m counterparts.

At least thats all I can come up with on a brief thought.

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They\'re already unbalanced against other mods, so many other parts snap off because the weights are too much.

And as long as your 1m engines and tanks are balanced against your 2 and 3m parts, then scaling them all together should work. You can\'t really worry about if some guy has a 1m engine that is unbalanced and more powerful than yours, there will always be 'cheat parts'

Myself, I\'d divide it all by 2 and then tweak anything that feels off (like maybe the tiny lander engine)

But yeah, its your mod. I just don\'t find myself loading up the rockets made with your parts too often, since there\'s not much application for them.

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I don\'t know, the stupid stuff I constructed out of mod parts and some stock bits and my mod seem to hold together fairly well.




Would stay on the pad indefinitely but the swaying persuades some parts to depart onto other parts about 1-2 minutes after start.

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