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[0.23.5] Soviet Soyuz Rocketfamily v2.4 (13.May - Russian Tulip and more)

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I can get that to you later this afternoon, probably around 5:30 or 6PM local time (right now it is 11:09 AM). I haven't actually fixed the wobble yet, but if it's like my previous design, then disabling the gimbal on all the booster engines should do it.

Edited by GusTurbo
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i'm trying to create a new payload for one of those Soyouz rockets :) i'm working on a Kliper (currently, the kliper and it's orbital module are done, the kliper itself is a fantastic glider, but it's wing lift cause the launch rocket to tumble when attempting to do a g-turn.

here's some pictures :

on the pad with it's orbital module :


the craft separated from it's orbital module, in flight (separate after deorbit burn or with an emergency escape tower during ascent)


handles really great under 100 - 150 m/s - above it tend to want to follow a ballistic curve :) (it want to go for the prograde marker as soon as you release the inputs :P)

smooth landing at less than 50m/s

with the orbital manoeuver module, it has a delta V of 1266m/s at 0.81 TWR. total craft weight 20tons - with enough space for 6 kerbals aboard :) (1 lander can and 1 hitchhiker module) and can work without pilot :)

Kliper is 48 parts, the orbital module has 55 parts.

no more need of parachutes ! :)

so if someone has tricks to reduce the effects of the wings on the rocket ascent profile, i'm taking it ^^

Here is some more shots of it (used a supernova SHLLV rocket to get it to orbit, the size of that launcher allowed me to not tumble during g-turn :P)

orbital pic :


landed back at KSC pic :


(with one of the 4 standard control surface destroyed by one of the supernova boosters) - overshot KSC, managed to turn around and stop on the runway, even with damaged control surfaces - which tended to make the Kliper to spin:p

2nd launch pics :

after deorbit burn, separated from the orbital module


Reentry (max g forces : 3.5g - finished his deceleration at 20000m - much more softer reentry than what we usually have with capsules :P) :


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Here is the file for my Kliper. i added an escape tower and large decoupler with structural panels below it - normally the Kliper is all stock :) (file removed)

but you will have a lot of problems making it fly on your rocket :) (only manage to bring it to orbit with a supernova SHLLV rocket for the moment - not that it's heavy, it's a pain in the ass keep flying straight on lighter rockets :P) Have fun ! :P (and remember, on reentry, it lose more speed to drag than a caspule :P)

Edited by sgt_flyer
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I would like to see the second stage. I'm curious about how you handled the engine arrangement.

Here's how I arranged the engines. I also threw a Rockomax Adapter 02 in there for cosmetic purposes.


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It's finished! After some extensive testing, I've managed to get my new and improved Soyuz into working order. Separation of the boosters is now a bit more treacherous, but I think I've managed to get it working through the use of Sepratrons to push them outward. It isn't perfect, but I wanted to get something out tonight.

Warning: This craft has 411(!) parts. Be patient. After the boosters separate, things get better.

Obligatory images:

In the VAB


Lifting off


Post-separation (struts added to prevent wobble)


2nd stage



In orbit (still no solar panels, but there are some in the .craft file!). At this point, there is plenty of fuel and RCS to do orbital maneuvers and rendezvous (and deorbit).




Action Groups:

1 - Close intakes (they're purely for decoration!)

2 - Lock gimbals on boosters and radial engines

3 - Open solar panels

Abort - Hit backspace to activate the launch escape tower, then quickly hit 0 (zero) to jettison the orbital section and open the chutes.

Let me know what you all think. Next, I'll be testing out the Kliper.

Edited by GusTurbo
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hello guys ... nice to see 0.20 of KSP out here, but i'm aware of some of the bugreports, indicating problems with the RCS from 0.19 craft files ... so ... i'm goging to rebuild, improve, polish and install cafemug holders for the new 0.20 version of the (mini) R7 to Soyuz Rockets

and maybe, only maybe, i wull build the 3Kerbal-size Soyuz rocket like Gusturbo with my Soyuz Spacecraft :D if i can fix the wobble-of-death <_<

stay tuned and fly save :D

hey sgt_flyer, nice to see your Kliper here !! i'mgoing to test it, after rebuilding my minirockets

but first of all ... time to download :cool:

Edited by Darth Lazarus
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hello guys ... nice to see 0.20 of KSP out here, but i'm aware of some of the bugreports, indicating problems with the RCS from 0.19 craft files ... so ... i'm goging to rebuild, improve, polish and install cafemug holders for the new 0.20 version of the (mini) R7 to Soyuz Rockets

and maybe, only maybe, i wull build the 3Kerbal-size Soyuz rocket like Gusturbo with my Soyuz Spacecraft :D if i can fix the wobble-of-death <_<

stay tuned and fly save :D

hey sgt_flyer, nice to see your Kliper here !! i'mgoing to test it, after rebuilding my minirockets

but first of all ... time to download :cool:

Already half way through Munbug VI with 0.20 - Part clipping seems slightly harder... but you can still trick it! Very, very, very pleased with my new eagle lander replica.... will release the craft next week.

Be aware that if you find 0.20 has an incredibly low frame rate it will likely be a mod conflict not the game itself. Subassembly loader in particular will mess it up badly, but there is a fix out already I think.

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Already half way through Munbug VI with 0.20 - Part clipping seems slightly harder... but you can still trick it! Very, very, very pleased with my new eagle lander replica.... will release the craft next week.

Be aware that if you find 0.20 has an incredibly low frame rate it will likely be a mod conflict not the game itself. Subassembly loader in particular will mess it up badly, but there is a fix out already I think.

the onlky mod i use is Engieener. i planed to use subassambly but i will wait for a proper fix ^^

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currently working on a new part for Soyouz loadout :)

the Fregat stage


currently tweaking it (notably RCS ports placement) but the base design / number of parts won't change, so here's some stats :)

(yes, that's 6 stayputnik to create this stage body, which have a diameter just slightly wider than a rockomax tank. (so you'll have to create / use expanded fairings, like they have on soyouz/fregat :P)

decided to go with 3 RV105 RCS instead of 12 linears, saves on weight and part count :P (and i still have the 12 RCS engines they have on the real Fregat :D)

47 parts (a good part of it is from 20 round-8 toroidal fuel tank - we really need they release roundified liquid fuel /oxy tanks like in KSPX :P)

propulsed by one LV-909

weight : 4.773t

200 liquid fuel, 244 oxy

flight stats alone : 2391 m/s Delta-V with a TWR of 1.07

with 4.5t payload : 1046 m/s Delta-V with a TWR of 0.55

with 9t payload : 672 m/s Delta-V with a TWR of 0.37

on side note on 0.20 : i noticed it's a bit easier to do part cliping in 0.20 if i don't rotate the part with keyboard between the moment i take the part and the moment where i place it in it's clipped position.

also, the first manned command pod you will add to your design (even if you placed a probe core first) will have kerbals on board, and will become the default 'control from here' part.

so now, we can design launchers with the new round probe cores, save the launcher, and create a CSM atop of it later :) (so, much less need to rely entirely on subassembly loader :P)

Edited by sgt_flyer
forgot to add a RTG to it :p
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here's a new shot in orbit for my Fregat,


the 3 RCS 4-way bloc were turned 45° (seen from the side, an X shape), so we have better manoeuverability, and we see much better in which direction they are firing :P

(else, when they were horizontal / vertical, it was hard to see in which direction the thrust was)

all in all, the 7 probe core weight 0.34tons - giving us a little less than half of the MK1 command pod torque (still largely enough to manipulate 4 tons loads :P)

here's the .craft for the Fregat stage (for 0.20) :)


Have fun :)

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also, the first manned command pod you will add to your design (even if you placed a probe core first) will have kerbals on board, and will become the default 'control from here' part.

so now, we can design launchers with the new round probe cores, save the launcher, and create a CSM atop of it later :) (so, much less need to rely entirely on subassembly loader :P)

I did not know that! I'll release a version of my Soyuz lifter with no payload and a round probe core so anyone can just put their own payload on it.

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I did not know that! I'll release a version of my Soyuz lifter with no payload and a round probe core so anyone can just put their own payload on it.

you don't need a round probecore anymore, use the flat AI rocket navigation thingy thing

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here's a new Core stage for my future 'onega' design - for making it atop a soyouz style design in my Kliper :) (note, that core stage truly brutal - and will be based on how the real soyouz works : no asparagus :)(basically, the core stage + upperstage and payload itself have a TWR maybe below 1 at liftoff - the real TWR come from the boosters - and upon separation, the core stage has spent enough fuel to have a nice TWR :)


note : this thing's gonna be a monster :P core stage is 4 'Skipper' engine surrounder by 4 LVT-45, for a Whooping 3400 Thrust :P

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Here's a new pic for my onega :)15wvGoml.jpg

(now with upper stage and the kliper on top) - upper stage is propulsed by 4 220 kn poodles engines and 4 120 Kn radial engines.

(note, the core stage has a TWR of 1.08 with the upper stage and the kliper on top of it, so i took it to try for the solidity - and Mulbin's construction technique works reeally awsomely :) - almost no wobble during ascent, with ASAS active and all engines gimbaling :)

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