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All the style and grace of a drugged elephant.


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Just finished watching a space shuttle launch video, in slow motion. That fat cow has all the style and grace of a drugged elephant. It almost looks like its not really under any control other than a severe amount of thrust and no guidance. Lol.

I don't think as a species we are ready to be an interstellar race for a long while.

Yet if you watch the videos at normal speed, graceful as all get out.

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Do you even science?

You know that heads-down roll she does after launch to achieve max dynamic pressure? That is called GUIDANCE.

Are you a pilot? Are you an engineer? Are you a scientist? No? Well then sit down, shut up and think your comments through before you start saying humanity is a species of dumb pigs that'll never fly.

In the span of a single lifetime we've gone from wood and fabric contraptions that barely are able to achieve lift to sending a probe into the interstellar medium between stars.

Not ready to be an interstellar race? Well we certainly won't be with that kind of attitude.

[EDIT]: And your post makes me wonder if you even know what Reverse Engineering is.

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Jesus, Chobit, keep your panties on.

He just said it LOOKS like it's not guided.

"I don't think as a species we are ready to be an interstellar race for a long while" is certainly debatable.

But that was a massive overreaction either way, seriously..

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  chobit-389 said:

Do you even science?

You know that heads-down roll she does after launch to achieve max dynamic pressure? That is called GUIDANCE.

Are you a pilot? Are you an engineer? Are you a scientist? No? Well then sit down, shut up and think your comments through before you start saying humanity is a species of dumb pigs that'll never fly.

In the span of a single lifetime we've gone from wood and fabric contraptions that barely are able to achieve lift to sending a probe into the interstellar medium between stars.

Not ready to be an interstellar race? Well we certainly won't be with that kind of attitude.

[EDIT]: And your post makes me wonder if you even know what Reverse Engineering is.

WOW, ok, so on the over reacting scale... (BING BING BING!) a perfect 10!

And We suck as a species. And if that put you off, then this should help.. C'mon the only reason to watch a shuttle launch or any launch is like watching NASCAR, or going to an airshow, or even slowing down and rubber necking at an accident. We wanna see epic failure. Like when then plane smacks the ground, or the lead driver wipes out, I won't even approach the shuttles epic failures. We love it when someone else fails.

"what's this button do?"

-Sally Ride.

Edited by ThePyrateCaptain
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Keep it classy folks. Not everyone really liked the way the shuttle handles, but there's no need to get upset like that over it.

I'm honestly not terribly fond of it either. It would have made more sense to modify the launch pad so that it is already oriented correctly to eliminate the half-roll maneuver, and although the SRBs were designed to be recovered a good many of them weren't.

At the same time, the Shuttle was still one of the few effective launch vehicles out there for a number of decades. Excepting a few accidents, it was always under the complete control of either its crew, its onboard guidance equipment, or ground control.

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We suck at an ethical point. And ethics and morale are what keeps us from even reaching higher ground - in the end it is all about justification.

and while i like explosions, i am hoping for their so deserved breakthrough in interstellar travel. and i dont really watch takeoffs. i watch the successful missions each if theres something interesting; id rather watch all of the fails compiled into a 10 minute youtube flick. I never got why would someone be so eager to watch someone doing sports and only hoping for (fatal) failure?

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To me its always bad news when a rocket explodes, exept when it is a rocket designed to explode. Such as craft that are launched to measure acceleration effects and such before being deliberately destroyed.

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i think dying in a rocket accident is tzhe most horrible and long way to go out. i dont know if i can find them.,.but ive seen some transcripts of a soviet woman who was burned alive in her capsule upon reentry, that **** is not funny at all.

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  Warscribe said:
..wait you enjoy manned north korean rocket explosions?
No:D they don't have any manned rockets and they probably aren't interested in developing them. They only need rockets to transport Warheads. I'm not a monster you know:huh:
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  ThePyrateCaptain said:
We wanna see epic failure. Like when then plane smacks the ground, or the lead driver wipes out, I won't even approach the shuttles epic failures. We love it when someone else fails.

"what's this button do?"

-Sally Ride.

WHEEEE!!! More dead people to get a laugh at!

You're messing with the WRONG pilot right now.

  ThePyrateCaptain said:
WOW, ok, so on the over reacting scale... (BING BING BING!) a perfect 10!

Nah, I think this reaction contains the perfectly balanced amount of rage and disgust.

Edited by chobit-389
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Wow chobit, relax..

This is the only

I enjoy watching.

Any plane/rocket crash/failure is bad and no one with common sense should find a laugh in one of these throwback to science. Its a huge loss of invested money and human talent, non to mention lives loss...

When a catastrophe happens, the least we can do is learn from our errors and make it better next time.

Today, Ill go to sleep with this in mind, instead of this forum post:

First Time Test Flight For Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo Engine

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Yeah that's enough.

People are getting way too hot tempered.

It is human nature for people to enjoy seeing some destruction, but not everyone has the same interests or enjoys it to the same level. The fact that video games show such diversity in the multitude of ways that the characters in them could get hurt or the world of the game gets ripped to shreds is a testament to that fact.

However, I am seeing issues here with what looks like people trolling and/or flamebaiting, and with people responding to it I must shut this thread down.

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