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ASAS can go and take a Scenic Hike


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Broken for you, perhaps. The worst I've experienced with my station is a mild tremor. Apparently mileage varies according to design?

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I think it's cheating, but when i need to rotate my station I do it with the force of the CMs alone and when it's on the desired position I use the timewarp to kill the rotation.

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I find the ASAS flips out like that if you have more than one ASAS module. I guess the computers kind of fight each other. Also if there's regular SAS modules on different planes/rotations to each other.

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  PDCWolf said:
I think it's cheating, but when i need to rotate my station I do it with the force of the CMs alone and when it's on the desired position I use the timewarp to kill the rotation.

And using timewarp to kill rotation isn't "cheating".

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  SLAMS said:
And using timewarp to kill rotation isn't "cheating".

It isn't? well, guess I can feel better with myself now.

Problem with ASAS is that it is always overcorrecting itself, wasting loads of resources, add wobbliness on top of the equation and there you go, self-mutilating rockets/stations

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  ilikemoneygreen said:
You should adjust your title. Not really necessary and its against forum rules. Just saying.

Agreed. Frustration is fine, but a little maturity goes a long way.

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I haven't used an ASAS module in ages now... what is it again? ASAS has only two places in the game, so far as I am concerned.

a) I have other things I want to do, just keep this right here. (NO... STOP... USING... MY... RCS!)

B) BLOODY HELL, 'CAPSLOCK' is hardly fine enough control to settle this thing down.

The times I want it tend to be the aspects it is worse at (getting rid of the minor tremors)... and so... yea... timewarp to kill rot!

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Even with multiple ASAS modules, I don't have that problem. (Multiple ships docked, if I hit T and it will stabilize.)

Do you have RCS enabled? I could see that causing a station to rip apart if ASAS was turned on while RCS thrusters were enabled.

This is why when I am docking, I make sure my RCS is disabled 1-2 meters before contact.

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If it's a cascading wobble, that could be attributed to parts clipping into one another.

Attaching some part radially, that normally won't attach, by using the small cubic strut was the culprit on one of my builds. Cursed covered docking clamp!

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If ASAS is 'shaking your station to pieces', I'd say your station could use some struts or steady pieces. If your station is a large, multipart Frankenstein monster, expect some wobble. ASAS is meant for keeping ships stable during flight, not stations in orbit.

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The main problem with ASAS in my opinion is that it continues trying to correct even though it is already rotating in the direction you'd like, so an oscillation builds up. It causes control surfaces on planes to go crazy, especially on those that are structurally unstable. However, for guiding rockets I find it invaluable, especially during ascent.

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  CalculusWarrior said:
The main problem with ASAS in my opinion is that it continues trying to correct even though it is already rotating in the direction you'd like, so an oscillation builds up. It causes control surfaces on planes to go crazy, especially on those that are structurally unstable. However, for guiding rockets I find it invaluable, especially during ascent.

This is because the PID in the ASAS is untuned. Someone posted an algorithm for making it autotune to your rocket before the forum crash, but I don't think anyone ever turned it into C# code.

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The ASAS has been broken since before v16 when parts became more massive and joints weakened showing up the problem more clearly. I have been saying this for a long time. Completely agree.

ASAS overcorrects, causes resonance build up and applies the wrong corrections when activated or after separation, which gives you a clue that something is fundamentally wrong with it.

SQUAD have not prioritised fixing it which is their call but is IMHO a pity because ASAS is critical to the gameplay and it affects every flight and the game would be much easier and less irksome to play if ASAS worked right.


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Best way to use ASAS that I have found is as close as possible to the engines of the craft. If its RCS only I suppose RCS should be as close to ASAS module to.

Some of my 800-1200 part SSTO spaceplanes would not be able to fly with ASAS in the nose but placing it in the rear or as fare back as possible close or behind the engines will reduce wobble to 1/10 or so. So the problem is quite obvious. When en engine is told to vector to compensate for drift for example it moves to much sens the ASAS checks its relative position to it self and when the crafts body flexes the engines just moves to much with out the ASAS module fallowing with it and the tension built up in the structure is later transfered over to the ASAS module when the structure straiten it self out again and it moves the ASAS module to much but with some delay. Thats why stuff wobbles and self oscillate.

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