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ASAS can go and take a Scenic Hike


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I think it's cheating, but when i need to rotate my station I do it with the force of the CMs alone and when it's on the desired position I use the timewarp to kill the rotation.

This tend to have an chance for larger structures to disintegrate for me, this includes ships who can stand trust and even aerobrake.

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Very very weird. For me the ASAS seems to calm things down when I try and orient a big station or something. Make my move then pop the ASAS if there happens to be one onboard. If not I use that neat time warp trick.

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Proof (if ever you needed it) that people don't read a whole thread before replying...

Esinohio - this refers to a problem pre the last update which has now been fixed.

Can everybody please stop replying (ironic statement of the year award) and let this thread die peacefully of old age!

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I think it's cheating, but when i need to rotate my station I do it with the force of the CMs alone and when it's on the desired position I use the timewarp to kill the rotation.

OK, here we go again. How do you, can you, cheat in a single player "sandbox mode" game? The concept of being able to "cheat" while in sandbox completely mystifies me.

Sandbox Mode = No Rules (other than the physics) ... period

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*Must... resist.... urge... to reply*

DAMNIT i failed.

The reason your station is stable is because you are using 0.21, unlike the OP... that was ages ago... when this was a problem...

and @Ming, lets not discuss this here, but he just says he thinks he's cheating, he's setting his own rules. something very sandboxey.

thats it. i am not going to ironically post any more ironic pointing out that this is an old topic.


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