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Astrobug Enterprises space station parts


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  • 1 month later...
  Ferrit said:

Personally I prefer a solar panel that does nothing except look good and weight some rather than one that does something rude to physics! :P


Right now there\'s only 3 types of fuel, RCS, liquid, and solid boosters... but, you could make an engine that had extremely low thrust and fuel consumption. Match it so that say, the panels provide 1kw each, the engine uses 3kw, so you need 3 panels producing .000001 liquid fuel with an engine that burns .000003, providing some miniscule amount of thrust, and you don\'t 'break physics' too much. The only thing you can\'t replicate is the actual fuel metal used in an ion thruster, but that amount is tiny as well to the point it almost doesn\'t matter, especially in a game like this.

There you go. After all, this is a game, and it\'s not really too much rocket science... this is best equated to the North Korean space program if anything... blows up significantly more than it accomplishes anything, etc etc.

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  papa_kilo said:


Right now there\'s only 3 types of fuel, RCS, liquid, and solid boosters... but, you could make an engine that had extremely low thrust and fuel consumption. Match it so that say, the panels provide 1kw each, the engine uses 3kw, so you need 3 panels producing .000001 liquid fuel with an engine that burns .000003, providing some miniscule amount of thrust, and you don\'t 'break physics' too much. The only thing you can\'t replicate is the actual fuel metal used in an ion thruster, but that amount is tiny as well to the point it almost doesn\'t matter, especially in a game like this.

There you go. After all, this is a game, and it\'s not really too much rocket science... this is best equated to the North Korean space program if anything... blows up significantly more than it accomplishes anything, etc etc.

So why can\'t you just keep the ion thruster as an extremely slow-burning engine, as it is in the mods I\'ve seen, and not bother with the phsyics-defying solar panels?

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  • 9 months later...

Indeed. Don't necro-post please!

If a mod has been left without updates and as a result can't be used then the best thing is to PM the creator of the mod and very politely ask that they fix it. If they don't answer or say "no", then that's an end to it - you have no right to demand anything of a person who has done something in their spare time.

I will close this thread. If the O.P. want to post again they can P.M. me or any other mod asking for it to be re-opened.

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