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Astrobug Enterprises space station parts


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So my goal recently has been to build some decent looking space station parts to fling into orbit. So far, it\'s just some retextured parts and a quick-and-dirty solar panel, but I hope to build some more modules soon. At any rate, I thought you guys might like some new cargo to blow up launch. :)

Astrobug Enterprises parts pack currently includes:

A generic sapce station module

Solar panels (Does not generate fuel)

AE Solarpack (Retextured decoupler to attach solar panels)

Astrobug Enterprises custom Mk16 parachute

I will be adding more once I figure out how to use my modeling software properly. :-[

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Oh that is so sexy. Finally someone made a spacestation part with solar panels that actually STICK OUT

It looks goofy (note I didn\'t say it wasn\'t Kerbal) though during launch because they all stick out. Can\'t wait for animations, because deploying solar panels would be awesome.

These are some nice parts you are developing here Astro!

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Love the parts, the panels and lab are great, make payloads more realistic. I have just a couple of suggestions; the lab texture has the windows a little offset of centre, like it\'s rotated. Could thay be centred so they line up with the windows of the command module please? And the solar panels could be a little brighter looking, they\'re currently rather dark.

These are tiny little niggles about what is a good addition to KSP and I suspect will remain a feature in many of my launches :)

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By any chance can you turn this piece into an engine with slightly negative fuel consumption so you can actually collect energy? I know others have. Thanks

Yeah, I agree. Otherwise the solar panels are just for show and make your rocket heavier, It would be awesome if you could put the fuel consumption to a negative number.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, I agree. Otherwise the solar panels are just for show and make your rocket heavier, It would be awesome if you could put the fuel consumption to a negative number.

Umm..... Derp\'d.

Solar panels collect solar energy, not make highly unstable fuel.

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Personally I prefer a solar panel that does nothing except look good and weight some rather than one that does something rude to physics! :P

Though I also try to design with half an eye towards life support and power requirements. Really need to learn Blender to make my own parts

By the way, anyone else having trouble downloading this pack? It seems to download ok but then doesn\'t open (tried under a couple of zip programs, winZip and 7-Zip, same issue). Cleared the internet cache and tried again, still no joy.

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