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What would you like to see on kerbin?


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I'd like to see an expanded launch complex. Maybe another couple launch pads, definitely a larger VAB and runway. I'd like to see a return of the launch umbilical tower too, optional of course for designs that might collide with it.

Larger VAB mostly because I have plans in the works that need more height.

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I'd like to another big paved runway due east from KSC, across Booster Bay. A lot of my experiments in spaceplanes have landed on that peninsula after failing to make orbit, and I'm tired of cleaning the grass-stains off them.

A second small landing strip west of KSC, near the ocean on the other side of the continent would be nice, too, for spaceplane reentries that come up a little short of being able to reach KSC.

Edited by RoboRay
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Reminds me of SPORE in the space stage.

Oh god, I hope that terraforming wouldn't entail what Spore did.

I love both KSP and Spore for separate reasons. I enjoyed what Spore did with terraforming, but I would get sick of sprinting across solar systems in KSP in order to ferry materials around.

If KSP implemented terraforming, I hope it would be much more "focused" than in Spore. Terraforming 1 or 2 bodies at a time would be much more practical than Spore-style galactic colonization.

Just my opinion :)

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