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[0.20] Ioncross Crew Support Plugin ([0.22] dev build)


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These aren't tested and if B9 and ModuleManager are still conflicting the changes won't be applied anyway, but here's the code anyway.

I've released a patch to ExsurgentEngineering that resolves the conflict; I've included the patch in Modular Fuel Tanks and Deadly Reentry.

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Just as a note, in case it hasn't been discussed (I hadn't seen it yet), it should be noted that resource in -> waste out. Or put another way, you cannot possibly make more waste than you have resources. For instance, food wrappers could easily be stored back in food containers even if its other byproducts cannot. You'll always have less waste than you have resources. I imagine you'll be taking that into account, but I wanted to bring it up.

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Is there some way to add IonModuleCollectorAtmosphere to all parts that have ModuleResourceIntake IntakeAir

Would also like to know this. Will just slapping the module in the .cfg's do the trick?

Edit : Tested it myself, It does indeed do the trick. Just copy the Ioncross intake module and put it in at the end of the .cfg you want to change.

Edited by Subcidal
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By the way, youngdevil - just FYI, if you don't have a part installed, having the modulemanager @PART reference wont' do anything. You can safely include any and EVERY mod piece you want into a configuration file and it will have no ill effects.

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hi , i'm new to this mod editing thing but i want to try this mod with the other i currently have which include a couple a different crew compartment (b9 , home , inflatable and probably some more in the future). So how would i go about making the changes to those module to make them use this mod ?

just on this page there's 3 different information about code. Yongedevil seemed easy enough but where do i put it ? A .cfg file with any name will work ? Do i place the code for all mods in the same file or do i need 1 for b9 , 1 for home , etc....

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hi , i'm new to this mod editing thing but i want to try this mod with the other i currently have which include a couple a different crew compartment (b9 , home , inflatable and probably some more in the future). So how would i go about making the changes to those module to make them use this mod ?

just on this page there's 3 different information about code. Yongedevil seemed easy enough but where do i put it ? A .cfg file with any name will work ? Do i place the code for all mods in the same file or do i need 1 for b9 , 1 for home , etc....

Open up the part.cfg of the pod you want, and add

name = IonModuleCrewSupport

name = Oxygen
amount = 300
maxAmount = 300
//24 per day per Kerbal

name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 10
//24 per day per Kerbal

so that it looks like

// --- general parameters ---
name = Mark1-2Pod
module = CommandPod
author = C. Jenkins

// --- asset parameters ---
mesh = model.mu
scale = 1
rescaleFactor = 1

// --- node definitions ---
// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.47924, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.19319, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1

// --- editor parameters ---
cost = 1800
category = Pods
subcategory = 0
title = Mk1-2 Command Pod
manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc.
description = This modern cockpit is designed to be fully re-useable. Its spacious cabin can hold a maximum of 3 crew.
// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 4
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.20
minimum_drag = 0.15
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 45
maxTemp = 3400

vesselType = Ship

// --- pod/rcs parameters ---

rotPower = 20
linPower = 20

Kp = 1.0
Kd = 1.0

// --- tweakables (coming soon...) ---

// --- internal setup ---
CrewCapacity = 3

name = PodCockpit

name = ElectricCharge
amount = 150
maxAmount = 150
name = IonModuleCrewSupport

name = Oxygen
amount = 300
maxAmount = 300
//24 per day per Kerbal

name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 10
//24 per day per Kerbal

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i have a question when i activae any of the scrubber or the recyclier isnt teh values for co2 and oxgen wrong? mine always says -2 oxegen a hour and +2400 co2. shouldnt it be other way? also using the recycler my oxygen never seems to go up no matter how much co2 gets recycled. i left a rocket on the luach pad for a day to test it and the oxygen never went up. it may be cause its adding it in such small ammounts that make it unnoticed.

some good things to add would be a seprate co2 tanks since base for a capsule is only 10 co2. also could u add some thinner recyclers. the biggest one is way to thick imo. a good thing would be to have for example some thin recyclers but have them without any co2 storage which also would be good to go with adding co2 tanks.

would be good if your next mod would be to add food/water also. someone had added water/food before but that mod is way out of date and dont think will ever be updated

Edited by sidfu
remembered something
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Erm I was wondering is there a way for resources-oxygen/co2 to be used when I'm not actually using that vessel, it would be rather realistic to be able to set a Kerbal alarm and have it go off when I need to replenish O2/ get ride of C02 from a station or something if I'm playing around with another vessel.

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Is there a way to have resources get consumed or increase (CO2) when I am not actually using that vessel?

So is there a way to have resources consumed/increment when your not using a vessel? when the vessel is Idle even.

-Friendly reminder from a mod please try not to double post :P


Edited by shadowsutekh
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hi , i'm new to this mod editing thing but i want to try this mod with the other i currently have which include a couple a different crew compartment (b9 , home , inflatable and probably some more in the future). So how would i go about making the changes to those module to make them use this mod ?

just on this page there's 3 different information about code. Yongedevil seemed easy enough but where do i put it ? A .cfg file with any name will work ? Do i place the code for all mods in the same file or do i need 1 for b9 , 1 for home , etc....

The information posted by Read have Read is correct and is one way of adding Ioncross Crew Support to other mods. There is another option using Module Manager though. The code I posted here is for Module Manager and goes in any .cfg file in <Kerbal dir>\GameData\IoncrossCrewSupport\.

Erm I was wondering is there a way for resources-oxygen/co2 to be used when I'm not actually using that vessel, it would be rather realistic to be able to set a Kerbal alarm and have it go off when I need to replenish O2/ get ride of C02 from a station or something if I'm playing around with another vessel.

Yes there's a way and I'm working on adding that to the mod, I just haven't had the free time to get to it yet.

i have a question when i activae any of the scrubber or the recyclier isnt teh values for co2 and oxgen wrong? mine always says -2 oxegen a hour and +2400 co2. shouldnt it be other way? also using the recycler my oxygen never seems to go up no matter how much co2 gets recycled. i left a rocket on the luach pad for a day to test it and the oxygen never went up. it may be cause its adding it in such small ammounts that make it unnoticed.

some good things to add would be a seprate co2 tanks since base for a capsule is only 10 co2. also could u add some thinner recyclers. the biggest one is way to thick imo. a good thing would be to have for example some thin recyclers but have them without any co2 storage which also would be good to go with adding co2 tanks.

would be good if your next mod would be to add food/water also. someone had added water/food before but that mod is way out of date and dont think will ever be updated

The values are for the rate of consumption. You'll notice the pods say +x oxygen and -y CO2 because they're consuming oxygen and producing CO2, and the recyclers are the other way. It's kind of arbitrary, but that is the way the game defines resource usage and I decide to match that.

The likely reason you're not seeing oxygen go up when running a recycler is it's not producing oxygen faster than the kerbals are consuming it. It could be it's max rate just isn't able to keep up; the small recycler can't keep up with the three man pod. It could be you're short on power; even with a lot of batteries it's unlikely you're able to run through the night. It could be you're short on CO2. The recyclers don't have 100% conversion rates so unless you let the CO2 build up you'll never see them produce oxygen as fast as the kerbals are producing CO2.

Splitting the recyclers and CO2 tanks is a possible idea. I don't really see much point in having more CO2 storage though. Either you're destroying it with a scrubber or converting it into oxygen with a recycler. You only really need enough storage to survive while the recycler can't run, for instance through the shadow of a planet. Smaller recyclers aren't a bad idea though.

I added the B9 cig, but now stock pods don't have oxygen, they did before.

Do you know if it was adding the B9 .cfg file or installing the B9 mod when this problem showed up? If the latter then check the Module Manager thread for the fix to the Exsurgent Engineering plugin that lets it and Module Manager play nice together.

If it was clearly adding the .cfg then there may be an error in it somewhere. I'll download B9 latter tonight and check that the module manager code is working.

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Sweet thats great! I was also wondering regarding when that gets put in to the mod, whether you'll have a way to track like vessels actually usage, like a window that shows all Lifesupporting vessels O2 and CO2 levels in a window so when your like doing a warp to like duna you can bring it up and see everyones stats so you can stop when 1 gets low and click a button for CO2 scrubbers or Converters etc.

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The main reason someone may wish for extra CO2 storage is for gathering it on planets with the intake. I know that would make my Duna colonisation effort much easier as I could continue collecting at night and reprocess it during the day when power isn't an issue

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Sweet thats great! I was also wondering regarding when that gets put in to the mod, whether you'll have a way to track like vessels actually usage, like a window that shows all Lifesupporting vessels O2 and CO2 levels in a window so when your like doing a warp to like duna you can bring it up and see everyones stats so you can stop when 1 gets low and click a button for CO2 scrubbers or Converters etc.

The ships aren't actually going to use resources while not active. When they're loaded in they're just going to calculate how what resources should have been consumed since they were last active. So there will be no way to poll the ships and see how they're doing or change any settings on them. There also won't be any chance of having kerbals die while a ship isn't loaded.

EDIT: Sir Nahme posted while I was writing the above reply.

The main reason someone may wish for extra CO2 storage is for gathering it on planets with the intake. I know that would make my Duna colonisation effort much easier as I could continue collecting at night and reprocess it during the day when power isn't an issue

If the built in CO2 tanks on the recyclers aren't enough I'll see if there isn't some other way to make it easier to generate oxygen for a colony. I'll admit I made this mod for my mission to Duna and I still have yet to actually go to Duna; instead I've been spending my time improving the mod. So it still needs a good bit of testing and tweaking in my opinion.

Edited by yongedevil
Sir Nahme's post
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oh just unsure how that will work, how to keep a station up to date with oxygen and getting rid of CO2 if you have to go to the station to see how much oxygen and CO2 there is, like if your going to Duna which will need a warp of days and days won't all the resources be gone?

Unless you going to find a way to be able to have the recycler for CO2 to O2 on all the time..

Edited by cardajowol
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If the built in CO2 tanks on the recyclers aren't enough I'll see if there isn't some other way to make it easier to generate oxygen for a colony. I'll admit I made this mod for my mission to Duna and I still have yet to actually go to Duna; instead I've been spending my time improving the mod. So it still needs a good bit of testing and tweaking in my opinion.

well don't stress yourself on our account, so far I've been loving this mod, keep up the good work!

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As for keeping an inactive station or colony supplied, first the reason it's taking a while to actually add in inactive ships is I want to make sure I'm taking the net rate for the ship into account. So scrubbers and recyclers that are on will be taken into account.

You can then either check back in on your stations and bases regulatory to see how they're doing, use something like Kerbal Alarm Clock to set yourself alerts when they should run out, or just leave them and see where they are when you finally do switch to them. With the way the calculations are done it won't matter if the ship should have run out of supplies 2 years before you switched to it or just five minutes before.

I probably could look at how long the ship should have been without resources, but I don't see any point in having to stress out about inactive ships all the time. This way you'll be free to either leave a resupply ship nearby or launch one when you actually want to use a station rather than needing to launch one every week while trying to fly another long term mission.

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Aye I think when it comes to Oxygen and CO2 its not to important, I like to have more realisticness to the game think its fun and puts depth to the game, but I guess if you add in resources like and food and water and garbage then even having something to say hay we need more food on the screen to launch a ship up.

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The likely reason you're not seeing oxygen go up when running a recycler is it's not producing oxygen faster than the kerbals are consuming it. It could be it's max rate just isn't able to keep up; the small recycler can't keep up with the three man pod. It could be you're short on power; even with a lot of batteries it's unlikely you're able to run through the night. It could be you're short on CO2. The recyclers don't have 100% conversion rates so unless you let the CO2 build up you'll never see them produce oxygen as fast as the kerbals are producing CO2.

Wait, so the scrubber not being able to keep up with the 3 man pod is by design? Ok, good to know.. I had to Apollo 13 my last Mun mission because of that, and thought it was a glitch or bug.

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The scrubbers, which simply destroy CO2, are set to a rate 50% higher than the maximum output of the kerbals if the part is full. The recyclers LS-19A Life Support Electric Algae and LS-32C Life Support Integrated Waste Recycler, which convert CO2 back into O2, are set to convert 4 CO2 to 2 O2 per hour and 16.7 CO2 to 11 O2 per hour respectively.

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Here's some simple math to calculate time until life support runs out (i.e. how long before Jeb passes out) with 100% recycling (no scrubbing) of C02 produced by crew.

With LS-32C (2.5m recycler) life support expiry = (oxygen / crew) / 8

With LS-19A (1.25m recycler) life support expiry = (oxygen / crew) / 12

Explanation: each crewmember requires 1 oxygen per hour and produces 1 CO2. If you're using the large recycler with a return of 66% (and assuming the recycler can keep up with crew), then every hour the 1 C02 is converted back into 2/3 O2, for a net loss of 1/3 O2 per hour, per crewmember (24h * 1/3 O2 per hour => 8 O2 per day, per crew member).

Example: I have a station with 2 Hitchhiker containers, 1 cupola, 1 large recycler and 1 large O2 tank. At launch, these contain a total of 9800 O2. This ship has 1225 crew days of support (a full crew of 9 will run out in 136 days). This assumes there is sufficient electric charge to keep the recycler running at 82% (9/11.1) 24/7. The large recycler at 100% capacity uses 10000 charge/hour, producing 11.11 O2 but I only need it to produce 9/h, so it will only use 8100 electric charge/h (conveniently, 3 RTGs will produce exactly that much power)

Ramble: does the radiation kill airborne bakteria or mutate it?

Edited by mdosogne
added formula for LS-19A
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Hey guys. I've tried the pack out, and guess what. . . I LOVE IT! It gives you that urgency to complete a mission continuously and in one go, and I love that feeling. :D But I i'm curious. . . I was wondering if you guys can come up with a few extra parts that I think would be useful. One would be spare CO2 tanks, and a device that will let you eject your CO2 somewhere else in space, or maybe even in atmosphere. I mean picture this. . . taking a spaceplane filled with CO2, drop down to topospherical height and release it's load, then re-orbit itself. . . all done while on Laythe perhaps. :) Well just a simple suggestion. . . nothing serious. :D

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