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We owe the devs/CMs/mods an apology


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  sal_vager said:
Well that's true, but I didn't say anything about people being allowed or disallowed did I ? ;)

Everyone's getting their say, that's what you want isn't it?

It's nice that there is a thread like this, it shows that people do care enough to speak up.

(accidentally clicked on edit and not on quote)

I'm just saying because to most of these people, nice is only worshipping the devs, anything else is bad or trolling.

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  whatisthisidonteven said:
The idea that you are only allowed to post if it's agreeing with what the devs say is a ridiculous one. It's a discussion forum, not a hugbox.

Yes, personal attacks on devs is not ok, but you are giving the impression that anything that's not "oh yes definitely, I agree, you're so great" is frowned upon.

Considering all we've had in the past few weeks is a screenshot or two of flags, I wouldn't say they're being very open.

They are still being very secretive about KSP Weekly and the streams too.

To be honest, all I want is an update on resources, that's the thing we haven't heard anything about in the longest.

arg.... really? This thread is only to apologize not to discuss and continue the old thread. :( It seems like this fact is going over some heads. If your feeling like you have something to say then i urge you to create your own thread separate of this one and discuss whatever your heart desires. No beef needed here. The walls are fluffy in this current thread...full of niceness. Fluffy!

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  iBoesen said:
Yeah lets just close it. I feel it doesnt contribute anything to the forum. I was just curious why there was no KSP weekly.

Okay, sorry guys but this thread is now closed, we saw a lot of different opinions here and there were a lot of good points, and some negative points but that's what a discussion is.

Thanks to all of you, yes even those of you who aren't in agreement, you cared enough to respond.


Lolderp, it wasnt iBoesen's thread :)

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I'd also like to throw my sorry hat into the ring, I didn't post in it but as it was going I found myself agreeing to some of the speculation going on. Squad team I truly am sorry about what had happened, this game is such a big part of me and its the only game where I've gotten involved in the community like this.


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  little square dot said:
Yeah, nothing terribly exciting about a handful of adults arguing with a group of children.

Junkies who don't get their fix quickly enough tend to get cranky.

Thanks for that constructive reply that contributed exactly nothing to the argument.

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  ilikemoneygreen said:
arg.... really? This thread is only to apologize not to discuss and continue the old thread. :( It seems like this fact is going over some heads. If your feeling like you have something to say then i urge you to create your own thread separate of this one and discuss whatever your heart desires. No beef needed here. The walls are fluffy in this current thread...full of niceness. Fluffy!

it's so fluffy I'm gunna die! (sorry but that's instantly what came into my head)

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Just saw that thread now myself. Was really sad to see how fast it got derailed into insults.

I really dont see how community managers can be blamed for anything of this when they clearly for some unexplainable reason cannot talk about it.

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I agree with everyone else that is disgruntled about the lack of information as of late, and whether or not this is even right is up in the air, but I wanted to say that the devs and the community managers do an amazing job, and I would HATE for anything community related to be the cause of ANYONE at Squad being stressed, or leaving the company. I will have to sit back and wait, sadly.

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Originally Posted by Stealth2668

Although I didn't post in that thread (yet) I understand where they are coming from. If this were a free game, w/e, but since we paid we have expectations.

Paid? Barely. Expectations? Based on what?

Nobody who has an internet connection, a pc capable of handling KSP, and has the free time to play games and come here and whine, can convince me that $18 is a significant sum of money to them. It's a bargain, and a chance to help in the development of the title.

Furthermore, if anyone here actually finds it difficult to come by $20, and yet they decided to spend what little money they have on a computer game, learn to be more responsible.

Seriously, to anyone who would use a less-than-$20 expense as a liscence to be demanding and disrespectful, I'm sure the devs would gladly refund your $18 and be rid of you. Heck, I will personally refund your $20 if it means that we don't have to put up with more infantile nonsense.

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Like everyone else, I'm really looking forward to new updates and features to this game. KSP is fantastic. It has exceeded my wildest expectations, and I'm certain that whatever Squad have in store for us will be amazing.

But this is a game. A diversion. It is not a matter of life and death if I don't hear any news for a while. I'd much rather they work on the software than burn valuable time arranging little dog and pony shows. As someone who has worked in the software industry for waaaaaaay too long, I know what they're going through as far as workload and stress are concerned. That's why I am so adamant about giving them room to work.

So show some patience. Show some maturity. Show some respect. Yes, they are working for us. We gave them money in exchange for goods and services. But that does not make them our whipping posts.

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I think the best thing we can do is remember and respect and build upon what Anthony has done for this community and make sure it was not in vain. I know I for one will miss his

enthusiasm for his work and hope things will not be too different without him.

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