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The give a Dev/CM a hug foundation


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I posted this thread before the great forum crash of 2013 but haven't had the time to remake so here goes. I think this is more important now more than ever. This is a thread to give a virtual hug/high-five or whatever to the devs/CM's. Lets just show some appreciation for the developers and managers of this game we have fallen in love with.

My example: Devs and CM's you guys are the best. I have been part of a few other early alpha build games and NONE of them have shown the receptiveness, kindness and overall compassion to their fan base like you have. To the CM's, despite the hate you guys most likely have received, and i'm in no position to understand what that's like, you have kept this forum the neatest, cleanest and family friendly forum i have ever come to be involved in. This game has brought me hours upon hours of entertainment and the forums have been the greatest community environment I've ever seen.

Best regards and heartfelt appreciations


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