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KSP Grandmaster! (Land on every body of the Kerbal System!)

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Now that the forums are back, I can post my entry. (time to show off)

I sent a small lander to all celestial bodies, for a total of 7 launches from Kerbin:

the small docking port on top allows it to be stackable, and/or the use of jettisonable fuel tanks.

Lander stats:

Weight: 577 kg

Thrust: 20 kN

Delta-v: 1666 m/s

I used dual spacecraft payloads for low delta-v missions (Mun & Minmus, Eve & Gilly, Duna & Ike), three single payload launches for delta-v intensive targets (Moho, Dres and Eeloo), and a NTR-powered "mothership" carrying 5 landers for the Joolian system.

Mun and Minmus: put both spacecrafts on TMI, then performed two deep space maneuvers to achieve a Minmus encounter.









Eve and Gilly:




Duna and Ike:






Joolian system:

the maneuver node system predicted good intercept trajectories for Laythe and Vall, so I detached two landers before aerobraking in Jool's atmosphere. This also helped balance the weight on the ship itself during aerobraking.

The two encounters and the Jool atmospheric entry luckily happened some hours apart from each other.







Being now on an elliptical orbit arond Jool, and with a Tylo encounter after the next apoapsis requiring only a small correction, I detached another two landers, and sent the mothership with the remaining one towards Tylo.






Bop and Pol landing took place within the next two days.



And finally, Eeloo:



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I've looked at this thread in the past and figured that until I worked out landing on Moho there'd be no point screenshotting every landing and going for the easy ones.

However, today:



Theoretically that has enough dV (11.2km/s from LKO, plus ~2km/s in the lander) to get anywhere in the system with enough patience. I just need to get to Tylo and Dres for the first time ever :D

So, as a log of 'screenshot progress', all of which I will post later today or tomorrow:

Bold = Done


Eve (Gilly)

Kerbin (Mun) (Minmus)

Duna (Ike)


Jool (Laythe) (Vall) (Bop) (Tylo)


I crashed into Eve without a quicksave when the parachute broke the lander at 40m/s, and Kerbin landing was is justified by Kerbin -> Duna -> Ike -> Kerbin :P

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I plan on joining this circle, though the launch of several of my missions right now is depending upon the release of 0.22 for the Subassembly loader for convenience. I built a very large rover which I plan on taking along to land on Tylo as well as Eve, and I can't build my regular 60t Lifter in the SPH.

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Also working on this, in a new save so from scratch. Some of the old landing pictures I had, I was not sure if I used mechjeb or not. I tend to use it a lot in test launches to get to kerbin orbit first. Doing that manually every single time gets boring.... lol.

Working my way from in to out.

Visited so far:

* Moho

* Eve

** Gilly

* Kerbin (ofc, lol)

** Mun

** Minmus

* Duna

** Ike

* Dres

* Eelo

So only the Jool moons left.

So far i have been using one craft (with slight modification for atmosphere planets) for all inner planets, bit overpowered for the nearest ones, but got to dres and moho with fuel to spare. The mun and minmus i did in one run, taking off from the mun and landing on minmus.

I've been to Eelo before, so got a craft for that, just need to strip the mechjeb for this challenge.

And going to build a special craft for jool, gonna try and do all moons in 2 runs. All in one is possible, but the test runs would probably take more time than launching 2 craft with less landers each.

And thumbs up to all GrandMasters that have already completed the challenge!! :)

EDIT/UPDATE: just landed on Eelo, so only Jool and moons left.

Edited by MarkoeZ
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Saw this challenge the day before yesterday and realised I'd never had a craft on all of the celestial bodies at the same time.

Decided to rectify this.

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Only mods used were Kerbal Alarm Clock and Enhanced Navball. Juggling all of those flights would have been much more awkward without the alarm clock.

Eve and Gilly had bespoke landers, as did Ike and Duna. The Moho Lander design was copied for Dres and Eeloo, albeit with RTGs for those two missions.

The Jool System required something altogether more ambitious. Four generic multiprobes (for Pol, Bop, Vall and Laythe) were launched together in a supporting gantry to rendezvous with the Jool Bus transfer vehicle in LKO. The bespoke Tylo Lander joined them shortly after.

Once at the Jool system the Jool Bus aerobraked so that it's Apoapsis intersected the orbit of Pol, the Pol Lander then undocked. Quickly, Apoapsis was reduced to intersect Bop's orbit. Here the Bop Lander was released. Moving inwards, for each successive moon in turn the Jool Bus would change Apoapsis as required to enable a particular lander to reach it's target. The exception was Tylo which was rendezvoused with last, due to it's large gravity well - thus the Jool Bus ended up being left in Tylo orbit.

I aimed for the soonest, optimal launch window in each case and thus managed the Grand Tour in under two years.

Edited by Excalibur
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I plan on joining this circle, though the launch of several of my missions right now is depending upon the release of 0.22 for the Subassembly loader for convenience. I built a very large rover which I plan on taking along to land on Tylo as well as Eve, and I can't build my regular 60t Lifter in the SPH.

You can copy the rover file from the SPH directory to the VAB directory. That way you can build it in the SPH and the load it in the VAB and build the lifter. Also it was said fairly early in the thread that mods that don't fly or change parts are ok and the subassembly loader (now subassembly manager) was specifically mentioned as an acceptable mod for the challenge.

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  • 3 months later...

Who am I kidding..? It's only a title! My point is though that this challenge is a great idea - something to help push intermediate players away from the Kerbin system.

I imagine there must be some players out there who've mastered travel to the Mun and Minmus, maybe Duna too but who may find the other destinations a bit daunting (I'm looking at you Eeloo and Moho!).

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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