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The MachingBird Challenge!

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My entry:

Record Breaker: [sTOCK ONLY] [MANNED] [NO CHEATS/MODS] [MAX SPEED OF 2,301 m/s]

EDIT: Is possible entry a second plane? I have a good unmanned drone.








Edited by Octagon
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My entry:

Record Breaker: [sTOCK ONLY] [MANNED] [NO CHEATS/MODS] [MAX SPEED OF 2,301 m/s]

EDIT: Is possible entry a second plane? I have a good unmanned drone.

Certainly! It's only limited to one entry per category.

Updated for entries I could actually see as valid. If you don't see yourself up there, you can ask and we can talk about why.

Hodo, I'm pretty sure that intake/nosecone combination stack is not possible without devconsole.

I'm liking the entries, peeps. Sorry, I'm not going to comment on each flight this week.

Edited by TheHengeProphet
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Nice design, from what I can see! However, 2307.1 is your orbital speed, not your surface speed. As you're heading due east, the speed of the planet rotating away under you makes your orbital speed significantly higher than your surface speed. Getting the flight data with F3 is vital, and it can help to fly towards the poles.

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Certainly! It's only limited to one entry per category.

Updated for entries I could actually see as valid. If you don't see yourself up there, you can ask and we can talk about why.

Hodo, I'm pretty sure that intake/nosecone combination stack is not possible without devconsole.

I'm liking the entries, peeps. Sorry, I'm not going to comment on each flight this week.

Actually it is.

I used a small octangonal strut, on the end of the cockpit, placed the first ram intake, then placed the second, then placed the nose. I may have a second octangonal strut in there but not sure.

Don't believe me here is the craft file.


Look for yourself, made with stock parts in FAR.

Edited by Hodo
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TheHengeProphet: the collision-detection code is buggy, so the dev console is just a less annoying way to thwart the clipping check. Far as I can tell, anything you can do with the dev console "allow parts to clip" option can be done without it, you just need more patience.

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Actually it is.

I used a small octangonal strut, on the end of the cockpit, placed the first ram intake, then placed the second, then placed the nose. I may have a second octangonal strut in there but not sure.

Don't believe me here is the craft file.


Look for yourself, made with stock parts in FAR.

Fair enough. You're in!

Sorry, Climberfx, I need more screenshots!

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another One, the "Quemossabe"

it did 2307.5, but i take the pic a little late, and forget to take the Flight Results Pic.

But, 2307.1 is better then my previous flight.

Sorry Man, i forgot that completely.


I was a little st%$ed!

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Meet the x-6 Bis! it has a top speed (so far) of 2197m/s

(note: i have mechjeb installed but i did not use it so pls put me in the unmodded section)




Oh and it's full stock, and no stacking or any other kind of "cheating"btw. If you want some daytime pics just say it :P

Edited by panzerknoef
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:huh:i thought that 30 thousand feet was the height ceiling:huh:

I see many entries that are over

Height ceiling? I don't remember adding such a rule.

Board has been updated. Redefined [True Machingbird] to something achievable: 2300 m/s. Congratulations all those who have exceeded such a breakneck speed!

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:huh:i thought that 30 thousand feet was the height ceiling:huh:

I see many entries that are over

Well i'm afraid if the ceiling would be 30000 feet that practically everybody broke the rules (30000feet is 9144m) :P i know what you mean though just kidding here

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forget about the x-6 bis, my new hamerhead I eagle thrust got up to 2233m/s!

it did make a sub-orbital hop (apoapsis of 192.000m) but my top speed was well ahead of that









as you can see a whole lot of staging and it's all stock once more

(mechjeb was also not used this time)

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forget about the x-6 bis, my new hamerhead I eagle thrust got up to 2233m/s!

it did make a sub-orbital hop (apoapsis of 192.000m) but my top speed was well ahead of that



as you can see a whole lot of staging and it's all stock once more

(mechjeb was also not used this time)

So you pretty much just made a launch vehicle for a jet powered missile?

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So I would like to ask to TheHengeProphet if you could replace my old record by my new one. And can i just keep uploading faster times if you would replace them, or do you just have one go?

Standard procedure, anyways. Any additional entries in a given category will supercede the prior. In otherwords: DONE!

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Here's a bird I made for this challenge, Called Kaylee I


Top speed was just over 2200.

All stock, manned, and made from scratch by me.

No offense but you may have to read the rules of the challenge. You need to have pictures.

From the rules section page 1.

3. Screenshots! Must have screenshots of:

-a. Your craft on the runway (preferrably moving).

-b. Your craft in flight.

-c. Your craft's Flight Log (can be accessed by pressing F3) This is neccessary, as top speed will be measured by Highest Speed Over Land

--c1. For clarification, no, you are not allowed to jump out of your craft then take the flightlog screenshot.

-d. The resources tab must be open at all times, as proof of appropriate fuel usage.

-e. Any staging events that happen, such as drop-tanks, launch stages, wheel drops, etcetera.

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