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The MachingBird Challenge!

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I took the stock Aeris 3a craft (which is a surprisingly good flyer) and souped it up.

I've no idea if the competition is still on, but it seemed like a good idea.

I replaced the cockpit with an inline model, changed the front control surfaces accordingly, put a ram intake on the front, replaced the jet with a turbojet and (after a test flight) added an extra pair of silly looking ram intakes on the wings.

The Aeris 3f "Wicked Felina" at takeoff...


...and splashed down after reaching a maximum speed over land of 2311 ms‾¹, which I was very happy with.


I ran it around Kerbin making attempts until it more or less ran out of fuel. I suppose I could have skimped on the parachute but I'm not sure the plane would've survived a glide landing into the sea. Also could ditch one fuel tank entirely but it'd mess up the shape - it's far from where it started but it's still recognisably an Aeris 3 at the moment. :)

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I proud to introduce my new entry (stock, manned, no FAR)! The Firestrom is my record breaking turbo jet plane. Maximum speed over land: 2306 m/s is good enough for “True Machingbird†badge :cool:

Tech info:

Engine count: 7

Air Intake count: 56 (8 intakes per engine)

Parts count: 151 (only stock parts)

TWR on runway: >10

Takeoff speed: 100 m/s

flight info screenshot (click to view in full size):


video proof:

.craft flie download

Edited by 1greywind
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I made it, I've broke mach 6!

Highest speed over land:2254 m/s

Only stock parts and no mods or cheats used

Birdie 1 made the grade:


It was the first attempt, so expect another submission!!:sticktongue:

RE-EDIT: How to emded the album??

Edited by PlonioFludrasco
wrong URL; asking how to embed imgur album
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  Spartwo said:
[ imgur ] album code(eg:gire7F) [ /imgur ] without spaces.


  Spartwo said:

I notice getting out to push is within the confines of the rules,you should fix that(it wouldn't do much anyway).

If you go fast enough, the problems turns from "how to go above the atmosphere?" to "how to remain into it?", and it's possible to reach such a speed with jets only.

For this I think that prohibiting to fly above the atmosphere it's like imposing a speed limit.

re-post of the album

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EDIT:Is there a sort of ribbon or patch for the Mach 6 Club?

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An altitude limit is not a speed limit on Kerbin with stock turbojets: just change your inclination.

The speeds we achieve are pretty much equal to orbital velocity, so if you fly in a polar orbit you can control your altitude.

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  PlonioFludrasco said:

If you go fast enough, the problems turns from "how to go above the atmosphere?" to "how to remain into it?", and it's possible to reach such a speed with jets only.

Or How do I circularise?Put yourself into orbit in a version prior to .23 and the max speed could be in the tens of thousands.

  numerobis said:
The speeds we achieve are pretty much equal to orbital velocity, so if you fly in a polar orbit you can control your altitude.

I'll try that the main reason for the speed cap was having an apo of 32km and a peri of 215km.

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  PlonioFludrasco said:
You definitely need something other than jets to circularize.

Like an EVA pack.Which is why there should be a rule against it.What I'm saying is you can easily bend the rules to go at an infinite speed(or until you can't rendezvous.

EDIT:Or another craft with a pusher plate.

Edited by Spartwo
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Just a pic of my new 2-man FAR craft in its completely unnatural habitat (it went there by accident). Apparently, in the new version of FAR or something, jets aren't limited to operating under 2.4 km/s in atmosphere =)


I did a completely clean install and redownload of both FAR and KSP, so I know that no previous mods or anything are letting it do this.

Hmm... The .cfg seems to indicate that it oughtn't to work like that.

Grrr... Happened again, top surface speed captured on camera: 3049 m/s, (5000+ m/s surface-relative in the log, but that exaggerates quite a bit when your out at munar orbit, thanks to the fact that Kerbin rotates at 174.6 m/s, 18Mm away, the game thinks you are moving 5238 m/s BACKWARDS relative to Kerbin more than you are). This time it got into a stable orbit around Kerbin for several weeks and then hit the Mun.

Time for launch number 3...

Woops... Oh god! That's it! I'm heading west out of KSC.

Yeah, erm... can someone say: TWO AND A HALF YEAR PLANE FLIGHT between Kerbin and Eve?

Luckily, I managed to use 4 tanks of EVA fuel to correct my orbit and get a direct intercept with Kerbin. Unluckily, the damned thing is unlandable without fuel and I didn't make it to land before I ran out. *splashes into water at 90 m/s*

Time for number 4....

Yay! I'm the sole member of the mach-11 club... unofficially... since several of my speeds before the shown one are in orbital mode and were higher. Regardless, mach-10.9 club is still okay.



P.S. The highest speed overland doesn't work well for things that, under normal flight conditions, will escape Kerbin SOI even when going retrograde.

Anyway, it appears I have beat the FAR record by something like 1730 m/s.

Edited by Pds314
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  ninjaweasel said:
Nevermind. It seems that if you install KSP on a different drive from your OS and don't give it admin rights, some things behave very oddly. On a fresh install, the same vessel is now limited to 1900m/s @ 20km altitude before it rips itself apart.

Herm... I'm having the same thing, and KSP is on the same drive as my OS and I did explicitly give it admin rights. I'm getting numbers like 3700 m/s retrograde.

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Alright, can't have such a system change witout adding my own entry, and I believe I outdid myself here. Once again, I used my tried and true RST-5, which is actually a backroll from my entry in .19, because this thing is actually faster for some reason.

End speed: 2372 m/s!

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  XDFreakLP said:
Remotetech allowed? i hope so xD

Plane name: X125


here's the flight pic: http://puu.sh/6cQaE.JPG (with console for proof :P)

On the runway :D (moving) http://puu.sh/6cQqG.JPG

Log: http://puu.sh/6cQsj.JPG

Appologies, but I cannot accept this as a valid entry. While remotech causes no issues with the challenge, and is then thus acceptable, you do not have your resource tab open.

  theend3r said:
I've done 2222m/s with my basic jet design, but I think I'll be able to do better if I modify it for top speed. On top of that, this was done with full fuel.



Vessel: Thunder


Stock + MJ

Sorry, but I need a runway shot.

  Spartwo said:
[ imgur ] album code(eg:gire7F) [ /imgur ] without spaces.

I notice getting out to push is within the confines of the rules,you should fix that(it wouldn't do much anyway).


I could probably go faster if it was running on 1 tank.

Please, in the future, if you're going to have a resource pre-drained... have the resource tab open on the runway screenshot. Also, that graphical change had me guessing as to if it were stock, but whatever...

Also, if someone gets out and pushes, it will show in the resource usage of MonoProp. While not explicitly stated as being against the rules, it does violate them. There's no reason a craft should not be allowed to leave the atmosphere, as of this time.

  PlonioFludrasco said:

If you go fast enough, the problems turns from "how to go above the atmosphere?" to "how to remain into it?", and it's possible to reach such a speed with jets only.

For this I think that prohibiting to fly above the atmosphere it's like imposing a speed limit.

re-post of the album


EDIT:Is there a sort of ribbon or patch for the Mach 6 Club?

I'm no graphics designer... If someone wants to craft out some ribbons for the True Machingbird and Mach-6 Club accolades, be my guest, and I'll feature them in the main post!

  SasquatchM said:


2265 stock unmanned on my first attempt. Pretty sure I can beat that

This entry is lacking an in-flight screenshot. An issue is that since the craft was destroyed, and it does not list every part that was such destroyed, I cannot actually verify that it is indeed the same craft... Sorry.

Leaderboards updated for .23!

Edited by TheHengeProphet
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