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Poll: Kerbal Space Program's Mun Landers

Can you land on the Mun and Return successfully?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Can you land on the Mun and Return successfully?

    • Yes. I will post a picture as proof.
    • No. I am still learning!

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Why anyone would lie about landing on the Mun and returning I have no idea. I've done it numerous times. I actually failed a lot at first because I was determined to do my first Mun landing semi-apollo style (one launch, separate lander and csm, didn't get fancy with 2-stage landers but I like playing stock without part clipping and that's tough without it). This album I'm posting is of a heavy lander I was testing in 0.21 (was planning on this really big Mun buggy to strap to the side in future launches but never got around to it).

I took a ton of screenshots during the mission so here is all of them. Funny enough though I didn't take any screenshots of the lander launch, which I launched unmanned and separate from the CSM. I then launched the CSM, made a LKO rendezvous, and performed the Transmunar Injection Burn. I don't like leaving debris so when I dumped the injection stage I made sure I was on a direct collision course with the Mun. Made a correction burn on approach afterwards to get off of that collision course and then got myself into an equatorial orbit around the Mun. Transferred two of the three Kerbals into the lander can, made a successful landing, got out, planted my flag, got back in and blasted off the ascent stage of the lander. Successfully made the rendezvous back with the CSM, transferred the Kerbals back to the CSM. I then reduced my oribital velocity to dump the empty lander (since it had no probe core to bring it down remotely), sped back up to stay in orbit and then made my way home.

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I've done it several times. Landing is tricky, but returning to Kerbin is pretty easy. I use a 3rd stage to get to Mun and the lander itself, which is nothing mind blowing, is capable of returning to Kerbin under its own power and with no docking involved.

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I actually left the Mun pretty late into my game, landing on Minmus first then Dres (though I can't remember how and the ship I have named Dres Lander seems to not actually work so I guess I broke it at somepoint and forgot, but there is a flag there so I got there somehow!) I think I even did flybys of the Sun and Eve before landing on the Mun.

I actually did it completely by accident, was looking to head to Moho and completely by accident as I was setting up the node I ended up with a perfect Mun encounter and decided to go for it. I crashed into the Mun at 400m/s, one quick load later however and Jeb had touched down safely! Ran out of fuel on the way back and had to use Jebs EVA pack to push the craft into an orbit that would eventually degrade, a few months later we splashed down just a few 100 meters from the space centre!

I'm at work, but I'll try and get a pic up later!

Edited by nekogod
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My crowning achievement in my last career save was the Munraker XI rocket, which carried not one, not two, but three individual Mun landers at once. Each lander carried a Kerbal, contained all five relevant science instruments (goo, materials bay, gravioli detector, accelerometer, thermometer) and was fully return-capable by itself. And since it worked on the Mun, that automatically meant it also worked on Minmus with ease. The number three was chosen specifically because there are 15 biomes on the Mun and 9 on Minmus, both of which are divisible by 3. Therefore I can simply launch five of these rockets towards the Mun and three towards Minmus, and in doing so harvest all available surface science.

I would provide screenshots, but unfortunately that must wait until I am back home later today.

Then after I had finished gathering science from the two moons, I prepared for interplanetary travel... and got distracted by RSS instead. :P In the full size solar system, getting to the Mun is a whole lot harder, and I am still experimenting with how much delta-V I need. Yesterday I launched a rocket that brought a full 14,000 m/s vacuum dV to bear for the simple task of landing a 250 kg unmanned one-way probe on the Mun. It was not enough - about 800 m/s short on the final deceleration. A lot of which I could probably have saved if I had throttleable launch engines at my disposal so I wouldn't be forced to launch my rockets to the tune of fiery atmosphere effects and a near-unsteerable gravity turn. But the experiments shall continue! And at least that not-landed probe can transmit some science back from low orbit...

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I have indeed more than once, but I don't really have any good pictures of a Mun landing that returned to Kerbin. I DO however have some from my "intermunar landing" mission, which experimented with an Apollo-style mission launched from and returning to my Minmus station.





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I have a couple of times my most interesting for me any way was a friend that wanted to try the game out asked if there was a way to land on the mun and return in the demo game. So I built a craft out of demo parts to prove it.






Winglets acted as landing gear, ran out of electric power when taking the landed photo as I had left the ASAS on when i got out and sped time to get the sun to come up. Made the trip back a little interesting as the engines never made any power.

Edited by aleis
pictures posted wrong
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I've been to Mun quite many times, Minmus even moreso, and Duna twice (once was only a flyby) and once to Ike. I don't see the point in lying and I don't have pics of Mun because I didn't find it to be that great a deal. But here, have a minmus and Duna pic.



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