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New Mun station wants to spin on its own?

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I put a new Mun station up but the damn thing is useless because it spins itself up, making docking with it excruciating for anything bigger than a lander. It is likely bound for a 0 meter parking orbit but I would like to figure the issue out so the next station in orbit doesnt do the same thing.

I did a search on this and one suggestion is that trim is out, so I have madly been pressing Alt-X to reset trim but this seems to have no effect. The yaw and pitch indicators do look like they may be ever so slightly off center, but this may just be a GUI issue, either way Alt-X does not do anything to fix it. I see no entries for trim in the settings config so I cant even tell if the keys have been remapped.

The station is stock except for the Aviation Lights Mod; I have most of my craft lit up with these. This is the only one with the unwanted spin issue (that I have noticed). Station has SAS at the nodes but no ASAS.

Could I zero trim settings for the craft in the persistence file?

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  • 4 months later...

Did you find a resolution for this? I am finding that certain planets are causing ships in orbit to spin from just being in orbit for ships both large and small for me. Moho causes some slight spinning but the Mun is the worst so far. Would love to know if you've found a solution.

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Like Steve-S has noted, I've also seen a few posts by people who noticed that things like joysticks were giving out "ghost" inputs even after they had been unplugged. If you've used any type of input device besides a standard keyboard and mouse, you might want to double-check that the same thing isn't happening.

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I had the same problem with my base, and it was because a landing leg was clipping the main body of the station. It spun itself to pieces, but when the landing leg came off it stopped. Try breaking whatever parts are clipping with your Kerbal.

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Thanks Starwaster, your link appears to be the most useful in my case. I don't use any input devices other than my standard keyboard and mouse, don't even own a game pad. I do have a lot of struts (have to use them like nuts and bolts installed 12 inches on center in this game it seems. Guess I'll hope this "phantom" or "Kranken" beast gets captured or tamed soon.

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