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Laythecat is bestcat. (Chobit's house of madness) The one thread to rule them all!


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The first was a basic prototype, Portal 2 was the main event


Portal itself was a proof of concept more than anything else, just pushing the game engine to its limits and seeing if the results would be popular.

Portal2 they actually went through and made it a real game as well as hooking it neatly into the HL2 timeline.

Also Chobit you've done a horrible thing. I'm watching the first episode of Battle Ship Yamato right now, and probably will get more of it.

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Not a big game player. But the ones I do play, if they have a storyline, holy COW do I get emotionally involved. Take Minecraft, for example. I make up the story as I go. Or tell different stories depending on what I'm doing in the world. Heck, I have one world dedicated to set design for Stories-I-Want-To-Tell-But-Lack-The-Writing-Ability.

That said, I have heard great things about both Portal and Mass Effect. And I do wish to play them. Someday. :)

I used to get emotionally involved, but then I got the end credits from Minecraft. They left a Mark on me forever. Now, if i'm feeling unconfident, unhappy, or angry, I just look up a video of the end credits and It calms me down and makes me happy.

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I have the feeling that this thread is going to live up to its name...

The only reason I stick around is to make sure that it does.

Although to be perfectly honest, I really never did listen to this band all that much until this thread gave me a reason to.

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I used to get emotionally involved, but then I got the end credits from Minecraft. They left a Mark on me forever. Now, if i'm feeling unconfident, unhappy, or angry, I just look up a video of the end credits and It calms me down and makes me happy.
Oh fman, I Love the Minecraft end credits! The first time I got that far, I watched them and just sat in shock for like, ten minutes...

"and the universe said I love you because you are love."

I should mention, I was going through a highly depressed state. Still am, actually. But reading the credits... makes me feel like someone cares. And that's all I need.

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Just have to nitpick one little detail of SBY2199 episode 2.

Why do they always have to wait for flywheel spin up when starting the engines in these things. Unless they're using flywheel type power conditioning which in a space application would double as a gyro and reaction wheel, its kind of redundant.

But so far I like it. Kind of gives the impression of Evangelion level give it everything or be dead, with a much easier to appreciate scifi storyline.

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SBY (original) was one of the main influences of NGE. As for the flywheel, no idea! You'd have to ask the guy who designed the ship (in the 70s)

Also, I should point this out, this thread is completely unofficial, I never approved it ;P

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It's only big because it has my name on it ;P


[EDIT]: This thread's current rankings in the Off-topic forum:

#5 - Views

#3 - Replies

Edited by chobit-389
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It's only big because it has my name on it ;P


[EDIT]: This thread's current rankings in the Off-topic forum:

#5 - Views

#3 - Replies

You only rule the of topic forum because some guys here have an endless discussion of who has the biggest and baddest orbital laser:P
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The trick is not to use an orbital laser, that is far too costly and bulky. My designs are based on a fixed-aim ground-based laser and numerous reflecting satellites to bounce the beam around the parent world to either strike a target on it's surface or fire the beam at any angle into space.

Bam, I've defeated your weapons. There is no way to spot ALL of the satellites, let alone firing at them, without moving within range of detection by both ground-based or orbital observatories.

No fancy shields, no OP'd doomsday lasers, just enough power aimed at just the right spot.

Satisfied? Or do I REALLY have to get crafty?

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All you really need is a knife and a plan.

And maybe Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, but some people consider that "cheating."

And my plan currently is to stay underground until this whole thing boils over, and stab anyone who tries to involve me with the knife.

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This thread is growing rapidly by the day.

Personally, I just plan to shoot anything that comes near Laythe

What would happen if we blew up Lathye?

Edited by LeonG17
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