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What causes the "popping" noise when my music and sound are playing?


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Can anyone tell me why I get popping sounds n' stuff while my music is playing? And if there's any way to fix it? Turning off the music stops the noise, but it also happens with sound in certain circumstances. I know the game's alpha and all, just wanted to know if there was a way to stop it. (Also while alt-tabbed out of the game while typing this the popping noise isn't happening.)

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It's not just the sound. Watch your launch and you will see that when the pop happens the engine stops for a split second... and there is a corresponding gap in your vapour trail. It's the game code itself hiccuping and if you find out the cause and more important THE FIX I would be eternally grateful. This problem is annoying.

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This is something I've dealt with before, it affects all sounds for me and it gets worse with larger ships. I also noticed that the engine exhaust sort of skips when the sound pops, almost always in sync with the mission timer flashing yellow or red.

I can't find the original thread discussing it, but it seems that it only affects a small number of people. I updated my sound card driver and it got a lot better, so you might want to try that first. Some other people mentioned that closing other heavy programs that use the sound card fixed it for them, things like chat or recording software. I've done my best to track it down, but I'm still not sure what causes it. If anyone has more insight to the problem, I'd love to hear it.

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But I think it also coincides with my framerate for some reason. I have a really good card, so my framerate should be at least fairly good, but depending on the crap I have on my vessels, the framerate seems to drop.

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But I think it also coincides with my framerate for some reason. I have a really good card, so my framerate should be at least fairly good, but depending on the crap I have on my vessels, the framerate seems to drop.

That is how it works. When the game decides to slow down the simulation, pops start to be heard. If you have lots of parts to slow everything down, then the framerate will surely suffer.

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For some people, new sound drivers can help as they are often lower latency.

But there is an actual Unity bug which causes this sound stutter, and in severe cases it causes the game to pause slightly as well.

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