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Lets Discuss Space Games


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There wasn't really many games about plausible space travel like KSP did, you had of course spacecraft simulation games like orbiter, space shuttle mission 2007 (sequel planned for august 2013, but this is vapor-ware IMHO :( ) or lunar flight (it isn't hardcore sim but still it's an "must-have" if you like KSP ;) ) but when it comes to of building rockets in KSP... it's quite unique combination.

Only game that gave me similar experience was pontifex series that was(-n't about space) about building bridges, then testing them and stating again when it fails in spectacular way :) (sounds familiar ?).

"great" feat of civil engineering

From 4x games i liked Endless space and SoSE

Also interesting space titles in 2013 can be coming soon space program manager (sequel of BARiS) and NASA founded MMO "Starlite" which Is intended to be moon-base alpha on steroids :P.

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  loppnessmonsta said:
It's different from the KSP style, but EVE Online is pretty fun... once you get into it. I'm also looking forward to Star Citizen.

Eve Online is awesome once you complete the missions and tutorials. It's painful but you get free skills and lots of starting money. One of my favorite things to do is ratting. Especially in lower security systems, the bounties can fetch you a pretty penny.

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that looks like more than homeworld vibes, it looks like a homeworld prequel. if it weren't for the "its a new planet" thing i'd say it WAS a prequel! that whole sequence looks eerily similar to the cutscene from homeworld 1, and a lot of the sounds and technology are familiar

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  PrISM said:
For me the Freespace games were my absolute favorites for space combat. It's such a shame that that particular genre never really caught on and we have so few games to choose from. That being said, I cannot wait for Star Citizen to be released.

glad to see someone has some taste. freespace may not be physically accurate. but it is fun as hell. probibly has the strongest mod community on the internet (http://www.hard-light.net/). the engine is still being worked on. megalithic mods are still being made. and this game came out in the 90s.

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  PrISM said:
For me the Freespace games were my absolute favorites for space combat. It's such a shame that that particular genre never really caught on and we have so few games to choose from. That being said, I cannot wait for Star Citizen to be released.

Never really played much space games, but Star Citizen has certainly got me hooked on the genre! If any KSP guys have pledged or are going to pledge for Star Citizen, I lead a guild. ;)

- Samo

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  • 3 months later...
  loppnessmonsta said:
that looks like more than homeworld vibes, it looks like a homeworld prequel. if it weren't for the "its a new planet" thing i'd say it WAS a prequel! that whole sequence looks eerily similar to the cutscene from homeworld 1, and a lot of the sounds and technology are familiar

More right than you know. It looks like Hardware:Shipbreakers is now officially a Homeworld game.

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  iDan122 said:
There is a game for iOS(maybe Android too) called Space Agency. Cost: 0,89€ .

I just downloaded this game on android, and I LOVE it! Perfect for when I have a ksp craving but no desktop access.

Also, on a side note, it's FREE on Android :). Just one of many reasons that I believe Android is better than Apple (No offense to Apple people, though).

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Elite on the ZX Spectrum

Frontier Elite on the Amiga, and then later on the PC (where it ran so much smoother) - I must have spent upwards of 4 years playing that game, eventually discovered the bug/cheat that let you fill the largest ship (the panther clipper) with mining machines, exchange your ship for the Eagle MK2 and still have the mining machines. Sell them, and you've now got a tiny ship with an improbably large cargo hold. Fit the largest hyperdrive to your ship, and the universe is your oyster. Eventually I made a valliant attempt to fly to the centre of the galaxy (yes, an entire galaxy in less than a megabyte), but never quite got there. If you're curious, the game is now shareware, alternatively there's the oolite remake www.oolite.org

Elite 3 - This is probably the best example of why you don't release a game till it's finished, good but basically just a content patch for Frontier

The X Series - Great games, bought all of them. Close to the spirit of Elite, but leans a little too heavily on the trade-empire building imho. (This is not a criticism, just an observation.)

Freelancer - To my mind came closest to a modern update of Elite.

Galactic Civilizations 2 - so good I couldn't resist repurchasing it on sale via steam a few days ago, easier than digging out the licence details (I remember having issues registering the game the last time I played it.)

Homeworld 2 - Didn't really get into it, but I should probably give it another look, I don't really think I gave it the time it deserves.

Spore - Such a disappointment.

I'm sure there's been others. (Oh and that Hardware:Shipbreakers does look good.)

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X-Rebirth - the devs gave me some video and asked me to make a trailer:

Star Citizen - it's almost up to 20million now, and Alpha/Beta slots are running out, I'm skeptical of their ability to deliver everything that people want, but I'm happy with the progress I seem

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  • 1 month later...

I noticed a few more promising looking space games recently:

Enemy Starfighter an arcade type flight sim and fleet RTS with some pretty clear Homeworld influences. Looks awesome:




Mars Expedition 1 a mod for Vehicle Simulator. Similarly looks spectacular:










Lastly Lacuna Passage, it's is a story based adventure game about a disaster stricken Mars expedition. It will be optimized for Occulus rift, and plans on offering a high level of realism and scientific detail. The original soundtrack sounds excellent so far. It is being sponsored by Penny4NASA. I'm very excited for this one.







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Seems like noone has mentioned Take on Mars yet.

In this game you put probes and rovers with scientific payload of your liking on Mars, in order to fulfill a multitude of scientific missions and then drive them around and earn money and science in order to unlock better eqipment (including probe/rover bodies and better cams) as well as be able to aford missions (and "buy" new landing places

Also, photos you make with your on board cams are saved in the game folder and can be viewed outside of ToM.

It is still in (a medium stage of) development, but the sights are spectacular

Hre a few pics, taken with the cams of some of my probes and rovers:


Medium Rover prior to departure from rover base


Heatshield debris, seen through the BW Navcam of a rover


Crater rim seen by one of the color cams of a (later) probe


Heatshield as it is falling towards Mars surface, while the descent of the rover is slowed by the skycrane

For more pics (and larger versions of those shown) look at the gallery here:


Edited by Godot
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I've seen so many pictures of Space Engine on here I have to ask.

I'm not that smart when it comes to system requirements... I have an AMD Turion II P540 dual core processor at 2.4 ghz.

And AMD M8880g, ATI mobility radeon hd 4250. Graphics stuff. Would I be able to run space engine?

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  7499275 said:
I've seen so many pictures of Space Engine on here I have to ask.

I'm not that smart when it comes to system requirements... I have an AMD Turion II P540 dual core processor at 2.4 ghz.

And AMD M8880g, ATI mobility radeon hd 4250. Graphics stuff. Would I be able to run space engine?

That seems like kind of an older video card, but I'd say just DL it and see how it works. Space Engine is currently freeware.

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  architeuthis said:
That seems like kind of an older video card, but I'd say just DL it and see how it works. Space Engine is currently freeware.

It is an older card, the laptop is almost 4 years old now. But thanks I'll try it tonight.

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