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The Code War


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What if Kerbals speak Navajo?

?That's right! In this code warfare, you must speak codes to prevent your data from being revealed and most greviously, having you losing!

Each team will speak a specific code I give you.

There are four teams in a warfare, and you must defeat your enemy!


Team Alpha:

  1. ROFLCopter64bits (Team Leader)

Team Beta:

  1. Holo (Team Leader)

Team Penguinia (Formerly Gamma):

  1. MusicPenguin (Team Leader)

Team Delta:

  1. Agent30632 (Team Leader)

The first users to join will receive a PM that contains an address to a website that shows code or my custon made code for their team. You can asked for making the code by your team.

Even though code can be made and broken, you are not ready yet. You need to know everywhere!

Here is the map:


Now that you know the map, you can go now. NOT! You need weapons and soldiers and whatnot.

[table=width: 500, class: grid, align: center]


[td]Military Type[/td]

[td]Infrantryman with Gun (Man)[/td]

[td]Infrantryman with Missile (Man)[/td]

[td]Infrantryman with Laser (Man)[/td]

[td]Group Leader (Man)[/td]

[td]Jeep (Vehicle)[/td]

[td]Missile Launcher (Vehicle)[/td]

[td]Laser Jeep (Vehicle)[/td]

[td]Tank (Vehicle)[/td]

[td]Moving Turret (Vehicle)[/td]

[td]Spy Plane (Aircraft)[/td]

[td]Dive Bomber (Aircraft)[/td]

[td]Fighter (Aircraft)[/td]

[td]Attack Plane (Aircraft)[/td]

[td]Tent (Camp)[/td]

[td]Defense Gun (Defense)[/td]

[td]Defense Missile Launcher (Defense)[/td]



[td]Aircraft Carrier[/td]

[td]Amphibious Vehicle[/td]



[td]Cost ($, Man)[/td]

[td]$100, 1 man[/td]

[td]$125, 1 man[/td]

[td]$150, 1 man[/td]

[td]$200, 1 man[/td]

[td]$500, 2 men[/td]

[td]$750, 3 men[/td]

[td]$875, 3 men[/td]

[td]$1000, 4 men[/td]

[td]$1250, 4 men[/td]

[td]$1000, 1 man[/td]

[td]$1250, 1 man[/td]

[td]$1500, 2 men[/td]

[td]$1750, 2 men[/td]

[td]$200, 2 men[/td]

[td]$500, 1 man[/td]

[td]$1000, 1 man[/td]

[td]$4000, 80 men[/td]

[td]$8000, 20 men[/td]

[td]$12000, 160 men[/td]

[td]$2000, 2 men[/td]



[td]Health Points[/td]

[td]100 HP[/td]

[td]100 HP[/td]

[td]100 HP[/td]

[td]100 HP[/td]

[td]200 HP[/td]

[td]250 HP[/td]

[td]250 HP[/td]

[td]500 HP[/td]

[td]375 HP[/td]

[td]500 HP[/td]

[td]625 HP[/td]

[td]750 HP[/td]

[td]1000 HP[/td]

[td]500 HP[/td]

[td]5000 HP[/td]

[td]5000 HP[/td]

[td]12000 HP[/td]

[td]8000 HP[/td]

[td]25000 HP[/td]

[td]1000 HP[/td]



[td]Damage Inflicted[/td]

[td]5 HP[/td]

[td]50 HP[/td]

[td]125 HP[/td]

[td]5 HP[/td]

[td]0 HP[/td]

[td]75 HP[/td]

[td]225 HP[/td]

[td]250 HP[/td]

[td]125 HP[/td]

[td]0 HP[/td]

[td]325 HP[/td]

[td]75 HP[/td]

[td]50 HP[/td]

[td]0 HP[/td]

[td]75 HP[/td]

[td]225 HP[/td]

[td]150 HP[/td]

[td]325 HP[/td]

[td]515 HP[/td]

[td]50 HP[/td]



[td]Weather Advantage[/td]































[td]Man, Vehicle[/td]

[td]Aircraft, Vehicle[/td]


[td]Man, Vehicle[/td]

[td]Vehicle, Aircraft[/td]

[td]Vehicle, Aircraft[/td]


[td]Vehicle, Aircraft[/td]

[td]Vehicle, Aircraft[/td]

[td]Aircraft Mostly[/td]


[td]Aircraft Mostly[/td]












[td]Aircraft, Defense[/td]

[td]Aircraft, Defense[/td]

[td]Any Missile-Launching Arms, Defense[/td]

[td]Any Missile-Launching Arms, Defense[/td]

[td]Any Missile Launching Arms, Defense[/td]

[td]Any Missile-Launching Arms, Defense[/td]




[td]Aircraft, especially Dive Bombers[/td]

[td]Aircraft, especially Dive Bombers, Submarine[/td]

[td]Aircraft, especially Dive Bombers[/td]





[td]Just your ordinary soldier.[/td]

[td]A soldier with a missile launcher.[/td]

[td]A soldier with a laser shooter.[/td]

[td]The commander, must need for every group![/td]

[td]For a long move to another base, you need them![/td]

[td]A jeep that fires missile.[/td]

[td]A jeep that fires laser.[/td]

[td]A large vehicle fully armed but alas... it is a good target.[/td]

[td]This vehicle spins.[/td]

[td]If you need enemy information, you might as well need this.[/td]

[td]This is what the Japanese called "hell divers."[/td]

[td]Your main fighting aircraft.[/td]

[td]You need it to break into line in the beginning.[/td]

[td]Houses 5 soldiers, must need for long moves or long battles![/td]

[td]Defend your base with ordinary shells.[/td]

[td]With homing device, this can virtually get everything, but has long loading time.[/td]

[td]You can't get to another place over the water with a boat right? But you also wanted defense, right? Well, this is for you.[/td]

[td]This is the effective weapon to sink the enemy ship.[/td]

[td]Even planes need to rest.[/td]

[td]Soldiers are better off with an amphibious vehicle than swimming.[/td]



Every week your team will earn a weekly salary of $50000, make use of them.

I added weather advantages to show you how weathers can make a difference.

Let's say you have an army moving 300 kilometers from Fort A to Fort B. Originally every 100 kilometers you will have 50% the chance of losing 50% of your people. If you have a weather advantage of -5, the rate would rose to 50% of your chance of losing 75% of your people. If you have a weather advantage of 5, the rate would decline to 50% of your chance of losing 25% of your people. Note that the loss are dependent events, that means if you lose 50% of your troops at first, you will lose 50% of what you have after the loss, and so on. If you move 300 kilometers from Fort A to Fort B, you will lose in total 87.5% of your men. However, the weather advantage rating can go as low as or as high as -5 or 5. Lower or higher than that and the excess will not be count. So if you have the weather advantage of 12, you would still have to repeat the deeds of WA rating of 5 because the highest WA rating that can affect the chances is 5.

Score will be updated weekly. You will start with $50000. and keep everything secret except invasion, alliance, and declaration of hostility. (In another words, stuff other than invasion, alliance, declaration of hostility, and declaration of peace must be PM to your teammates. If you have to talk it in this thread, post it in code.)

In order to form an alliance, you must have the other team agree to join the alliance. In order to invade another base with fights, you must have the other team to accept the invasion. Unlike invasion and alliance declarations, however, declaration of hostility does not require you to have the other team to be hostile. If the other team does not respond to form an alliance in 24 hours, your attempt will fail. If the other team does not confirming any fights between bases in 24 hours, you can invade and capture the base without a fight. But once you've declared hostility to other team (declaration of hostility does not require other team to be hostile), you cannot declare peace between two teams until the 24-hour period have passed.

There are 40 bases for you to capture, but you won't know where your base is until you joined a team. Once you joined, you can access the team's budget immediately. So that means...

36 unconquered bases, 4 team HQ, $50000 to start per team, code sending, code-breaking, and war will all be happening in this thread. Now ready... set... GO!

And please read all the things before doing things. :wink:

EDIT: NEW RULE: Team leaders have the option of making their own code, as long as they don't expose it to the public. If they do make their own code, they must send their code to my account so that other teams will have to figure out by themselves, and that I can recognize their team as using their own code.

EDIT 2: More clarification:

1. Yeah PMing should be disabled, but you need to PM to your teammates when it comes to sending decoders.

2. I don't do codes until people confirmed whether they should make their code or not. If they don't, I would at least try to make some code.

3. I'm sorry that I didn't get to clarify this. On the map I've used and altered (I'll upload it as soon as possible), each bases have a certain amount of workers, the restarting cost, and the income per month (Yes, per month. Every 4 weeks will mark 1 month.). The man-hours are determined by the cost of the units, $100/man-hour. For example, an infrantryman with a gun would take a man-hour to train (you can't construct infrantrymens), and an aircraft carrier would take about 120 man-hours to be constructed (you can't train transportations and warships). Ignore the men needed to operate the unit, as they does not make any difference. However, the numbers of men are very important, because they need soldiers to operate the unit.To train the soldiers, you need to train them into infrantrymen first, then you can construct the war units for soldiers to operate!

4. Keep in mind that you need to remember the status.

EDIT 3: To join an active team, you must be approved by the team leader of the team you want to join. And to take a base, pay the restart cost and send at least the number of workers required to operate the base. A soldier would be a worker. The map will tell you all the specific data.

EDIT 4: Use this website to determine the march result. More information on post No.23.

Progress Update: The war has just begun.

Edited by Designer225
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Umm, Team Alpha, i'll go team alpha.

Alright then, looks like team Delta has an enemy now.

(whispering) You will be named team leader. You have the option of making a code yourself or wait for your code to arrive in PM.

By the way, I'll be sending a map to team leader now. And I can't keep sending you messages about code; it's up to you to get the code to your team member.

EDIT: Oops! To remember the base you are in, look at the OP, find your team. You will notice that your team name is in that color. Then look at the map. You will notice that your base color is same as the team name color, as well sa the name of the team.

Edited by Designer225
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I'll join team Beta as the leader. Also, I've made my own code. I'll send it to you once my place is confirmed.

Eventually, I'm planning on having many codes for different purposes. This one is called AlphaSI.



(Yes, that actually means something. AlphaSI is fiendish to crack.)

EDIT: Also, I think that PMing should not be allowed, so we actually have a use for code.

EDIT2: Can you still send me the link to the code you made for Beta team? It would be good to incorporate some ideas from it into AlphaSI or one of the secondary codes.

EDIT3: How do you get people to construct units?

Edited by Holo
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I'll join team Beta as the leader. Also, I've made my own code. I'll send it to you once my place is confirmed.

Eventually, I'm planning on having many codes for different purposes. This one is called AlphaSI.



(Yes, that actually means something. AlphaSI is fiendish to crack.)

EDIT: Also, I think that PMing should not be allowed, so we actually have a use for code.

EDIT2: Can you still send me the link to the code you made for Beta team? It would be good to incorporate some ideas from it into AlphaSI or one of the secondary codes.

EDIT3: How do you get people to construct units?

1. Yeah PMing should be disabled, but you need to PM to your teammates when it comes to sending decoders.

2. I don't do codes until people confirmed whether they should make their code or not. If they don't, I would at least try to make some code.

3. I'm sorry that I didn't get to clarify this. On the map I've used and altered (I'll upload it as soon as possible), each bases have a certain amount of workers, the restarting cost, and the income per month (Yes, per month. Every 4 weeks will mark 1 month.). The man-hours are determined by the cost of the units, $100/man-hour. For example, an infrantryman with a gun would take a man-hour to train (you can't construct infrantrymens), and an aircraft carrier would take about 120 man-hours to be constructed (you can't train transportations and warships). Ignore the men needed to operate the unit, as they does not make any difference. However, the numbers of men are very important, because they need soldiers to operate the unit.To train the soldiers, you need to train them into infrantrymen first, then you can construct the war units for soldiers to operate!

4. Keep in mind that you need to remember the status.

And 5. You are now in Team Beta as team leader.

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What do I need to do to take a base?

EDIT: Team Gamma needs somebody to lead the air force for the Cnlx qyqng. If you want to run an air force, enlist now!

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What do I need to do to take a base?

EDIT: Team Gamma needs somebody to lead the air force for the Cnlx qyqng. If you want to run an air force, enlist now!

Pay the restart cost. However, to take a base you need at least the number of workers you need to operate.

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One more question: How exactly does weather affect movements? What would be the 100 km chance of survival for a weather rating of, say, 10? What about -10?

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Only go up to 5 or down to -5. Even in bad condition you would always have some of your troops surviving.

EDIT: And weathers does not affect movements. If the weather advantage rating is 10, your troop will have 50% of the chance of losing 25% of the troops because the maximum (or minimum) the weather advantage rating can go up or down is 5 (or -5). Same thing with WA rating of -10, when you would have 75% of losing 50% of your troops. Over that and the game would assume your are in the highest (or lowest) weather advantage rating.

And keep in mind that the losses are dependent events.

Edited by Designer225
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Next week's weather forcast:

Sunday: cloudy; 25*L, 35*H (WA = -1)

Monday: sunny; 38*L, 40*H (WA = +1)

Tuesday: cloudy, followed by rain afternoon; 12*L, 35*H (WA = -2)

Wednesday: rainy; 11*L, 24*H (WA = -2)

Thursday: rainy; 9*L, 13*H (WA = -6)

Friday: rainy; 2*L, 14*H (WA = -7)

Saturday: (weather code blue) arctic and antartic storm hitting all bases, so... snow; -12*L, -4*H (WA = -12)

Predicted next month's overall weather:

(Base Alpha and all northern bases except Base Beta) Arctic super storm hitting: -13*A (WA = -12)

(Base Beta) Tornato hitting: 25*A (WA = -12)

(Base Gamma and all southern bases) Antartic storm hitting, worst in 25 years: -44*A (WA = -56)

(Base Delta and all coast bases and oil rigs) Hurricane hitting, 2 in one month: 12*A (WA = -23)

NOTICE: The temperatures are all in Celsius. Add them to your troops' weather advantages.

Now it looks like you are off to a rough start, but train your crew harder, and... use weather as your advantages!

EDIT: by the way, use this website to determine your chances. Set "number of sides" to 20, "number of dice (die) to roll" to 1, and set "number of rolls" to according this formula:

Nr = D / 100

... and then roll to see your result! And remember: the losses are dependent events, so even if you have a bad weather advantage, you won't lose all of them in 2 turns.

Loss / No Loss (Base on WA; Direction: WA = Number indicating losses)

0 or more= 1~10

-1 = 1~11

-2 = 1~12

-3 = 1~13

-4 = 1~14

-5 or less = 1~15

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What does D stand for in the number of rolls calculation?

If you are not an idiot, you know what it is.

But anyway, D stands for distance, and Nr stands for number of rounds.

EDIT: And by the way, always round up to the nearest whole round(s).

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