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Mod suggestions

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I'm using MecJeb currently, but am curious as to other mods out there, especially ones that open up the number of parts available.

I'm guessing there are hundreds out there, but I'm looking for a few of the more "mainstream" types that have proven they are stable and work over time.

I've been looking at a lot of excellent vehicle creations out there, some done stock, but most seem to utilize parts just not available in the current version.

Please don't turn this into an argument thread regarding said mod suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

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Imo, NovaPunch is just a giant mess of parts that have the same purpose as stock parts, I hated it when I tried it.

I use it to lift heavier payloads and the Gemini parts because they look awesome. However the OP said to not makes this into an "argument thread regarding said mod suggestions" so lets end it here.

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I use it to lift heavier payloads and the Gemini parts because they look awesome. However the OP said to not makes this into an "argument thread regarding said mod suggestions" so lets end it here.

Ok, didn't read that part of the OP's post.

Back to topic:

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KSPX and KS rocketry are the best parts packs IMO. Kethane pack adds parts and a new element to the game so also an interesting download. ISA mapSat is good for giving a use to probes/sats and it works fine with 19.1, another good one for adding a use to sats is the data comms pack(I can never remember what its called) but that adds the need to make a com link across space.

Good luck hunting through the mess that is the spaceport.

One last one Subassembly is good for quickly building craft from saved sections that do certain jobs like lifters/light launchers


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KW rocketry: A bunch of parts an fairings made for lifters. Basically, it reduces part count and makes them look cooler.

KAS: adds new parts and is awesome for cranes a d refueling trucks.

KSPX is a must. It adds a lot if things the game needs, and it looks like the stock game.

I don't really like the new B9 aerospace pack, but a lot of people use it, so you may give it a try.

The Firespitter pack adds propellers and stuff like that.

The Airship mod by Hooligan is cool for doing stuff in the atmosphere.

The chatterer mod is pretty much useless, but it adds kerbal voices to the game.

The Damned robotics pack adds hinges and bearings you can move.

Quantum struts are struts you can toggle on and off. Useful for wobbly space stations.

Now plugins:

Subassembly saver/loader: Lets you save chunks of a ship, and then load the on another ship. Useful for lifter designs.

Haystack: Lets you target spacific ships from a list. It's useful if you have a lot of things in the same orbit.

Mechjeb: You already use it, so it needs no description here.

Enineer redux: i started using it last night, but I can tell you it gives you a lot of useful info in the VAB.

Figaro GPS: It lets you set up a GPS network, and it works just like a real one.

ISA Mapsat: If you want to map a planet, this is your mod.

I probabbly missed some. And sorry if I made a Typo, I'm typing on a super small screen.

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Thanks for the replies. The video gave me 2 or 3 good ones to start with....subassembly is one I've been looking for. I have a lifter that works very well, but having to rebuild it every time I want to create a rover, or add a part to the Mun base

was time consuming.

Definitely want to look into the kethane pack as well.

A newb question. I found a youtube vid that showed the correct way to install mecjeb and was glad I found it. Do the above suggestions install themselves in a tidy fashion,

or do I need to give them a path, or copy paste them into the kerbal files. I'm guessing plugins are copied to the plug in files....

Edited by EmanonP
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most mod backs have the correct folder structure when unpacked. you can just select all the folders (parts,plugins, plugindata, etc) and drop into the main KSP folder. you will get prompted if you want to merge the folders/overwrite existing files, and you just say yest to all.

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You certainly need KW rocketry. Not only are tanks and engines organised into separate "tiers" that advance logically, but it reduces part count by as much as 10 times and can make really beautiful rockets.



It just makes so much more sense than the stock tanks. If you're only going to use one parts expansion mod, this would be it in my opinion. NovaPunch Remix seems to be a bit more scattered and less cohesive (both visually and literally with the connections) and yet, while it has a few nice parts, KW's fairings are the best I've ever seen.

Really. You need to check it out.

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