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Everything posted by brienne

  1. Hello IgorZ, Sorry to bother you with a question maybe already answered 50 times. How can i install KIS-KAS for KSP 1.9 plz ? I can't reach it on CKAN. Is there way to get it ? If not, should i play with KSP 1.8 ? Thanks for all the work done, KAS-KIS are ones of my mandatory mods. (I'll call my Minmus mining station by your name^^)
  2. Hello, Back IG and so glad to see this mos is updated. Thanks for your time ! Finally, i may try this. I've always kept that in archive thinking "i'll use it later". Any suggestion for mods for a new game, apart RasterProp and ASET ?
  3. Ksp 2 ? I dont see what ksp2 would give me ksp doesnt already give.
  4. Same here. "Unsupported version... please use 1.1" With CKAN : -"KAS Installed 0.5.6 / Latest version 0.5.6 / Max KSP version 1.1.99" -"KIS Installed 1.2.7 / Latest version 1.2.7 / Max KSP version 1.1.99"
  5. More infos about Cygnus launching. Atlas ascent profile and configuration, times, ... https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/astro-pi-launch-tonight/
  6. "Location : France", under his log. Oui, le 1er, j'ai lu ça, on te l'a demandé 50 fois Nice job !
  7. 'tain, c'est beau... L'occasion de me relancer dans Kerbal. Chapeau Sido. Edit: Et il me faut ce scaphandre de grenouille^^
  8. Questions already asked 52 times I guess. 1-Can I put/take connector port from a vessel when EVA ? I mean "stuck" them and plug a link. 2-To put a connector port on a pylon, just need a port and that's it ? (tried w engineer, wrench and screw...) 3-Can i put a light on a pylon ? Mining base set, ports everywhere on my vessels and non in Inventory:/ 1 converter, 1 drill, 1 living area and 1 fuel shuttle. Here it is, it works fine, but want to make a pipe network with pylons to have a large landing area. Thanks for your help. PS: didn't find spoiler tag for my pic.
  9. "KIS is now required for KAS (at least version 1.1.4). " Does it solve your problem?
  10. Would be cool to have an easy way to adjust docking port, just dock on surface and build a base. I guess it s already possible with this stuff. is there any light thing to make it? You know, sometimes just need a little adjustment.
  11. Same here, on Minmus. I train, make tests, while waiting for KAS Then I'll start a new game.
  12. Is it possible to transfer science from one vessel to another with KSP vanilla ? I guess it s possible with Ship-Manifest mod. As I wait for next hotfix, I check mods I ll use. So do I need to bother with Ship manifest ? PS: I'd like to use a shuttle to gather science in labs and bring it back to KSC.
  13. Thanks for this nice work. Mods you made, mods which would have disappeared without your support. Thanks !
  14. Some fans may overreact. I guess it s a tiny minority. KSP is great. KSP 1.0 is a big step ahead. imho, KSP 1.0.2 came a bit too far and put the mess. Months of work before release, and 2 patches in a week. Weird. Stuff happens.
  15. Remotech (com network with delay), KER (redux), Scansat (but gonna try stock scan for the moment). May add KAS and KIS. All these mods listed in my diary (<ith links, see sig below) I ll make a game with RPM and ProbeRoom.
  16. Squad is ok. They released KSP 1.0 and made several fixes with 1.0.1. Ok. But why did they release 1.0.2 so quickly ? Looks like a panic patch, and Squad missed. Can't have any Testers advices after 2 days^^
  17. Hi, I waited for a bit after KSP 1.0 release. I need different mods to begin a new game. But then came 1.0.1, and 1.0.2. I don't want to start if 1.0.3 is on the way and crash my save. -So, any idea of 1.0.3 delay ? -I guess we can't assume it will keep 1.0.2 saves and mods compatibility.
  18. Squad may have some stuff to tweak (again^^). But one question: how can you complain about (non) realistic things IG, when you ask for a SSTO able to go back and forth to Duna ? Really? Can you imagine Nasa Shuttle doing that, any ship ? Mate, if it s your reference, you need an OP mod. You can complain, ask for different things to improve gameplay, but don't tell Squad you want realistic stuff.
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