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Everything posted by brienne

  1. Hey, It's supposed to be the kerbal-gps thread?
  2. I fixed my cfg files. But where do you get ModuleManager? I guess you can't get it alone, but enclosed in a mod file. So many time wasted for users... Today, how many people play with Career mode and can't use Kethane mod because we don't give them a "career mode version"? What is the point?
  3. I guessed that. But why sometimes dv is different? (ex: stage 1 100/1500, stage 2 1000/3000)
  4. Thanks. I'll try HOME2xxx files. I guess they are HOME Gen2 files. PS: Bobcat works hard, but almost nobobdy know HOME is part updated. Much time spent for very few players in fact. PS2: I d like to get 0.22 rovers^^ Actually, many of his mods are "under work" and not 0.22 functional. Hope it will be fixed very soon, as they are GREAT.
  5. Any tuto or faq about Redux please? I'd like to know what is difference between 2 speed given in VAB (ex: 1500/2400 m/s). PS: Got a freeze while building a rocket, as written above. First time after 10-15 rockets build in VAB. Maybe i didn't use same Redux stuff and that one is bugged. I use PC/Windows.
  6. Three Miles Island, Tchernobyl, Fukushima, and so on... Enough reasons to be suspicious about nuclear industry. And for about 15 years, we really speak about closing first nuclear plants. Where do we put all that radioactive stuff? Just to answer your question. Imho, as we use more an more energy, nuclear power is part of the solution. Unfortunately, solar, hydrolic and wind energies are not sufficient. PS: I leave close to http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centre_de_stockage_de_l%27Aube, which belongs to ANDRA (french national agency for nuclear waste). They put those "shot-to-midde delay" nuclear wastes underground (supposed to be dangerous during 300 years).
  7. You don't see it just below the message? Here is a link. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x16k947_mars-reconstituee-en-3d-par-l-agence-spatiale-europeenne_news
  8. Gen 2? This version is ok? http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-1-h-o-m-e-start-kit/
  9. Just a question. How do you bring an airship to a planet? You inflate it? Im' gonna try this nice mod.
  10. Electricity and petroleum massive use. What can you do without? Just imagine you don't have any tomorrow morning... Apollo, Manhattan project,... so complex projects. But greatest achievements of mankind? Maybe. Nuke bombs avoid WW3, for the moment.
  11. Mars Express is a space exploration mission being conducted by the European Space Agency (ESA). This film has been made with datas collected during 2500 orbits around Mars. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_Express Enjoy. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x16k947_mars-reconstituee-en-3d-par-l-agence-spatiale-europeenne_news
  12. Below, in Career mode: -Probes to Duna, Ike and Eve. -Kerbal mission to Duna, and back (2 vessels: 1 main and 1 remote one with lander, docking, EVA transfer, landing, re docking, back home after rescue) -Bonus: fuel rescue mission^^ I pilot by myself, with Redux and Protractor. Remotech and Isa are outdated. Kethane only work in sandbox. :/ I may use fixes written here and there. Next step: Jool system and permanent base (if I get Kethane mod).
  13. Back for 0.22 Remotech and Isamapsat are still down :/ Here some pics gather while making "science" around Eve, Duna and Ike. I only use Redux (building and cruising), Protractor (interplanetary transfer calculation). It's all "homemade". To embed your album, simply grab the ID of your imgur album, the following bold text - http: //imgur.com/a/szz8j , and place that in imgur tags, like so - [imgur ]szz8j [/imgur]
  14. Do I have to unlock Kethane stuff in 0.22 Tech tree? I installed the mod but don't get parts in VAB. Thanks for your help. PS: Ok, not active in career mod. No official config edits. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53134-Kerbal-Attachment-System-%28KAS%29-0-4-4-Struts-pipes-part-containers-and-more-%280-22%29?p=719230&viewfull=1#post719230 I don't get it Majir. You made one of the nicest mod, there's not much to put it in career mod, but you don't edit config files. You don't want casual players to use your stuff? I added "TechRequired = fuelSystems" to part.cfg of every kethane parts...
  15. Hello, Which Bobcat's stuff is updated to 0.22? I'd like to use vehicles and HOME elements. But all I see on Spaceport seems outdated. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/?s=%20&tag=bobcat Do you now any other carts, base elements? PS: such an impressive work. Thanks!
  16. Not in line with your actuel development. Just a mod concerned by science transfer from a vessel to another one. For archive. -> http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53112-DISCUSSION-RemoteTech-2-Lite-development?p=705214&viewfull=1#post705214
  17. Landing on Mun and Minimus. Next step: probe on Duna, then back and forth with a kerbal.
  18. So, I started a brand new career game. Ok, it's fun. But when you don't have any idea about what give "science", it's not so fun anymore. And you get useless flight. Why my scientist can't give me goals, achievements?
  19. My two cents: Use same grid as Kethane pack plz. It would be then far easier to land close to a kethane spot. Even, is it possible to merge datas in one GUI? Have a nice week-end, and spend it working for the mod :]
  20. Like IsaMapSat, this mod gives "real" science. Would be a shame if it disappears. Hubbazoot, thanks for all your work. I really appreciated.
  21. Any idea about delay to finish first version of your mod? Actually, i wait for it before going back to KSP :]
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