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Newest flag for my Crystal Globe Aerospace agency. Feedback is always appreciated.


EDIT: The crystals in the background are from Game Icons, and the globe was made by tracing a screenshot of Kerbin. I used Illustrator to do this, but I'm sure you could use Inkscape as well. It would likely be much easier to do it in Photoshop or GIMP, but I like vectors.

More Styles Here: http://imgur.com/a/3HsHN

Edited by KWall24
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Didn't post the image directly, because of the Easteregg *SPOILER* in the *SPOILER*. But I didn't want to deprive you of a cool flag-planting picture.

So click here (or don't, if you don't want your easteregghunt experience ruined) to see my first succesfull rover-plane with sufficient range. Now it's ready to be sent to Duna, and Laythe.

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Didn't post the image directly, because of the Easteregg *SPOILER* in the *SPOILER*. But I didn't want to deprive you of a cool flag-planting picture.

So click here (or don't, if you don't want your easteregghunt experience ruined) to see my first succesfull rover-plane with sufficient range. Now it's ready to be sent to Duna, and Laythe.

That is so cool.

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I love you... Thanks a load, i think i will use them all XD

How did you make these? Photoshop? :P

Nope, I used Adobe Illustrator for making the flags.

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Here's mine, inspired by another game; cows are just the best where ever you find them! I'm debating between the simple and the one with a lotta bottle I quickly knocked out though...



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