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Show off your flags MEGATHREAD


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This major historical event will lay the foundation to the future of space exploration. The future of the Kerbal kind. This flag will stand in hotor to all who gave their lives for this achivement, and those who will follow their path of ultimate sacrafice. -Nedmy Kerman


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Not a bad suggestion there. I suppose the only issue I'd have with trying to work in such a small area relates mainly to my flag designs, which are constructed from various pieces taken from other images (public domain/free to use stuff). It might be worth working with a larger canvas that is the same ratio of 256x160, so it will scale at the right rate when the time comes. I hadn't thought about the dpi concern - usually because such things are not all that relevant in my case. I'll take that into consideration in the future however.

DPI isn't really meaningful in this context. 256x160 is 256x160, the game doesn't care what the DPI is. The only difference it would make is how big the flag would be if you printed it.

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Well, after a little more practice I managed to get some decent flags put together. Just thought I'd post a few examples here for you guys to see, now that I've got them set to the proper 8:5 aspect ratio. Curiously, I only realized after the fact that the flags are at 512x320 resolution - the game doesn't seem to care so I guess I'll leave them as they are.

Anyway the first involved little real work other than mixing a few images together. I reduced the opacity a bit to give it a somewhat faded look - mainly for personal taste more than anything else. Bear in mind however I think this first one is a bit less opaque than the rest - an error on my part:


In the next version, I decided to do something with a little more editing involved. I drew a couple of individual components and merged them together into something entirely new. It's pretty minimalistic, though still effective:


This last one will be the one I am going to use, more than likely anyway. The faded look isn't quite as nice, but for the sake of consistency I made each flag the same this time around. I can always go back and edit the template later if I want to:


So there you go. I'll likely do some more of these in the future, its' not hard to combine a few bits here and there to make something completely unique. Nice feature addition indeed.

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It's good to see the creativity that some people on here have.

Here's my flag designs. I'm planning on making a different flag for each planet, because I eventually want a base established on each.




Woah, can i use these? They are really good :P

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The Flag Designer SVG file I posted earlier has been updated. More layers, more tutorial, and a handful of foreground elements. Also fixed the stripes. In the spirit of the thread, here are some flags I made with a little fiddling around (the names are just what I thought of when I made them):

Purple People Eater:






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To counteract all the Union Jacks is this topic I wanted to show of something a friend of mine has achieved.


He planted both our national and royal flag on the surface of the Mün! :) The Netherlands FTW!

(Yes, I'm actually from Kingdom of The Netherlands, not the Republic of Kazakhstan)

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It's good to see the creativity that some people on here have.

Here's my flag designs. I'm planning on making a different flag for each planet, because I eventually want a base established on each.




Can't wait for the others!! Excellent job!

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