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The Jool Project

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You will be launching two-three sperate launches, from Kerbin to Jool and back. Simple to do on its own but can you leave a kerbin behind with shelter and work to keep he occupied as the other team flys home and launches another mission.


No cheating of any sorts, mods are limited to no auto-pilot mods of any sort not even for style.

You will probably want to refuel so make sure you have one waiting for you ready.

Mission 1

You have been asked to travel to Jool and set up a com-link to orbit Jool, this will allow communications from kerbin to be transmitted to this com-link and redirected to the nearest shelter that you will be leaving behind. Land on Jool leaving behind a single Kerbin and shelter to protect him from any alien storms that might come his way. With the other crew left fly back home when both Objectives are done.

Objectives: (in any order)

-Land on Jool and leave behind one crew member with shelter and work to do that observes jool. 10 points

-Set a com-link orbiting Jool which orbits overhead the shelter to establish a strong connection. 10 points

(Option: Have drone to scout ahead on jool so the crew member can do work near the shelter.) 20 points

-Land home nearest to KSC. 5 Points

Total points that can be awarded: 35 Points

Hints: Have Com-link access to be connected for mission 2, this can be part of the fuel depot/space station's communications.

Mission 2

Now that you have set a com-link and left a crew member behind to observe Jool you will need to establish a refuelling depot or a small space station. (One or the other.) This must be able to orbit Jool, it must be small but effective to do its job. You may have upto 2 launches for this mission but one is preferred.

After you must be able to undock your fuel depot or space station and land on jool and decided to pick him up or give him company of another crew member. Launch and redock.


-Build a fuel depot or space station that can dock and orbit jool. (1 launch =25 points, 2 launches= 15 points)

-Undock and land on jool and either pick up the crew member or leave another behind and redock orbiting. (10 points)

-(Option:) Dock your fuel depot or space station to com-link. (30 points)

Total points that can be awarded: 65 points

You must show evidence that the mission went well with a debrief with screen shots and short comments if you wish of the following.

Mission 1: Before Launch picture, objective 1 + 2 underway and completed. Landed back home. (if you done option screen shoot that with the shelter to keep pictures to a minimum)

Mission 2: Before launch, objectives underway and completed, final dock and the same applies to option.

Total up your points and score yourself

Mission 1: /35

Mission 2: /65

GOOD LUCK! And let's hope that jeb is in your crew.

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No cheating of any sorts, mods are limited to no auto-pilot mods of any sort not even for style.

I don't know what you mean by that. All I can tell is that there is no cheating, no mechjeb, and no mods period.

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You can do it; he never said you couldn't use a bunch of mainsails with infinite fuel on. That could get you out of Jool's atmosphere. I think something similar to an ocean laythe base (floating design) might work best as it won't break apart instantly. I suggest using RCS for pylons to hold the base up and an RCS-powered rover. Since there's no rules regarding cheats, you could (and might!) need a mainsail-powered rover

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Why do you guys keep bothering with this? He hasen't replied since he made the thread, he is brand new, he didn't even read the rules, he doesn't respond to pm's. Just report this thread and have it removed.

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You can "land" on jool using the airship mod and the old airship ancor from KAS. This will let you save and return to spaceport.

You can also drop an probe or pod from low attitude and it will often survive, however selecting and go to it will case it to blow up after short time.

Return this chalenge with another, bring one kerbal to 0 attitude on Jool or below and return him.

No rules of engagement except debugger, hypedit or obvious cheat mods.

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Jool is a gas giant, you aren't supposed to be able to land on those, there's the small matter of copious amounts of air pressure and lack of actual ground.

You spent a lot of time thinking of this challenge but no time actually testing it yourself, sorry but I have to close this one.

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