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Orion aka "Ol' Boom-boom"


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Am I doing it right?


Pretty much, now land it on Eve and go back to kerbin.

Some has a bit to fun with this mod I think.

However should not talk, I wanted an one man orion in Fallout 3 as transport, think an mix between an orion rocket and an pongo stick powered by mini nukes.

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I encountered an odd glitch in an otherwise routine mission to Jool this morning - here is Caliban, burning hard retrograde sorting out an orbit, with the explosions behaving as if in atmo

Boy, that is odd. I have no idea what is causing that. I'll play around.

I had the idea for another type of bomb, an non shaped charge. It has low thrust but the blast radius is much bigger. Could be fun to destroy orbiting Debris with it.

You could probably make that yourself.

Duplicate one of the bomb folders and re-name it.

Edit its part.cfg file:

change name= whatever to something new.

also change the title and description.

change bombImpulse to

bombImpulse = 0.0

change destroyZone to the destruction radius in meters that you desire.

change destroyMass upwards if need be. Roche has a mass of about 500

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You could probably make that yourself.

Duplicate one of the bomb folders and re-name it.

Edit its part.cfg file:

change name= whatever to something new.

also change the title and description.

change bombImpulse to

bombImpulse = 0.0

change destroyZone to the destruction radius in meters that you desire.

change destroyMass upwards if need be. Roche has a mass of about 500

I'll do that but i also think that this would fit in the mod very good :)
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Ah, that would be good news for me if something else was causing the problem!

Consider it not your problem.

I've been unable to recreate it with stock parts (+ Orion and MechJeb), possibly in part because when I start to approximate the masses involved in the troublesome vehicle it just breaks apart at some point. I can replicate something similar using the large spherical fuel tank add-on (huge mass) and a few other parts plus scaled up RCS units. It appears that 8 RCS units != 1 8x RCS unit -- ASAS & MechJeb don't seem to know how to control upscaled RCS units, and you can drive a large vehicle with multiple heavy masses and (and some flexibility at the connections) into oscillation. Then you can shut everything off and the thing still oscillates for a while, and if you're way way out on a barely bound highly elliptical orbit, this can result in some strangeness about exactly what your orbit is.

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And here's a little insanity before dinner: an Orion plane. It works surprisingly well. Other than the whole keeping it from escaping orbit problem. It reminds me of planes I used to make in x-plane.


Great Galloping Galaxies!! And we all thought Project Pluto was bad...

I had no idea of the amount of fiendish ingenuity contained in the KSP community. I feel like I've created a monster...

Consider it not your problem.

I've been unable to recreate it with stock parts (+ Orion and MechJeb).

Sorry you had a problem, relieved it was not also my problem.

Edited by nyrath
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I hope so i suggested it to him long ago.

Yeah, me too.

Seemed to fit the 'Real World KSP' thing, as well as being awesome!

Seriously, if the real things worked this well, and had development continue, we'd probably have had asteroid mining operations back in the 80's...

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Seemed to fit the 'Real World KSP' thing, as well as being awesome!

Seriously, if the real things worked this well, and had development continue, we'd probably have had asteroid mining operations back in the 80's...

More than that. A 1960's study showed that a medium sized Orion had enough delta V to send 1,300 metric tons of payload to the Saturnian moon Enceladus and back!



But even though I've studied the the Orion drive extensively, I was shocked at how much thrust and delta V this monster had. Of course I'm not quite sure how accurately I've modeled the performance, but I think I have it pretty closely scaled to the other propulsion systems in KSP. I have had some insights into Orion from just playing with this mod (like it turns with all the agility of a pregnant hippo). Which again demonstrates why KSP is educational like no other game.

But you have to keep in mind that in KSP, the Kerbals did not sign a nuclear test ban treaty in 1963.

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