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What has been the most difficult place you've landed and returned a Kerbal?


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Eve and Moho--in one mission!


Well, I was using the ridiculously powerful fusion engines from Impossible Innovations, so I don't 'count' it as an actual mission. I consider that the kerbals are playing Kerbal Space Program themselves, but their version is more...kerbal, with less realism :P

In my 'real' version of the game, I would have to say it was Duna, I sent a massively complicated mission (that nearly fried my poor computer) to the red planet. I should post about it sometime I suppose...

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By far the answer is Moho. It takes a huge amount of DV just to get there, and there's no atmosphere for aerobraking. I pretty much ran out of fuel after getting there. All I had left was my lander stage and an underpowered return ship. After landing on Moho and getting back into orbit, I didn't have enough fuel to get to Kerbin. However, I had just enough to get to Eve.

The advantage of this is that a rescue mission to Eve is much easier because Eve is closer and has a dense atmosphere. It actually all ended up working out, my Eve rescue mission went well and I landed just off the coast of KSC, near the island runway. I swam home and landed a rescue plane, and Bill was safe. This was also my first mission to more than one planet, even though that wasn't exactly in the mission plan.

Moho man. Moho.

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While the farthest I've ever done a return mission with kerbals is Duna, the most difficult has to have been (oddly) Minmus.

This picture sums it up nicely.


Remember kids, never forget to bring enough fuel along, and if you did...


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Oddly enough I just landed there on Minimus! It was a little tricky because of the inclination of the orbit. I just hope my Kerbals brought some snacks because that trip took about five days.

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