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Ender's Game (Movie) Discussion


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Just saw the Ender's Game Trailer above. What do you all think?

Let the discussion begin!

P.S. As a service to others who have not read the book, please avoid spoilers or at the very least, use spoilers to hide your spoilers.
A note to those who have not read the book, do not read the spoilers.

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Not sure if they will stick to it or not. Depends on if they see the books overall plot arc as risky, or the reason the book is worth adapting in the first place. Would be a crime if they did the former, and I am seeing better adaptions being made now. Harry Potter was descent, at least up until the fifth one where they changed things that didn't need it. Hunger Games I felt was fantastic, making sensible alterations to make it a good movie, while 'being true' to the book itself. Game of Thrones seems pretty good to me so far, though I am only a bit into the books (started watching with parents, now I need to get ahead of the show), so I am hopeful.

I would expect the romance though. Hollywood does not make movies like this without a romance sub-plot, as part of their strategy to actually make money.

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They better not screw this up.

Looking at the director's background he was born is South Africa and is a former lawyer so at least there's a chance that the sensitive subjects in the book will be handled better than the usually Hollywood heavy-handedness.

Although really, out of all of the un-dramatised sci-fi classics Ender's game was a long way from the most suitable for the US Film industry to attempt.

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Unfortunatelly I've never heard of this science-fiction story before, but what I've read on Wikipedia sounds very impressive.

I'm really looking forward to watching this movie this fall and in the meantime I'm probably going to read the books. :)

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My opinion can be summed up with a meme: Not sure if want.

Seriously, I have strong conflicting emotions on this. Part of me is like, "Cool Ender's game movie" and the rest is like they are so going to screw it up.

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My opinion can be summed up with a meme: Not sure if want.

Seriously, I have strong conflicting emotions on this. Part of me is like, "Cool Ender's game movie" and the rest is like they are so going to screw it up.

I don't mean to sound like a pessimist, but I feel the same way :/

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My opinion can be summed up with a meme: Not sure if want.

Seriously, I have strong conflicting emotions on this. Part of me is like, "Cool Ender's game movie" and the rest is like they are so going to screw it up.

I think they'll screw it up. But I also don't care, it doesn't take away from the book so a bad done job is better than nothing. And anyway, I'm still a fan of B-grade movies so it can't be that bad. As long as they don't kiddify it because the main characters are mostly children.

One of the characters having an overkill moko is a bad sign though.

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One of the characters having an overkill moko is a bad sign though.

overkill you say?


It shows that they are not going to try and tone down culture and blend everybody into cultures that are neither here nor there, that imo is a good sign. They are from all over the world, their characters should reflect that, his does.

I suppose then that this guy's Moko is also overkill?

Perhaps a little light reading?

I am somewhat surprised, given that your location says your from New Zealand, would have thought you'd have been more in tune with who the Maori are.

Edited by Amram
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I am somewhat surprised, given that your location says your from New Zealand, would have thought you'd have been more in tune with who the Maori are.

You incorrectly assume that my opinion is based on lack of knowledge.

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Not at all.


see definition 2. That is the usage I intended for that wording.

I just don't see how that is overkill, much less a bad choice given who the character is. My implication if anything is that it was a shallow look at the character and expectation that he not be who he is. Put simply,what i got from your post was the implication that the movie will somehow suck in part because he did what many great Maori before him have done. If you have read the book, would you not agree he is a maori of great significance? Am i missing something?

Doesn't that imply that the moko is to be expected rather than otherwise, and if so that its the right call to setup the character so?

Which is why I note that i am surprised by your position on that. I was assuming that your knowledge of the Maori would easily outstrip mine, you being where you are, and that made your post strike me as so odd. Whether born there, or moved there, you do hold the home turf advantage regarding that, i would think that makes it fair to assume that you would have me beat in such matters.

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According to the director, the movie is going to be a blend of Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow. So don't get surprised when they start to focus on Bean a bit.

They also bumped up the ages of the characters, I think (it makes sense; no way they can get 6 year olds to act the way the book describes them.)

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