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The best Youtube's


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Hi all,

I've spent a good few hours watching different videos on Youtube about Kerbal Space Program. BUT i have also skipped a lot due to being bad in some way or another.

So what is your favorite video? and why?

I like this guy: http://www.youtube.com/feed/UCiKZ9Ja5FezMz66m8yndwyg

DrJonez. He has a way of telling how things work, that really made me get the hang of it all, back when i started :D

This video is very good at showing direct acent: http://youtu.be/WRoCXYOOT4M

To the point, not to long, detailed tutorial and "easy listening"

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I watch Scott Manley, like quite a large percentage of these forums probably do; Harv/Hoc Gaming; Danny 2462; Macey Dean and EnterElysiam. I also have a few others subbed on my YouTube, but they're the main ones I look out for :)

Suestragaming HD; streetlamp pro and pleborian are another 3

Edited by JonoRig
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Scott Manley cos you learn a lot, not just about KSP but general random space things too. Danny2462 cos you will fall out of your chair laughing. There are other good ones, but those two stand out the most I think.

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I tend to check 4 youtubers everyday tbh.

1: Katateochi (the guy above :D ) - Simply amazing designs, cool music. (Hey Kat, Grand Tour pt 3, go go!)

2: Danny 2462 - Most of us prob know Danny. Really funny movies. Didnt know there where so many ways to destroy the universe :D

3: Nassault - Amazing videos. The way he edits his movies is second to none.

4: Robbaz - Well, we all know Robbaz :sticktongue:

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I'm most impressed by the videos of Scott Manley [szyzyg] (the most informative) and stompthompson (from whom I learned the secrets of rendezvous).

I enjoy watching chickenkeeper24 and hocgaming.

And I find kurtjmac very entertaining as he flails about at times (and I have a soft spot in my heart for his videos because they were the first ones I found and I spent hours watching them when I first found KSP).

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Ok, I'll be the first to mention pebblegarden. Unique tutorials with text instead of voice, and calm music in the background. Nice.

I was planning to suggest pebblegarden as well. He doesn't post as much as some of the others, but his tutorial videos were spot on and really helped me to understand how to perform an orbital rendezvous.

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No love for Insane Rockets Division? It's gotta be the most Kerbal youtube series out there. I also have to mention TheWinterOwl, who has excellent spaceplane designs.

And a shout out to my buddy flaillomanz who finds new and interesting ways to make the game cry out in existential horror.

Also, Jefmajor.

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kurtjmac and Scott Manley are the ones I used for learning and inspiration. There's a few others I watch for humor when brought to my attention, but I don't actually follow the humor stuff, it's just time filler.

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Scott Manley because he's informative and updates regularly.

Danny2462 because he's hilarious.

Macey Dean because I like the background story he came up with and I find his voice relaxing.

ablu444 hasn't uploaded anything in a long time but his/her feats were pretty amazing. I especially liked the moon rocket that used nothing but solid boosters.

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I don't have a favorite youtuber or an opinion on who is the best overall. But what I can do is assign the youtubers I know into categories and provide a favorite in each.

Here we go!

Recreational - Danny2462 - https://www.youtube.com/user/Danny2462?feature=fvst - If you've never heard of this guy, click that link FAST! Clever, unexpected, and all around funny videos are all his middle names!


Let's Play - ChickenKeeper24 - https://www.youtube.com/user/Chickenkeeper24?feature=fvst - Entertaining and enthralling, CK knows how to play KSP and how to keep you interested from video start to finish!


Tutorial - Scott Manley - https://www.youtube.com/user/szyzyg - If you don't know this guy then I welcome you to Kerbal space program! With his easy to follow tutorials and walkthroughs, you will be orbiting in no time!


Cinematic - Nassault630 - https://www.youtube.com/user/Nassault630 - All I can say is "HOLY MOTHER OF JOOL THAT IS AWESOME". Watch one of his videos, and you will certainly experience the most beautiful parts of KSP.


Quick bits - Robbaz - https://www.youtube.com/user/Robbaz - Although heavy on the swearing, I often laugh my sides sore watching his "Viking Space Program" videos. Not a let's play, but not a recreational series either, Robbaz is right in-between.


Overview - HOCgaming - https://www.youtube.com/user/HOCgaming - With missions ranging from an artificial gravity ring, to a gigantic mun base on the (where else?) Mun! Hoc gives a great "overhead" view for those interested in purchasing KSP.

( I could have added myself to the list, but I think I wouldn't be giving out accurate information :Dhttps://www.youtube.com/user/StreetlampPro)

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I don't have a favorite youtuber or an opinion on who is the best overall. But what I can do is assign the youtubers I know into categories and provide a favorite in each.

Here we go!

Recreational - Danny2462 - https://www.youtube.com/user/Danny2462?feature=fvst - If you've never heard of this guy, click that link FAST! Clever, unexpected, and all around funny videos are all his middle names!


Let's Play - ChickenKeeper24 - https://www.youtube.com/user/Chickenkeeper24?feature=fvst - Entertaining and enthralling, CK knows how to play KSP and how to keep you interested from video start to finish!


Tutorial - Scott Manley - https://www.youtube.com/user/szyzyg - If you don't know this guy then I welcome you to Kerbal space program! With his easy to follow tutorials and walkthroughs, you will be orbiting in no time!


Cinematic - Nassault630 - https://www.youtube.com/user/Nassault630 - All I can say is "HOLY MOTHER OF JOOL THAT IS AWESOME". Watch one of his videos, and you will certainly experience the most beautiful parts of KSP.


Quick bits - Robbaz - https://www.youtube.com/user/Robbaz - Although heavy on the swearing, I often laugh my sides sore watching his "Viking Space Program" videos. Not a let's play, but not a recreational series either, Robbaz is right in-between.


Overview - HOCgaming - https://www.youtube.com/user/HOCgaming - With missions ranging from an artificial gravity ring, to a gigantic mun base on the (where else?) Mun! Hoc gives a great "overhead" view for those interested in purchasing KSP.

( I could have added myself to the list, but I think I wouldn't be giving out accurate information :Dhttps://www.youtube.com/user/StreetlampPro)

Not to mention you, dude! your stuff is also amazing! :D

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Hi all,

I've spent a good few hours watching different videos on Youtube about Kerbal Space Program. BUT i have also skipped a lot due to being bad in some way or another.

So what is your favorite video? and why?


My favorite video is Odyssey of the Astraeus, by allmhuran: http://youtu.be/pFfXAmVkY_Q

His ship design and his piloting of it are really impressive, and the video is just so well put together. With the choices of music, many of the space shots are just beautiful.

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