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Will someone dock my station?


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Hey im new to ksp and i designed a space station and i cant dock it could someone dock it for me ill send you the save download and talk to you on skype about it some and offer you some things on skype my name on skype: zander.foster1

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I know you can get it done, just keep trying. It's a great feeling when you are successful. Much better I think than having someone else complete a first for you. Don't read this the wrong way, I am not trying to be mean in any way. I believe that you can get it done. If it gets too frustrating, just take a break from the game. I was getting frustrated and had crazy thoughts of giving up just because I couldn't get a little satellite to Eve. But when I finally got there, man, now I tell myself, "Ok, you got this, go for something harder now".

Edited by Finnerty
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i'd offer to do it, but, well...

how hard have you tried at this? if it's been a whole month of attempts and you have still failed, then i could understand giving up.

if it's been a few hours, you gotta soldier on.

can you post some screenshots of the components as well? (to save us asking whether you have SAS and RCS on it)

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Have you tried some of the videos on youtube? Really I think you are just missing some bits of information, for example for your first attempt, have you tried to orient the docking of port of the ships you are trying to dock one facing north and one facing south? This will remove the rotation adjustment and let you focus on less things at time.

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When i started in 0.16 i went to the mun and practiced landings, I crashed and burned several times until i finally landed, then i never left. Two days before 1.8 i shot for Minmus and it was the best feeling I've had in a while. After a while i went to Duna and it was GREAT after i landed my probe I couldn't hold a drink i was shacking that much I used the same craft to get to Moho. Finally I've pretty much been to all the planets except for Eello and Dres... The point i'm trying to get across is you can never beat the feeling you get when you first do something, don't let someone take that away from you, this is why I haven't played this game for a while because i cant get that feeling again :(

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Hey im new to ksp and i designed a space station and i cant dock it could someone dock it for me ill send you the save download and talk to you on skype about it some and offer you some things on skype my name on skype: zander.foster1

I just did it :D took a lot of time tho

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Hey im new to ksp and i designed a space station and i cant dock it could someone dock it for me ill send you the save download and talk to you on skype about it some and offer you some things on skype my name on skype: zander.foster1

Keep trying it yourself. It took me about 6 hours when I did my first docking, and that was with a youtube tutorial video guiding me! Remember to hit quicksave (F5 key) all the time. That way if you screw something up or ram your two space station modules into each other you can quick load (F9 key) and try again.

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I just did it :D took a lot of time tho

Yea!!!, I remember my first docking...granted it was easier before RCS was nerfed in 0.18.2, It was still one of the most difficult things to do for me at the time..:)

Edited by Tremzack
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It took me about 6 hours when I did my first docking, and that was with a youtube tutorial video guiding me! Remember to hit quicksave (F5 key) all the time. That way if you screw something up or ram your two space station modules into each other you can quick load (F9 key) and try again.

6 hours!?! That's amazing. It took me a few days. But I didn't know about quick saves :blush: I did find videos like this one useful. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CDQQtwIwAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DAHkY3FusJIQ&ei=msWRUdH_EuG3yQHbi4GYBw&usg=AFQjCNGNdOBc8Pr8ko754Ep_E-IpLl0oKA&sig2=bqI-6_myFc14ctlDY6LLqA

I would definitely try practicing with smaller more agile craft first.

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I just did it :D took a lot of time tho

I knew you could get it done. My Eve attempts took alot of launches just to get a Kerbin orbit. That was frustrating. Had already been to the Mun and Minumus and was getting pretty upset. All I was really doing different was extra fuel to make the trip but the weight difference was causing the failure. Oh well, live and learn.

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