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Ship Request: stock space shuttle

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I've tried my best millions of times and failed miserably, I can't get it to even get off the ground with or without the boosters, so I was hoping someone could help me.

What it needs:

To be able to get to orbit with the launch stage (I could probably deal with it if it can still get to orbit without it)

To be able to deliver a satellite to orbit

Be completely stock (2.0.7 mechjeb is ok)

To look like the real space shuttle

Have parachutes (in case im too afraid of landing)

Lastly, be able to return and land safely to ksc

Thanks if you can help me :)

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Just a quick word of advice: If you are going to make a space shuttle in KSP, make it with engines on both sides, and try to get over the fact that it doesn't look like the real space shuttle. I used two orange tanks on either side (actually just two half orange tanks, because I think they look better and help avoid overheat) with two large SRBs on either side. I know it can get to atleast 100 km but haven't quite fully tested it yet. An orbiting ship with a robotic core, a fuel and RCS tank, and a docking port, and you can dock the shuttle and refuel enough to get to Mun. Unfortunately, I had no testing for landing in low gravity planets with the engines, and I ended up crashing.

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I have this shuttle (the one in to pic is an old version of it because I'm too lazy to take screenshot right now):


It can barely get to 80 km orbit, drop off its cubesat, deorbit, and land with parachutes.

I also have a non-reusable SDHLV system that can send a lander to the Mun or Minmus.


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I've made some progress. The key is balancing the forces at different altitudes and with the changing weight of fuel as the tank empties. I've had to add a rocket to the tank itself to toggle on at certain points, I also find that I need to toggle between the angled main thrusters and the straight rear facing orbital engines. So far got it to 50k... I'll keep tweaking until I have something that works. It's never going to be an easy ship to fly though... and no way mechjeb could ever do it!

It will however be a very cheap ship to run... just like the real thing!


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Upon slight modification, Space Shuttle Atlantis should suite your needs. Unfortunately, the thread that it was posted on was destroyed after the forum went down. Below are a couple pictures of the shuttle in action. I will do my best to remake the thread in the next week or two.



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I made some progress right now - even made tests with payloads up to 4t - and where able to orbit it...after a while.

Until now i wasnt able to achieve a glider landing - as the minimum descent rate is 40m/s - and ist not very maneuverable in any way - you cant make big turns during liftoff and orbiting and also not during landing.

Therefore i stopped the developement progress and waiting for the rigth idea....

"Mulbin" is exactly right - at liftoff it is managing of the balance - i made that with RCS (a lot of) - and the balance changes over time - depending on the payload weigth it starts to roll back over the pitch axis and the engines we have are not able to control that - the solids have no TVC at all (while the real Space Shuttle Solids had TVC !) - therefore i use no solids at al but simulating the solid boosters with mainsails - and the LV-T45 (for the shuttle) has probably enough power - but definately to less TVC - the original Space shuttle SSMEs had a freedom of 10.5° on two axis while the LV-T45 has only 1° - you cant control the balance chanings with that less freedom....

And on the end - SSMEs are in fact the zenith of rocket engine development.....with a vacuum ISP some 25% more than the LV-T45.....with that long burn time in vacuum until you reach orbit - that makes also big difference.

This comes out at....waiting for an KSP update that brings uns new stock parts...able to fullfill that task.







Edited by maro
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There was a guy who made a fully functional stock shuttle and launcher, which can replicated most of the shuttle moves. however his post were like 4 months ago, and my hunting yields no result. his name was natiso or somthing...

Sorry to disapoint

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Fully functional Stock STS with launch vehicle, in-bay docking port, closed cargo bay, totally glide-path landing compatible. No parachutes though.

Video posted in thread with downloads.





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  • 5 months later...
Mulbin making a shuttle. What beautiful piece of shuttle ness will result?

Um.. this thing?

I've made some progress. The key is balancing the forces at different altitudes and with the changing weight of fuel as the tank empties. I've had to add a rocket to the tank itself to toggle on at certain points, I also find that I need to toggle between the angled main thrusters and the straight rear facing orbital engines. So far got it to 50k... I'll keep tweaking until I have something that works. It's never going to be an easy ship to fly though... and no way mechjeb could ever do it!

It will however be a very cheap ship to run... just like the real thing!


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This was my shot at the shuttle.. Works great, looks good accept for the massive rockomax on the orange tank :(





And no payload at the moment, but it looks pretty hanging on the side of your space station in LKO, 75x75 is pretty much the maximum orbit it gets to.

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  • 4 weeks later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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