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Getting Banned for Stupid Resons


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I once got banned from a Half-Life server called "Welcome to the Jungle". I was with my friend, and my friend is really good at FPS games. After about 3 matches in, the owner said in all his years of playing the game, he never met anyone as good as my friend so he has to assume he is cheating. He banned my friend, and banned me because I was his friend. o.o

Sore losers I guess.

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I got banned from a knife+pistol ranked server in battlefield 2 for, well, killing everyone with a tank. Ranked k+p servers were not allowed under the TOS though, I was only enforcing policy. And my personal hatred of that style of gameplay.

Also from a random tiny Desert Combat Realism server for being too good for the enemy team. That's the problem with tiny servers, very easy for anyone to kick anyone else. Ah well.

But generally, I don't get banned. people usually have good reasons for banning, and people do like to make it sound like they were unduly wronged.

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I got banned from WoW for selling gold. What I'd actually done? Sent all the gold I'd earned legitimately through playing the AH to one of my friends when I quit. Apparently sending roughly two goldcaps worth of gold and then terminating the account looks suspicious or something.

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I got banned from WoW for selling gold. What I'd actually done? Sent all the gold I'd earned legitimately through playing the AH to one of my friends when I quit. Apparently sending roughly two goldcaps worth of gold and then terminating the account looks suspicious or something.

That's what account-duplicators do. They thought you were doing that, but obviously they didn't do a background check.

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I was banned from a messageboard once because on the board's chat I said(I worked at a call center at the time) "I just had a call from this stupid asian woman who couldn't understand that two hours after 11pm thursday night is not 1 am thursday morning." Apparently that was sexist and racist.

Aaaaand, I've been given an infraction for this post about what I was banned for.

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I was once banned for people being scared of history *cough cough sal_vager cough*

As for gaming, this one is the highlight of my gaming career, the day I was globally banned from Day Z:

I was walking around in the northern areas of Chenarus and stumbled upon a fully repaired Mi-8 cargo helicopter, it was out of fuel but I happened to have a gascan and there was a fuel station nearby, so I dumped the can into the tank, refueled at the station as was on my merry way. Above the Old Factory I took a few potshots from bandits that were clearing the place out, I didn't pay much attention to it and kept flying... until they called me out over sidechat: "Come back, we need the target practice!". I thought to myself "You know what, %#$* it.", I did a 180 degree U-turn and charged.

By this time they'd finished loading their SUV (a retardly rare find) and were about to drive away. I rise over the treetops and plow straight into it at over 150 km/h. KABOOM. There were only two survivors... I was one of them, when I hit the top of the SUV I was thrown out of the canopy and over it, I hit a tree at an odd angle and when I hit the ground I was sprinting perpendicular to the debris. When I inspected the burning SUV I found 3 bodies and one unconscious player who was both bleeding and had broken legs, so I dragged him out of the wreck and set him on the road. After a bit of rummaging I'd found a nice pistol on another body and came back to the guy, who was able to see and hear me but do nothing. I held the gun to where I figured his viewing point was.

"Bet you didn't expect that when you oozed out of bed this morning." *BANG*

Five minutes later I was globally banned from the game for a veritable shopping list of reasons

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