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I optimized my load times.


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Well, I use mono



@echo Compiling...

@mono %MONO_OPTIONS% D:\Mono\lib\mono\2.0\gmcs.exe /target:library %* -r:"E:\Games\Building\KSP_win\KSP_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll" -r:"E:\Games\Building\KSP_win\KSP_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll" -o+

Doing something like pug *.cs in a directory that has all your mod sources should compile everything into 1 big dll

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Let me get this straight.

You're packing a GTX 570 and a VelociRaptor with super slow DDR2 RAM and a C2Duo E8400? All of my wat.

I'm also running a 570/VelociRaptor but with a 3570K and 12GB of DDR3. Sub-50-second loadtimes with tons of mods.

Honestly, the C2D has been working great for a while, I just haven't had the heart to upgrade it. And it's normally OCd to 3.6 or so.

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since ksp has come out ive hopped from c2q, to an i5, to an i7 (all with 8gb ram). for the later two i had a gtx 560, and the former had a gtx260 (i think). i really havent noticed much difference in performance across those machines. the gpu is way underutilized by the game. and cpu performance is what matters, specifically single core performance, which frankly hasn't been advancing as fast as it used to.

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An update to this oddity of loading: I poured through my bootup and noticed I had a few extraneous programs running I normally don't. Adobe and Java always seem to reinstall their updater at the beginning.

I'm _really_ not in the mood to test this, but after having disabled Java Updater, Adobe Reader and Flash updater, Steam Client, Spotify, Google Update, iTunes, Kies and Kies et al, Cyberlink, and Logitech Updater, everything seems to be back to normal ~ 3-4m load times.

Based on my recent install history, this is probably either Kies (Samsung's sync software), Cyberlink, or Spotify causing me grief. Everything else has been on here for a while (I'm just normally good about stopping those services\programs running at boot time).

If anyone really wants to know, I'll do some testing to find out what breaks it.

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