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Greetings, fellow Kerbonauts!


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As a long time player and forum lurker, I thought it was about time to say "hello" to you all. I'm impressed by the community of the game and look forward to adding my own voice to these forums.

The name? Not only a reference to the USA's first manned rocket, but also to my Steam user name. Handy, eh?

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Welcome to the forums! :)

We're generally a nice, friendly lot. As long as you don't talk about multiplayer or start a discussion about whether it's better to use an autopilot. Then it seems like the place turns into a madhouse :P Feel free to jump right in to any discussions that interest you, help out anyone who has questions, or even ask a few yourself.

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Thanks for the replies, chaps. I have a habit of clearing out my old saves from time to time, so I have nothing really spectacular to show at the moment. I am working on pseudo-realistic selection of rockets based around the stock parts; these will be used for a couple of fun projects in the future. Here's a little taster:


Feel free to use it as a wallpaper etc.


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