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[0.23.5] Hollow Structures & Hulls (Updated: 2014-04-09)


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  klgraham1013 said:
Getting a "hatch is obstructed" issue on the crew cabin. Did a quick search and didn't see anything. Has anyone else experienced this?

It is an issue which I believed I had fixed. I'm assuming you have the latest download? If so it is possible that I grabbed the wrong .mu file. Ergh.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Firespark said:

ive got a weird texture glitch that only happens to this program. plz help?

Upload the picture to a site where I can view it. And I'll take a look.

In other news the IVA issues caused by the sfr code have not yet been resolved. However I have made major headway in decompiling his .dll into the actual source code. Hopefully this week will finally see a release.

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  Munro said:
Hey Firespark I ran into that texture thing; my problem was a conflict with with the http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-Release-2-15-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs!. Removing it fixed the texture problems.

you could add a HSH.tcfg and edit with notepad++ and add the folowing:

config_enabled = true





compress = false

mipmaps = false

scale = 1

max_size = 0

make_not_readable = true



and put that in the BoulderCo/textureCompressorConfigs/ folder

works fine for me :)

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  Munro said:
Hey Firespark I ran into that texture thing; my problem was a conflict with with the http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-Release-2-15-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs!. Removing it fixed the texture problems.
  mrsinister said:
you could add a HSH.tcfg and edit with notepad++ and add the folowing:

config_enabled = true





compress = false

mipmaps = false

scale = 1

max_size = 0

make_not_readable = true



and put that in the BoulderCo/textureCompressorConfigs/ folder

works fine for me :)

Thanks guys! I was working from the phone and didn't think to manually check the link.

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  TheFunnyOne1125 said:
I couldn't find any windows or "walls" for the hallway parts. Are they under a different category?

It looks like the hallways have the "green nodes" where windows would hook up. I guess i'm missing something.

I used the fuel parts ,I reversed the side ones where the orange tanks are pointing out...and the floors the orange tanks are pointed in ie: you walk on those. or you could put some panels in.

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  TheFunnyOne1125 said:
I couldn't find any windows or "walls" for the hallway parts. Are they under a different category?

It looks like the hallways have the "green nodes" where windows would hook up. I guess i'm missing something.

The fuel tanks or plugs are the only method currently. I'm planning on phasing out those parts, just FYI.

  Seshins said:
These parts fit in perfectly for my E class asteroid station project.

Thanks! Post some screenshots when you're done.

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  Legendary Emu said:
I wonder if there is a way to make this work with TAC or something. Probably would be really hard.

It could be done, but it would require a commitment to self imposed rules by the player. It wouldn't be difficult to make a part set which used the TAC system, but unfortunately while a kerbal is EVA I don't know of a way to cause resources to be consumed in the vessel. Additionally I don't know how you'd tell if they were inside the vessel or just outside nearby.

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Below is an example of the IVA issues experienced when using the sfr module. The only workaround currently available is to have only one sfr using cockpit per vessel and make it the root part of the vessel. (the first part added in the VAB is the root part)

Thanks to likke_A_boss for the pictures:

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I'll fill this out in a bit. This is a pretty big update so I'll be a bit slow on all this.

EDIT: Goat Simulator is preventing any further effort. Let me know about any bugs you find not already listed.


Edited by Alskari
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Big welcome back! Just tried the newest ones quickly, man, you have outdone yourself! :D My hat of, cool to se that you got sfrs plugin to work to =) If youhavnt tried it yet you should try hooligans balloon system, your kebals can walkabout when the savestate is enabled ;9

We can make such great bases with this, and the unity examples you provided are kind to !

Hm no bugs yet here, in the prev versions i got the texture glitches but nothing now :)

Edited by ahappydude
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the workstation 1k and the zelus cockpit lag the game tremendously. I'm getting

[Error]: Actor::updateMassFromShapes: Compute mesh inertia tensor failed for one of the actor's mesh shapes! Please change mesh geometry or supply a tensor manually!

spammed in debug.

Few ideas:

  • I was thinking a way of making custom IVA bridges- would it be possible to have the workstation attach wall be on the bottom of the part? This would solve your root part issue and also allow us design our own bridge rather than relying upon a cockpit.
  • Structural panels for hull plating and extended interior hull sections unbroken by the vertical columns in the cubes. I'm attempting to use B9 hull panels to plate the outside of my ship and the create a large hangar to dock another ship inside my ship (yo dawg). Integrating the b9 panels with your mod is proving to be very very clunky. The biggest want I have is to be able to build rooms out of structural panels and have it still be able to link up to the rest of the mod parts.
  • Symmetry is a bit of a problem but not impossible. Unless I'm thinking of this incorrectly, the only way to attach things symmetrically is through surface attachment- your mod is entirely built for node attachment. The (blunt) way of getting around this is by making sure I have symmetrically surface-attached pieces along the root center line all the way out to the farthest part of hull and then attaching it to those pieces to create symmetry.

Thanks for your had work! This mod adds new life into this game in terms of ship and base design!

Edited by not-a-cylon
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